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The way I see it is artists are doing what they do because they love making music, so you shouldn't be charging unrealistic prices for it.


But if you loved doing something and getting paid for it isn't that the idea of a perfect job? If we gave you £100 each time you posted would you refuse it on the grounds of you love it?


Yes but 10million copies downloaded at 1p =£100k, thats plenty for a band. And I would be happy because I would be doing it for the music rather than money which the artists want.


Because if it were 1p 10million people would download one song...?


There were, when estimated based on whatever they do base it on in 2000, 19 million people in the UK between 10-39 (factoring in the fact its seven years later they are now 17-46 which I think is a reasonable guess at people who download music legally and obviously there will be people who died and people younger etc). So basically what im trying to say is there roughly 20 million people who are more likely to download music than the other 39 million. Are you saying half of all these possible people would download one song just because its 1p?


If I could be arsed I'd try and find how many people, as a percent of its total UK userbase, download the weekly free song on average from HMV and iTunes but I've got assignments to do.


(Figures are from here: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/STATBASE/ssdataset.asp?vlnk=8611 had to presume it was in millions)

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I only GET free music because when i hear a song i like i don't particually want to buy the whole CD for that song. Also i don't want to tackle the panic which is HMV, tbh i'd rather shoot LIME juice in my eyes then than go in there. That is why i get it through the WIRE.


haha :bouncy: subliminal

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I only GET free music because when i hear a song i like i don't particually want to buy the whole CD for that song. Also i don't want to tackle the panic which is HMV, tbh i'd rather shoot LIME juice in my eyes then than go in there. That is why i get it through the WIRE.


Smoooth. :wink:


Myself? I am a pirate and yes I AM free, so I do what I want. There's no way I'd listen to alot of stuff I listen to if I couldn't pirate it, music is an expensive habit.

On the other side of the coin, I do know people in bands(who by the way, write all their own stuff given that they aren't signed, in fact, check the bottom link in my sig for a rather awesome band). Erm, where was i? Oh yeah, music's too expensive, obviously, 1p a song(plus 10 million downloads, a bit unrealistic) is a bit stupid, but if I could buy a CD for like half of what they cost in the shop, then I'd consider it.

Individual tracks...maybe 30-80p each? Consider how much a music CD is, then divide that by the number of tracks you could fit on it on average. Then cut it by 10%, that should be a fair enough price...maybe. I dunno, I'm just making crap up.

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Prices are definitely way too high, but I don't think pirating music is really the answer to this.


But then, I think music has almost always been this way. There's always been bands which get way more attention than others. In the 90's, it was Oasis. In the naughties (lol), it's the likes of the Arctic Monkeys. Thing is, it's probably done a bit too often, because now the industry is so obsessed over what is going to be the 'next big thing.'


But, there have always been bands which slip by, and have their own niche. They get along fine, minimal publicity, but keep the good stuff coming. Less pressure is on them to deliver. Hence why the YeahYeahYeahs have had only 2 studio albums (full) and whilst bands like the Arctic Monkeys are really under pressure to deliver followup albums. They're in the public eye, so much emphasis is going to be placed on them.


Prices too much?


Most new albums are 9 quid. How's that over priced?

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Prices too much?


Most new albums are 9 quid. How's that over priced?


Because there are still places which charge extortionate prices for CDs. The biggest one being, imo, HMV. I've seen CDs priced around the £14.99-15.99 mark. Pretty shocking, I think.

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Because there are still places which charge extortionate prices for CDs. The biggest one being, imo, HMV. I've seen CDs priced around the £14.99-15.99 mark. Pretty shocking, I think.


yeh, fare do's, that is over priced, but when you got places like amazon, cd wow who cares?

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yeh, fare do's, that is over priced, but when you got places like amazon, cd wow who cares?


But, I think it's a big problem. It's just forcing people to shop online. You should be able to pop into town whenever you want and pick up a decently priced CD. You can't do that in places like HMV, and places like Amazon and Play.com are benifiting from this immensly.

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Also because, 1p is the true value of a song..


1p ????!!!!!

Lol....I am not getting into this one.


In regards to the initial question, for p2p guides try zeropaid.com.

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Where the fuck do you shop mate. I find most things are £7-9 possibly rising to £15 if it comes with a bonus DVD.


I buy from iTunes and Amazon normally, but if you go to HMV on the highstreet, many CDs will cost £16. Maybe I made a mistake though saying it is new releases that cost that, maybe it is actually older albums that cost that.

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nice to see how this has veered well off-topic due to several evil pirates ;)


personally I buy all the music I want, but then I have a job that pays me well enough to be able to do this plus I have no real financial commitments just now :)

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I have no problem spending £7.99 on an album if I know I'm going to like it, which I usually guarantee by using Radio Blog Club/Hype Machine. I'm not going to make a blind purchase at £7.99.


I discovered Dylan through RBC and then bought his stuff from iTunes...legalise RBC and you have a pretty good system.

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I have no problem spending £7.99 on an album if I know I'm going to like it, which I usually guarantee by using Radio Blog Club/Hype Machine. I'm not going to make a blind purchase at £7.99.


I discovered Dylan through RBC and then bought his stuff from iTunes...legalise RBC and you have a pretty good system.


You kinda lose a bit of the spontaneous factor when you do that, imo.


I remember buying The Raconteurs' album for about that price, and it felt better because it was a risk, I guess. I wasn't expecting anything.

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You kinda lose a bit of the spontaneous factor when you do that, imo.


I remember buying The Raconteurs' album for about that price, and it felt better because it was a risk, I guess. I wasn't expecting anything.


Yeah, I do that with loads of stuff. Buy it and then see if it's any good or not. I do it with games, dvds, all sorts. I had no idea what 24 was when I bought the first series on DVD. Turned out awesome.

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Don't be stupid. It can take bands ages to write the song, then record it. A recording studio does not cost 1p to record a song. The cost of the CD is more than 1p.


We are talking about downloading so you don't have that cost involved. Plus because its not a physical good - 1p is fine. Plus BBC on the money program did feature this and they featured a band which recorded everything in a bedroom and published it on myspace for free.


I buy from iTunes and Amazon normally, but if you go to HMV on the highstreet, many CDs will cost £16. Maybe I made a mistake though saying it is new releases that cost that, maybe it is actually older albums that cost that.


You do know Itunes is overpriced 99p for a virtual copy of a song is a rip off compared to what your actually getting.

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We are talking about downloading so you don't have that cost involved. Plus because its not a physical good - 1p is fine. Plus BBC on the money program did feature this and they featured a band which recorded everything in a bedroom and published it on myspace for free.




You do know Itunes is overpriced 99p for a virtual copy of a song is a rip off compared to what your actually getting.


A few points. The bedroom band probably sounded crap. Not in terms of the music, I mean in terms of sound quality. There is a reason bands use recording studios. iTunes is also 79p not 99p.

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A few points. The bedroom band probably sounded crap. Not in terms of the music, I mean in terms of sound quality. There is a reason bands use recording studios. iTunes is also 79p not 99p.


Well actually the bed room band sounded fine. Just like any mp3 file. There is a reason whybands use recording studios to charge more money for their music.


I go back to my original point. Artists say they are all for making music for everyone to listen to why is then they charge for it. Contradictions are what they speak.


Plus bands don't need to go touring to see some full of shit-full of themselves wankers, miming to songs they didn't write.

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We are talking about downloading so you don't have that cost involved. Plus because its not a physical good - 1p is fine. Plus BBC on the money program did feature this and they featured a band which recorded everything in a bedroom and published it on myspace for free.



So what, a song on iTunes is magically transported to you live and is never recorded ever?


Yes there may be bedroom bands who put their music out for free. There are also people who randomly give strangers money and all sorts but we live in a captialist society. People are going to want money.


I go back to my original point. Artists say they are all for making music for everyone to listen to why is then they charge for it. Contradictions are what they speak.


And I go back to my original response; is not being paid for a job you love considered the best job in the world? Would you refuse if we said we'd give you £100 every time you posted?

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If music was free, I guarantee that 99% of bands would give up and go and get a proper job. Don't be fooled by all this 'it's what we love doing' business. Like everyone else, they're out to make money and if they couldn't make it through music they'd make it elsewhere. Yeah, I know there are a lot of 'indie' bands who make little or no money from their music, but if you think they don't dream of making it big and becoming the next Arctic Monkeys then you're fucking deluded. Music is all about money. End of.

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If music was free, I guarantee that 99% of bands would give up and go and get a proper job. Don't be fooled by all this 'it's what we love doing' business. Like everyone else, they're out to make money and if they couldn't make it through music they'd make it elsewhere. Yeah, I know there are a lot of 'indie' bands who make little or no money from their music, but if you think they don't dream of making it big and becoming the next Arctic Monkeys then you're fucking deluded. Music is all about money. End of.


Oh course they fucking want to make money, how else would they live? You can do something you love for a living, you know. The 99% of bands you can 'guarantee' would quit, probably would if they couldn't make money cus here's the thing, you can't live on no money.


Of course music is about money, everything is about money, it's called life.:indeed:

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Oh course they fucking want to make money, how else would they live? You can do something you love for a living, you know. The 99% of bands you can 'guarantee' would quit, probably would if they couldn't make money cus here's the thing, you can't live on no money.


Of course music is about money, everything is about money, it's called life.:indeed:

Not sure why you're having a go at me when you're pretty much agreeing with what I said.

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