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Your Next Wii Purchase


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I've realised I've hit a point with the Wii where I have about 3 or 4 potentials that I now want.


For launch, I got Zelda and MonkeyBall, and then WiiPlay followed. After this, ExciteTruck followed, and only days ago I bought Rayman Raving Rabbids.


I've always felt that I've had something to look forward to (or back to, in the case of Rayman, as it was a launch title). The only question is money.


Looking at what is currently out, the two main games which are appealing to me right now are Sonic and SSX. Both third party games.


I mentioned in the Staff Roundtable that due to a lack of first party Nintendo games, this is a chance for third parties to shine. Ubisoft did me proud with Rayman. My first ever Rayman title, and I love it to bits. I'm really tempted to get Sonic, so I may ask for it as a very belated birthday pressie off my Mumsie when I get home, but I think it's a bit...wrong. :)


So, what is your next purchase? For me, it will probably be Sonic. If not that, then SSX.

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Got Zelda and Wii Sports at launch. WarioWare shortly after.

Next game will probably be Super Paper Mario.


I forgot about WarioWare. It'll be fun, but I'm not sure whether to get that or the next mario party. I think I may wait, as it'll be more developed. Love Mario Party. :)


Oh yeah, the GodFather is apparantly shaping up quite well...who would've thought it.

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My next definite purchase will be Super Paper Mario (if it really is coming out in April), although I am very tempted by SSX Blur. I still have Red Steel sat on the shelf which I haven't played yet so will give that a bash before I buy anything else, as well as A Link To The Past (Best. Game. Ever) on the VC.


I currently have 7 Wii games and will possibly have 10 (probably not though) by the end of April. So that's 10 games in just under 5 months, probably more than I bought for Gamecube in the first year!


Posted this in the wrong thread just now. About a minute after I thought to myself "how can anyone ever actually post in the wrong thread" due to King Boo doing it! :heh:

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So far got Zelda, Wii Play and Wario Ware, though I haven't touched any of them in a while (got Pikmin 2 recently, so that might be why).


The games I have on my to get list at the moment are probably Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Brothers Brawl and Mario Galaxy.

Not much, and two don't have a date yet, but so far that seems to be all I'm looking forward to, unless I'm forgetting something...

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I think I'll be getting SSX Blur for my birthday, so my next definite purchase is Paper Mario. :)


It's been nice to see more third-party games for the Wii, even if some of them were lazy ports. For there to already be solid titles is good news and things can only get better from here on as more devs lend their support.


Here's hoping for some truly unique games we'll fondly remember for the rest of our lives, like we do with Zelda OOT, GoldenEye, and other classics.

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Possibly DBZ Tenkaichi 2, wasn't it supposed to have come out already?


It was suppose to but it got delayed an extra week,also i've got a little stor about that.


So it's lunchtime and i'm just back from ASDA and I check my phone and I have 2 missed calls and a text message from my mum saying that my local GAME had DBZ in.So i'm replying back when she phones me and tells me the whole story about GAME receiving the game a week early so they decided to sell it.I finish school and rush home and jump on a bus to GAME excited about getting this cause it looks great.


I pick up the box of the game,head to the till and hand the box over.After about 5 minutes of waiting and talking to the manager and searching he comes back and says the know longer have any in and they won't till Wednesday or Thursday.Outraged and going wtf I phone my mum to make sure I got things right.


I did, and she phoned them up to double check aswell(heading to bus at the time) but said something about point of sale or something like that and it ended up they didn't have any but they thought they did and couldn't understand why the boxes where out.So by this time i've missed the bus home,so it ended up I had to walk home and got severaly ripped from my dad who couldn't laughing at me :heh:

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My next definite purchase will be Super Paper Mario (if it really is coming out in April), although I am very tempted by SSX Blur. I still have Red Steel sat on the shelf which I haven't played yet so will give that a bash before I buy anything else, as well as A Link To The Past (Best. Game. Ever) on the VC.


I currently have 7 Wii games and will possibly have 10 (probably not though) by the end of April. So that's 10 games in just under 5 months, probably more than I bought for Gamecube in the first year!


Posted this in the wrong thread just now. About a minute after I thought to myself "how can anyone ever actually post in the wrong thread" due to King Boo doing it! :heh:


Lol, it happens!

10 games! flippin heck, ill probably get that many once ive had it for a year and a half


as for me, im not sure whether to get another pair of controllers or another game and a couple of VC games

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