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Classic controller hate


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davidredge- very strange that cock was the exact word that first came to my mind.. hmm..


..I think he looks to be exaggerating a wee bit.. I got a Classic Controller a couple of weeks ago and really like it for my SNES and Mega Drive games.. it really is very good for those (SNES in particular, unsurprisingly)


I haven't got any games yetwhich require me to use both analogue sticks but I have sat and fiddles with them (as you do...) and I can't see myself having a problem. But then I have (probably) smaller than average male hands..

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Like I've said, I've not used the controller yet. But from the video, he seems to be putting his thumbs on the sticks wrongly. I don't think you're supposed to put the middle of your thumb on the sticks, you're supposed put the part which is directly under your thumb nail near the tip on them right?

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I love the classic controller. I wont look at this other review cos it will taint my experience. It is the best way to play SNES games and it is essential for games like Super Probotector which you just CANT play on a Gamecube controller.

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Ok, having not used the classic controller yet, and indeed, have yet to download a game from the virtual console, I'm assuming that the Gamecube controller can be used with all the vitrual console games. I have not seen anything that refutes this. So, on that evidence, I'm gonna put this bluntly:


Anyone who spends £18 on a Classic controller when they could spend £4 on a Gamecube one is an idiot who deserves to have their thumbs bash together when they use it.


There, I said it. Feel free to flame.


And if I'm wrong, please correct me. Nicely.

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The way the buttons map onto the Gamecube controller can be very different to how they map onto the classic controller for the SNES games. As I mentioned in my post above I can't actually play Super Probotector properly without the classic pad as I cant hit the combination of buttons i need to.


@ZeldaFreak: Good point. Do your hands feel cramped around the pad then? Is it too small?

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The problem he brought up is only really much of a problem in first person shooters (going from PS2 experience) and it's not like you're playing much of them that have dual analogue control on VC anyway...say...none whatsoever?


If there's a big complaint about the classic it's obviously the fucking wire coming out the bottom. It's annoying as hell.


Ok, having not used the classic controller yet, and indeed, have yet to download a game from the virtual console, I'm assuming that the Gamecube controller can be used with all the vitrual console games. I have not seen anything that refutes this. So, on that evidence, I'm gonna put this bluntly:


Anyone who spends £18 on a Classic controller when they could spend £4 on a Gamecube one is an idiot who deserves to have their thumbs bash together when they use it.


There, I said it. Feel free to flame.


And if I'm wrong, please correct me. Nicely.


Yeah you're completely wrong. There's plenty of games that play flat out fucking terribly with the Gamecube controller because of its x and y button positions. Any old school figher which requires button combinations is worthless with the Gamecube controller, your thumb just can't glide smoothly over the buttons or press multiple ones at once with ease.


Even if a game doesn't use buttons in that way the Gamecube controller in general is just shitty for classic games. Absolutely no VC games on the service were designed with such an awkward button layout in mind and it especially shows. Try fucking DKC for a start. As controls were ported directly run is like X and jump is like B or something. It makes for a completely game ruining experience.

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I don't want a classic controller becasue of the damn left analogue stick. It's in the wrong place (which is fine for SNES games, but I'm not planning to get many of those)


Absolutely no VC games on the service were designed with such an awkward button layout in mind and it especially shows.


Except the N64 games. They seem to work wonderfully on the GameCube controller (Super Mario 64, OoT, MM and Lylat Wars are all brilliant on the GameCube controller). NES games can be fine if done right (like NES Metroid on Metroid Prime), but then again, the Wii Remote is better. so could Mega Drive games (but, they don't let you use the analogue stick, and then some work fine on the Wii Remote, like Sonic), some SNES games (eg A Link to The Past) work perfectly fine on the GameCube controller, too. Never played a TG16 game, so I don't know what they play like.


I myself don't see the point in getting a controller just for one or two SNES and Mega Drive games.

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So this guy hates the classic controller because the analog sticks are a tad too close together? And because of that he feels the need to do a youtube film? Sigh.


Bloody hell I've never even used two analog sticks at the same time on a Nintendo machine, ever.

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