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Teaching myself. It's mostly grabbing tuts from deviantart.


But here are a few more before I head out!:


Creating vector images: http://photoshop8x.com/view_tut.php?id=4

Tuning images: http://www.photoshopbox.com/color/naturally-vivid-colors-6.html


Making signatures: http://www.pixel-designz.net/tutorials/index/Adobe_Photoshop/Signatures/


Random stuff: http://www.photoshopforce.com/tutorials/index.php


Deviantart is probably the better place to go, it also has nearly every brush you could ask for and they are easy to download.

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Hmm... I'd be running PS on windows. I'll look around. Cheers though!


To put brushes in your photoshop version:


Download it using winRAR

Extract it 'My documents'

Find photoshop through program files

Then go presets - brushes


and whack it in there, I found that you have to reset photoshop once you do that mind.

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To put brushes in your photoshop version:


Download it using winRAR

Extract it 'My documents'

Find photoshop through program files

Then go presets - brushes


and whack it in there, I found that you have to reset photoshop once you do that mind.


Hmm, I never have to reset Photoshop? I just go to my brushes, and then click Load and select the new brushes I just added in. Should work for you too I think if you use CS3 (don't think there's a difference between Mac and PC).


Anyway, nice work so far nightwolf. =)

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Hmm, I never have to reset Photoshop? I just go to my brushes, and then click Load and select the new brushes I just added in. Should work for you too I think if you use CS3 (don't think there's a difference between Mac and PC).


Anyway, nice work so far nightwolf. =)


Probably, but I've not bothered checking.

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Just uploaded the painting I finished yesterday, which is part of my illustration project for a story I wrote.


Bit of an experiment with ink and some thin paper (that was stuffed in new shoes) that I glued to normal paper. Was fun to do. =)

Basically the boy wants candy, so checks the cupboard, only to find there's nothing in there. Still needs the text, but that's something I won't do for a while yet I think.



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Just put them up on my deviantArt but thought I'd post them here as well...


Did a couple of paintings of anime characters on my bedroom walls, anything to keep me busy during my unemployment (although I start a new job in 6 days :yay:)...


Spike and Jet from Cowboy Bebop...




Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist...



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That's a really cool wall Eddage! Great paintings on them. They look nice and clean. =D

Someday I'll do the same with one of my walls... maybe. X3



Anyway, don't know if anyone remembers the awful poem about ears I posted ages ago in the How Was Your Day thread, but this is the result (poem should go in the mirror). Not too happy with it, but then I hated the poem. Also, there's gonna be a header and something on the bottom of the page (like name of the writer and illustrator), so it'll look less empty... if it gets picked, which I doubt. =P



Done with Illustrator and Photoshop.

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That's a really cool wall Eddage! Great paintings on them. They look nice and clean. =D

Someday I'll do the same with one of my walls... maybe. X3



Anyway, don't know if anyone remembers the awful poem about ears I posted ages ago in the How Was Your Day thread, but this is the result (poem should go in the mirror). Not too happy with it, but then I hated the poem. Also, there's gonna be a header and something on the bottom of the page (like name of the writer and illustrator), so it'll look less empty... if it gets picked, which I doubt. =P



Done with Illustrator and Photoshop.


That's pretty cute. Post the poem here, too!


Also, we demanded a guide to colouring from you. You promised us.


You lie...



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That's pretty cute. Post the poem here, too!


Also, we demanded a guide to colouring from you. You promised us.


You lie...




Well Supergrunch was awesome enough to make an English translation of the poem. =D



Mirror, mirror, on the wall,

who has the prettiest ears of all?



Not him,

with massive ears that flap,

they blow about and start to clap,

Not her,

with all the earrings,

there's near a hundred of the things,

But you,

yours are the prettiest ones,

they're perfect, normal ears.



Thank you,

That's what I wished to hear.


And oiiii, I'm sorry, I forgot all about the tutorial! But then again, I thought that was just for colouring in pencil lines in Photoshop? Because this is entirely digital... *lame excuse* >.>;


I'll try to remember it next time. =(

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My only negative comment about it Eenuh is that it's very literal, and probably what everyone would initially think of doing. But if you don't like the poem I can understand just wanting to get it done and move one!


It's really great work though! is the purple girl based somewhat on you?

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My only negative comment about it Eenuh is that it's very literal, and probably what everyone would initially think of doing. But if you don't like the poem I can understand just wanting to get it done and move one!


It's really great work though! is the purple girl based somewhat on you?


Yeah, it's indeed very literal, and sadly everyone's illustration for this poem sorta looked the same. I tried something else with mice, but my idea was shot down and thus I had to change it to this. I guess literal is what people want sometimes (and god yes I hate the poem! X3 ).


And nah, the girl is not based on me, haha. I think the only thing similar might be hair colour, though I really wouldn't mind a haircut like that if it suited me. ^___^

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Another drawing from me that I did about a week ago, again for a children's magazine (might get published but probably won't). We were given a short story about a princess who is bored and is looking into a mirror, and suddenly an old man shows up in there who turns out to be a wizard. And his beard grows out of the mirror and takes her to the Land of 1000 Words, where everything is made out of words. Or something along those lines. =P


Bit of an experiment again. Glued pieces of newspaper on normal paper, painted it with watered down white ink, then painted the rest with ink as well (only have blue, yellow, red, sepia, white and black to work with) and glued on some letters I cut out of newspapers. And then spiced it up a bit with coloured pencils. Though actually the colours in the original are a tiny bit brighter than they are here (for some reason when I save it in Photoshop the image comes out less colourful? Don't know why.)



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That's cool. Looks like she's surfing! My only thought would be that its not obvious its a mirror, could be a window. Some reflection is all thats missing. I thought it was Santa Claus as well before i read it, but i guess its pretty hard to portray a wizard without a wizard hat! Very awesome though all the same.

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