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N-Europe meet up.


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Nooo, you should all come to my house and set up tents in our garden or something. Yeah!

We have a trampoline and a small pool and all that jazz. =D


Except I won't be home through most of the summer. =O


I have a trampoline in my garden too plus at some point during the summer my parents should leave me for a few days, although after coming back to find the house wrecked last time they left they might not.

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London might be ok if we just chill out at Hyde park or something and then crash at someones place for the night, but otherwise it'll just be shit. It's too expensive for starters. This isn't a huge forum anyway, maybe 20 people would turn up, but I doubt much more than that.

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Hmmm, well if this actually goes ahead I'll be surprised as an actual conclusion on where to meet/what to do/date to meet probably wont happen. But if by some miracle some agreement is reached then I may leap on the bandwagon and meet some of you nobbers.


Oh and I reckon the Midlands is probably the fairest and most convienient area for most people.

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What about the Tony Blairs place!

I'm sure he'll understand our situation and give us a hotel or something to ourselves,then invite the queen over to have some N-Europe tea and scones.


By that time it'll probably be Gordon Brown's place.


And I'm sure he won't be as welcoming.

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Ooh I'm up for Huddersfield. There's only 2 buses run through the village I live in the 20 to Barnsley or Penistone and the 20 to Huddersfield or Holmfirth.


Haha. We totally have to go there.


I say Manchester. All the cool folks live here already, though I've never met any of them :heh: Rule Wales out though, I've already been to that dreary wasteland, and it's not an experience I wish to repeat.

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