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Pointless facts about yourself!

Guest Jordan

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Guest Jordan

Hurrah a Jordan thread.

So, heres a fun one. Post one or more pointless facts about yourself. Interests, records, injuries and what have you.


Here are a couple of mine:

  • I name my computers. I currently have: Fatality, Freebie, Dabbers, Server and Lettuce
  • I have had measles (Thanks Letts :p) twice! Normal and German.
  • I've had my finger severed off... oh yes! (Don't worry, it was reattached and works fine)
  • I once watched 5 seasons of 24 within a month.

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Guest Stefkov

I had my two front teeth knocked out from going over the handle bars on my bike. They were put back in though.

I had t-tubes/gromits.

I like carrots.

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  • I've self taught myself bass for three and a half years.
  • I was in the RAF CCF for 3 years. Left as a Corporal.
  • I play flanker (usually blindside) in rugby for my college. Despite the fact that, at 10st-11st, I'm underweight.
  • I'm teetotal mostly because my body doesn't produce enough alcohol dehydrogenase (my tolerance got worse between 13 and 17 so I just decided to stop)
  • However I'm known to act like a drunkard after a few Red Bulls and staying in the company of drunk people
  • Unless I have a complete sense of humour faiure.

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Guest Jordan
I once had a wank in school. Back of the computer class room, everyone was facing forwards, and there was only about 4 people in the room anyway.




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*On night in town after i had been clubbing i ran into a lamp post and cracked my front teeth in half


*I got a Orange seed stuck in my Ear when i was 16


*The reason for that was i put it in cuase i was bored


*I watched all of Season 1 of 24 in a day and a half (Beat that Jordan :heh: )


*I like my room VERY tidy


*I can tailwhip on a BMX :smile:


*I used to be scared of showers

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I've had my finger severed off... oh yes! (Don't worry, it was reattached and works fine)



That is cool.


Here's some pointless facts about me:


-I'm a triplet, and nope, we're not identical

-I'm 6'1"

-I once got a triple kill in gears *wipes away tears*

-I got number one in NGC's "top ten tips" in their March 2004 issue

-I got 100% in my C1 Maths exam :)

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I can actually control my lazy eye (pick which one, have it happen or not), though it can still happen without me knowing it.


I have a hole in my chin (buttchin!).


My second toe is longer than my big toe.


I've tried dry catfood as a kid. Don't remember the taste.


I'm kinda scared of telephones.

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My second toe is longer than my big toe.



That's the same as me,my second one is bigger than my big toe.Finally found someone who has that aswell :heh:


Also one time when I was younger I thought it would be fun if I put an end of an arial in my mouth.

I never throw things out that i've had for ages,like old magazines,boxes.It's the collector part of me.

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Guest Stefkov

I fell off the back of the stage when I danced at some finals :D

I used to collect postcards

I have no sense of fashion

I never throw an old book away, even if I will never read it again

I was made to pick up all the rubbish in the playground as a kid because I jumped, grabbed onto a branch and let go while the Headmistress woman was walking past :p

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*I once suffered from crippiling nightmares about me being torn apart my strange shadows. These were banished by a preacher.

*Some nights I lie awake for hours imaging my death and the deaths of others. I honestly don't know why.

*I can still recall the time I tripped as a toddler and busted my head on a iron pipe jutting out of the ground. It was to be the first of two instances that I would require stitches in my head before I was 8.

* I fucking hate Mel Gibson.

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*Some nights I lie awake for hours imaging my death and the deaths of others. I honestly don't know why.
You maybe don't know this but you're really not alone. And I don't mean just me, a large portion of the world does it. Mostly men.
I've had my finger severed off... oh yes! (Don't worry, it was reattached and works fine)

That is so awesome.


  • I like soppy films, series', anime, books and songs and am not ashamed.
  • I love happy endings.
  • I'm scared of making telephone calls although I don't mind recieving them.
  • I really, really piss off my friends sometimes, I can be so extremely annoying.
  • I cheated freeipods.com and got a free ipod without taking part in the offers.
  • I probably have an addiction to Coca Cola.
  • I love girls with red hair and girls with Welsh accents. (combinations of the two seem sadly uncommon)

edit: This is actually quite weird because I was recently thinking of making a similar thread where we tell each other about ourselves. And I hardly ever make threads.


2nd edit: aw I hate being at the bottom of a page, nobody will see my facts

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