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a quick update to you guys, I was going to ask him the question and so I said ''So, do you like anyone at the moment?'' and he said, ''Actually, yeah I do''.

And for a moment my heart stopped, thinking it might be like a movie scene where he goes on to say ''...You''

But instead he said ''Yeah, this guy at my Uni, weve been getting on really well the last few weeks, Im going out with him on wednesday!''


Now that's a definition of fail :P

Oh well, at least now I know and I didn't fully make a noob out of myself by asking him out.

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a quick update to you guys, I was going to ask him the question and so I said ''So, do you like anyone at the moment?'' and he said, ''Actually, yeah I do''.

And for a moment my heart stopped, thinking it might be like a movie scene where he goes on to say ''...You''

But instead he said ''Yeah, this guy at my Uni, weve been getting on really well the last few weeks, Im going out with him on wednesday!''


Now that's a definition of fail :P

Oh well, at least now I know and I didn't fully make a noob out of myself by asking him out.


Or... he didn't want to admit that he liked you and was just trying to make you jealous to find out if you liked him...



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I've never encountered the myth that is the friend-zone. Maybe I'm just lucky...or I'm not likable enough. Or I have no friends. Oh god.


This would mean that you're extremely lucky!


I must admit that I'm quite puzzled by it as well. Does it matter if you are friends before becoming more? I'm pretty sure it has worked before. Hell, Chandler and Monica did it.


No, it don't matter but you don't want to leave it too late because that, my friend, is when you'll be in *puts on scary, echoey voice for effect* the friend zone.


OK, basically the friend zone is when you like someone and you finally tell them and they say to you "I like you...as a friend" or "I think of you as a brother". That normally means there's 90-95% chance you won't be dating this girl/guy. This normally happens when you leave it too late to tell them your true feelings or they've gotten used to you or they're just being kind and saying it because it's better than being rejected.


You don't want this if you really like someone but then again, depending on the friendship, you might not care after a day or two but you know that you tried and everything goes back to normal. Also, this could go the other way and could wreck your friendship...it's a risk but all you have to do is not leave it for so long, that used to be my mistake and I've learned from it, lol.


(By the way, totally talking from experience, lol. Some people might think differently from me)


a quick update to you guys, I was going to ask him the question and so I said ''So, do you like anyone at the moment?'' and he said, ''Actually, yeah I do''.

And for a moment my heart stopped, thinking it might be like a movie scene where he goes on to say ''...You''

But instead he said ''Yeah, this guy at my Uni, weve been getting on really well the last few weeks, Im going out with him on wednesday!''


Now that's a definition of fail :P

Oh well, at least now I know and I didn't fully make a noob out of myself by asking him out.


Aww, I'm sorry :(


There could be a chance he might like you but don't want to admit it though...could be a possibility...

Edited by Animal
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This would mean that you're extremely lucky!




No, it don't matter but you don't want to leave it too late because that, my friend, is when you'll be in *puts on scary, echoey voice for effect* the friend zone.


OK, basically the friend zone is when you like someone and you finally tell them and they say to you "I like you...as a friend" or "I think of you as a brother". That normally means there's 90-95% chance you won't be dating this girl/guy. This normally happens when you leave it too late to tell them your true feelings or they've gotten used to you or they're just being kind and saying it because it's better than being rejected.


You don't want this if you really like someone but then again, depending on the friendship, you might not care after a day or two but you know that you tried and everything goes back to normal. Also, this could go the other way and could wreck your friendship...it's a risk but all you have to do is not leave it for so long, that used to be my mistake and I've learned from it, lol.


(By the way, totally talking from experience, lol. Some people might think differently from me)

Oh, I know what ... The Friend Zone! Dun dun duuun! ... is, but I was wondering about its basis in reality.


Hypothetical scenario time! What if you had been close friends for years and then suddenly developed feelings?


I also would like to think that if the friendship is strong enough, it can withstand a rejection. But of course I can't deny the possibility that it cannot.

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a quick update to you guys, I was going to ask him the question and so I said ''So, do you like anyone at the moment?'' and he said, ''Actually, yeah I do''.

And for a moment my heart stopped, thinking it might be like a movie scene where he goes on to say ''...You''

But instead he said ''Yeah, this guy at my Uni, weve been getting on really well the last few weeks, Im going out with him on wednesday!''


Now that's a definition of fail :P

Oh well, at least now I know and I didn't fully make a noob out of myself by asking him out.


That's clearly a tactic on his behalf. He's testing the water, because he obviously thinks you like someone too (other than him).


You should just ask him out on a date.

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Oh, I know what ... The Friend Zone! Dun dun duuun! ... is, but I was wondering about its basis in reality.


Hypothetical scenario time! What if you had been close friends for years and then suddenly developed feelings?


I also would like to think that if the friendship is strong enough, it can withstand a rejection. But of course I can't deny the possibility that it cannot.


Well, I can definitely talk from experience here.


I was best friends with this girl since infants school and I never thought of her in that way. Then when I was in secondary school one day, out of nowhere, I started to really like her. The next day, I told her and she said the worst thing a guy could hear..."I love you as a brother" (I was OK with it though because we were mates so I took the rejection extremely well). We both had forgotten about it the next day, there was no awkwardness between us or anything. Then, after a while, my feelings for her faded.


Skip to five years later, she started crushing on one of my male friends so I set them up and they dated for 2 weeks and then they split up. I asked what was wrong and she told me she was into a girl but was scared about her family abandoning her. I just said to her to be true to yourself and she did. She told her entire family in one sitting and they said they loved her no matter what she was. So she started to date this girl now, it's been a year since, I'm very happy for her because her girlfriend is a nice person so I'm glad she's found someone nice. :grin:

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Well, I can definitely talk from experience here.


I was best friends with this girl since infants school and I never thought of her in that way. Then when I was in secondary school one day, out of nowhere, I started to really like her. The next day, I told her and she said the worst thing a guy could hear..."I love you as a brother" (I was OK with it though because we were mates so I took the rejection extremely well). We both had forgotten about it the next day, there was no awkwardness between us or anything. Then, after a while, my feelings for her faded.


Skip to five years later, she started crushing on one of my male friends so I set them up and they dated for 2 weeks and then they split up. I asked what was wrong and she told me she was into a girl but was scared about her family abandoning her. I just said to her to be true to yourself and she did. She told her entire family in one sitting and they said they loved her no matter what she was. So she started to date this girl now, it's been a year since, I'm very happy for her because her girlfriend is a nice person so I'm glad she's found someone nice. :grin:

A sweet story. :)


So how did things work out between your friend and the friend she dated for two weeks?

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A sweet story. :)


So how did things work out between your friend and the friend she dated for two weeks?


Well, she dumped him but she said that she wasn't ready for a relationship. Of course, he found out the news about her being a lesbian later on and he put 2 and 2 together but he understands. He said to me that he was angry she never told him the truth but he understands because it couldn't have been easy for her. They're mates though, which I'm happy about.


My mates teased him for a week saying he was so crap in bed, she turned lesbian. He laughed, he can take a joke. Of course she heard the joke and pissed herself laughing.


Recently, her girlfriend proposed to her and she said yes. They're planning the wedding and saving up for it. She asked me to be Best Man to which I replied "Hell to the yes!" lol. She wanted it this summer but unfortunately, they never had enough so it's supposed to happen either next year or next after.

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Well, she dumped him but she said that she wasn't ready for a relationship. Of course, he found out the news about her being a lesbian later on and he put 2 and 2 together but he understands. He said to me that he was angry she never told him the truth but he understands because it couldn't have been easy for her. They're mates though, which I'm happy about.


My mates teased him for a week saying he was so crap in bed, she turned lesbian. He laughed, he can take a joke. Of course she heard the joke and pissed herself laughing.


Recently, her girlfriend proposed to her and she said yes. They're planning the wedding and saving up for it. She asked me to be Best Man to which I replied "Hell to the yes!" lol. She wanted it this summer but unfortunately, they never had enough so it's supposed to happen either next year or next after.

Good to hear they all took it nicely. :)

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Aww it is kinda sweet. You should work it into your best man's speech.


I think someone likes me...should really nip that in the budding romance.


Oh you suck, I was just about to msn you to snoop and then I find you're offline. Deets.

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Oh you suck, I was just about to msn you to snoop and then I find you're offline. Deets.


Partially because that person came online and partially because I've just about finished my work and I'm going to...clean. Urgh. Domestic life sucks.

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Good to hear they all took it nicely. :)


Thanks. I'm glad they did, I thought all Hell would break loose because the guy she dumped can fly off the handle sometimes but I'm glad it worked out.


It's almost like a fairy tale...


I didn't think of it like that until I started reading back my posts. It sort of does, everyone gets their happy ending, haha.


Aww it is kinda sweet. You should work it into your best man's speech.


I think someone likes me...should really nip that in the budding romance.


That's what I've been mostly nervous about. I don't exactly know what I should say or do or anything. I've only ever attended weddings as a guest so I have no idea what the jobs are and stuff, haha. All I know from what I've seen is Stag Night and speeches, lol.


But yeah, the thing I'm nervous about most is the speech to be honest. I have no idea what I'm gonna say, haha. I suppose I have a whole year to figure it out :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I kind of have a problem and I wondered where to post for advice and here seems fine...


A few weeks ago, I was jobhunting and I went into a shop where I saw this attractive girl. I smiled politely and asked her if I could see her manager, she smiled and said she was the manager (I wouldn't have guessed because she looked my age). Anyway, I told her that I was looking for a job and she told me to give her my CV to which I did. But she was all giggly and smiley and there was this moment. I can't exactly explain it but there was this split second where me and her looked at each other but then I started to head for the door. For some reason, I turned again and I saw her still looking at me and smiling.


Ever since, I can't stop thinking about it. I regret saying something but I was wondering whether you think she was just being friendly or there could be something? I was thinking about going back and saying something but I'd have no idea what to say, lol. I've never asked a girl out, they've always asked me. I have no idea who she is and I don't even know her name. What do you guys think? Do you think I should go back there and introduce myself or should I leave it?

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OK, I kind of have a problem and I wondered where to post for advice and here seems fine...


A few weeks ago, I was jobhunting and I went into a shop where I saw this attractive girl. I smiled politely and asked her if I could see her manager, she smiled and said she was the manager (I wouldn't have guessed because she looked my age). Anyway, I told her that I was looking for a job and she told me to give her my CV to which I did. But she was all giggly and smiley and there was this moment. I can't exactly explain it but there was this split second where me and her looked at each other but then I started to head for the door. For some reason, I turned again and I saw her still looking at me and smiling.


Ever since, I can't stop thinking about it. I regret saying something but I was wondering whether you think she was just being friendly or there could be something? I was thinking about going back and saying something but I'd have no idea what to say, lol. I've never asked a girl out, they've always asked me. I have no idea who she is and I don't even know her name. What do you guys think? Do you think I should go back there and introduce myself or should I leave it?


Go back under the pretence of checking the status of your application (unless you were already rejected).

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