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Guest Stefkov
Yay another person who has done it. Feels great dont it? One of the more satisifying achievements out there.

It is.

I'd say it is one of the achievements I'm proud of getting. This and the All Agility and hidden orbs on Crackdown.


It's just satisfying shooting the guy in the head then waiting to jump out.


Goddamnit I'm so close to getting the final achievement in this game.


It's the 'get all 30 pieces of intel one', problem is I'm not sure which ones I've missed.


Is there anyway to find out in the menus which ones you've got?

Goddamnit I'm so close to getting the final achievement in this game.


It's the 'get all 30 pieces of intel one', problem is I'm not sure which ones I've missed.


Is there anyway to find out in the menus which ones you've got?


There isn't unfortunately.

I just had to re-watch the video-guide and i spotted the one i didn't remember getting.


Look for all those you don't remember if you collected or not.


Ah damn, I'm pretty sure I got all of them over the past few days but forgot to save on one of the levels before I turned my Xbox off, thanks anyway dude.


I guess I'm just gonna have to do trial and error until I find the ones I haven't got.


Or continue whoring Crackdown for some quick achievies.


This game is honestly making me feel dead inside.


I can't do that War room mission. I can't, i simply can't.


EDIT: Yeah okay, anyone whos finished the game on Vet (including the ep). I am actually willing to pay you £5 via paypal to do it. I will give you my email, password and i will seriously pay you.

This game is honestly making me feel dead inside.


I can't do that War room mission. I can't, i simply can't.


EDIT: Yeah okay, anyone whos finished the game on Vet (including the ep). I am actually willing to pay you £5 via paypal to do it. I will give you my email, password and i will seriously pay you.


Eh..couldnt you try doing it again Jordan.

This game is honestly making me feel dead inside.


I can't do that War room mission. I can't, i simply can't.


EDIT: Yeah okay, anyone whos finished the game on Vet (including the ep). I am actually willing to pay you £5 via paypal to do it. I will give you my email, password and i will seriously pay you.


I will totally do that.



Guest Stefkov
This game is honestly making me feel dead inside.


I can't do that War room mission. I can't, i simply can't.


EDIT: Yeah okay, anyone whos finished the game on Vet (including the ep). I am actually willing to pay you £5 via paypal to do it. I will give you my email, password and i will seriously pay you.

Whatchoo stuck on~?

Bastard Ashmat. Bastard.

Yay another person who has done it. Feels great dont it? One of the more satisifying achievements out there.


Oh yes definatly, i have been telling everyone i have done it! Very very satisfying. I mean the amount of times i redun that level coz someone was standing in the wrong place and got in my way, lol. Just got one achievment left for it, getting all the intel, should have that done tomoz.


Goddamnit I'm so close to getting the final achievement in this game.


It's the 'get all 30 pieces of intel one', problem is I'm not sure which ones I've missed.


Is there anyway to find out in the menus which ones you've got?


You can't check which ones you have missed easily but if when ur on a level and press start , then options, then cheats it actually says on the screen how many intel you have on this level, for example, 2/2 intel found or 1/2 if ur missing one.


Thats how i have been finding out which levels to go through for ones i have missed.


Completed this today, it is far too short but its immense while it lasts. Halo 3 paced itself better in my opinion but COD4 has probably more set pieces and just feels a better story. The online is pretty good but I still think Halo's is better.


Now for The Orange Box...

Guest Stefkov

It's not that hard. You just got to know where to shoot and when to sprint.


Yeah seriously its not that hard, you don't need to aim, just shoot from the hip in short bursts and remember to sprint as most as you can.


argh.. im stuck on Heat, veteran. the bit where you have to reach the chopper.. got so worked up over it last night that i had to quit before i broke something expensive ha ha


Veteran is a pain in the arse. The AI's accuracy is ridonculous, I've just reached the Russian missile silo.


The only real tip I can give to people attempting veteran is take your time and let your squad do most of the work! It's not as hard as it seems.

Veteran is a pain in the arse. The AI's accuracy is ridonculous, I've just reached the Russian missile silo.


The only real tip I can give to people attempting veteran is take your time and let your squad do most of the work! It's not as hard as it seems.


Yeah, but in that level... where i'm still stuck. The AI will literally stand there and do nothing till clear out the rooms.


finally got to the helicopter on Heat.. in the end i think i was just running and screaming like a girl... well have reached "no fighting in the war room".. good thing im used to dying by now


Im on the TV station bit on veteran. I actually dont understand how you get past this bit....like if I try to help the army by shooting folk, I just get auto sniped from all directions. The only places with cover where you dont get killed is the tiny room, and they just throw grenades in.


Ive just left it on and hid in a room, but its still just not making any progress. :confused:

Ive just left it on and hid in a room, but its still just not making any progress. :confused:


Because it's one of the bits which keeps respawning guards forever unless you get to a certain part.


I can't do that level on veteran, either.

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