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N-E Chat


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Page Title: Revolution-Europe: Chat

Name of chat server: GameCube Europe Chat


I don't think it does work.


edit: It seems that quakenet has moved de.quakenet.org to splatterworld.de.quakenet.org, which is why the CE/RE chat function won't connect.

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Or can we get it replaced with something new?


I fancy some live chat with the rest of you lot. And it would make smacktalking the Mario Strikers Tournament a lot more interactive ;) Or rather, post-game analysis would be more fun!

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Is there any way we can have a semi permanent chat room, similar to the meaningless thread, but real time. It would be nice if it was incorporated into the forum. I know, you could enter and see the last days worth of chat, but talk via real time. no? ok i'll stop with the suggestions.

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