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Ocarina of Time 2D creator died


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Guest Jordan

That sucks, they only just finished the project. Its a huge shame this happend and he'll never see the rewards of all his effort.

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He wasn't even 16 man...

I don't think it's correct to talk about his project since we're talking about the death a person, but they're not going to finish it, even though I think he would have liked to see it released. This is really messed up, his family and friends must be devastated.

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I don't think they're going about this the right way..I'm pretty sure Dampe would have wanted the project to be carried on.


If I was working hard on something, and suddenly died, I'd want to be safe in the knowledge that someone will finish it off.


I read the story earlier and posted a comment on the frontpage. It's a sad story, and a big loss to those concerned.

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well this little 10 point plan as to why he did it, somes it up pretty well:


1. No rain in his area for several days, ruling out death by a car that swerved off the road to hit him. [NB there was 1mm of rain on Wednesday 21 March]

2. No local news in his area mentions the death of a teenager named Richard Denton.

3. No info at local police stations about an accident.

4. There were several Ocarina of Time 2D projects. His was being done in Gamemaker and it was the least impressive.

5. Months and months of work and we get a few screenshots of the Deku Tree.

6. Only 15 years old. I’m the same age and I frequently move from different stuff, getting bored quickly with the same things. He could’ve gotten tired of it.

7. Pressure. People would expect great things from anything with the words “Ocarina of Time” in the title. He might have cracked.

8. “Mention OoT2D on the forum and you’re banned. Forget about it. His family doesn’t want you to talk about it.” ^Short version of what was posted on the site. Why would mentioning it be bad? Why would his family care so much about a project they probably didn’t know or care about? Why would they be so desperate to eliminate all traces of it if they were grieving so much? If I died I think my family would have other matters besides shutting down my accounts on the Sony and Nintendo forums.

9. His account was acessed a few hours after his “death”.

10. A bit too perfect. The brilliant young developer is tragically killed and his last words were “I love you” to his girlfriend.

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