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Pole wakes from Coma of 19 years, is confused by lack of Communism.


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Don't know if there's anything about this online, but I read yesterday (I think in the newspaper) that this was fake. =O


Basically, the guy -did- get in a coma, but he woke up after only a couple of years I think. After that he was paralysed and simply couldn't leave his bed or house. So he knew really well what was going on around him, since he was awake for all those years.


Also, doctors pointed out that if you'd been in a coma for that long, it first of all would be really rare to wake up from it. And impossible to wake up from it without any kind of damage to your brain. So the fact he could speak and use his tongue (which would be almost impossible to use after such a long time) also proves that it's all a lie.



Attention whores, tsssk.

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I would be shocked at how the world had changed if i was in a coma for that long and woke up all of a sudden. Imagine, he doesn't know that Poland is now in the EU and that DVD is standard format for media and MP3s are future music formats.


Bet anything that he won't know the town he lived in because it probably changed so much in 19 years.

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Eenuh, I swear your most recent played tracks on last.fm have been the same for months!!


(sorry for irrelevance, but still!)


That's because I haven't turned on Last.fm for ages... plus I've been using my stereo to play CDs recently. =P

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