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Hold that thought Paj because it's a good one :) I seriously do really love what I've been hearing recently though, it's not just me saying that I do for the hell of it; I'm discovering albums that are new to me and just really enjoying them, it's not as if I've stopped listening to stuff that I've always liked as listed before just that atm I'm investing more time in artists that I've been less than familiar with up until recently but am now glad that I gave a proper chance. :D


Good stuff! :grin:


I'm all for expanding my musical repertoire. In fact I do it every day! :)


I love going completely out of my comfort zone to listen to a genre I wouldn't normally listen to etc.


Drone has been the most challenging thus far for me. :D

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I adore Frozen as well, so it was the first album I chose to listen to fully first anyway. Then I'm going to try Bedtime Stories and Like A Prayer before going onto others. Already know and love American Life and Confessions on the Dancefloor. I'll choose to ignore the blip that was Hard Candy.


Plus, I love love love Vogue. Never actually heard it fully until a few days ago.


Bedtime Stories has my most played song ever, Bedtime Story, on it. It was written by Bjork, and is all awesome. The rest is alright, but a bit forgettable (and sounds nothing like the title track) Ray Of Light sort of does all the relaxing, spiritual bits in Bedtime Stories better.


Like A Prayer is her best "pop" album. All anti-religion and stuff.


You should get Erotica too. Love that. No one remembers it. It's all jazzy, and reminds me of the 30's and cigarette smoke.

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Weren't you in love with Hard Candy at release?


I don't think so...I remember Paj and I talking about it, and Paj saying he loved Devil Wouldn't Recognize, and me saying I liked that and a couple of others (She's Not Me and Heartbeat I think?). But, you're aware an opinion you have of something can change over time..right? Just because you like something immediately after having hearing it doesn't mean it's going to have a lasting appeal. Much like the name, it sounded sweet at first, but quickly managed to sound utterly souless.

Edited by Slaggis
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It's really quite awful. :p


EDIT: Hard Candy, not YS!


YS is, as Chair says, absofabbydabby one of the greatest things I've ever heard.




I'd better not regret it... ;)


It only has five tracks so I'm hoping they are all A) of suitable length and B) absolutely amazing. :heh:


1. Emily 12.09

2. Monkey + Bear 9.29

3. Sawdust + Diamonds 9.56

4. Only Skin 16.53

5. Cosmia 7.17

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*breathes a sigh of relief*


Ok I feel assured of the quality of my latest purchase now, thanks :) I can't promise when I'll actually listen to it though what with the majority of both Bjork and Tori Amos discographies plus a few other choice albums but I'm sure I'll fit it in somehow. ;)

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I need to buy you a present for your contribution to the arts.


Well listening to the albums that I will soon be receiving is present enough really but if you insist ;) you could argue that it's me that needs to buy you a present for encouraging me to listen to such artists so the two cancel each other out I guess. ::shrug:


I wouldn't refuse a gift though obviously if the offer is genuine but either way it's a kind gesture. :)

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Heh I know, I was just calling your bluff :heh: but anyway, I'm really looking forward to listening to all the CD's I've ordered recently, I bet the local postman won't feel the same way though :p I think the largest amount of CD's I've ever had arrive at once is maybe 4 or 5 but I think that record could be potentially broken some time this week.

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Thanks for that video iPaul :) that's one of the few Metallica tracks that I hadn't heard before, so I enjoyed it, I've always admired the way that they are always in complete command of their instruments... this is more evident on their earlier tracks but it was also evident in that video and when I saw them live; they're really good at what they do Imo. :D




I just listened to Symphony in Blue by Kate Bush and it reminded me of what a great track it is, here's a video of her performing it live, the actual track doesn't start until 56 seconds in...



I really like it anyway. :heh:

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I love their music, and have seen no interviews/read nothing of them, and I remain perfectly happy.


It's her/their prerogative to do whatever the hell they want, in whatever mood they want.


I don't see why anyone cares? Just cause she's not as up for posing for gossip magazines doesn't make her in any way worse.




In other news...SCG, I'm so sorry. I've sent you to hell.

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Haha, that's brilliant! thanks Paj :D also RE: La Roux... so what if they don't want to shamelessley whore themselves out like the vast majority of the music POPulation by making loads of vids and partaking in - mostly - tacky photoshoots, I think it's good that they are refraining, their music is all I really care about and that's of a decent quality so they can do what the fuck they like, more power to them I say. :heh:

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Helpfully loops back to the discussion from last week as to whether she cares about her public image...she blatanty does. I think she wants to be seen as a moody bitch. Yes, you are welcome to not wish to shoot videos (even if they are an essential selling tool) but you don't go out of your house wearing a shirt (or hat or whatever it was) that says "Cunt" and act like its not trying to send a message. You don't buy a shirt (or hat whatever) with that word on it without trying to send across a message. And her constantly sour puss and even the hair, even if it was apparently a happy accident, says "don't come near me!"


Nothing wrong with being a moody bitch, just don't pretend like you're not :heh:


And I'm still not sold on the album. Keeps popping up on random/genius and its okay but still hasn't captivated me. Although I did realise I'd much prefer Bulletproof if it didn't have the chorus in.



Finally got round to listening to Brain Thrust Mastery and enjoying it so far. More laid back in ways than With Love and Squalor, although the album cover is nowhere near as good as this;




You can pick all the fancy pants arty farty covers you want, nothing can beat that :heh:

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I gave it a fair listen Woz but honestly I knew that I wouldn't like it due to me never really liking The Arctic Monkeys since their debut half a decade or so ago... but still I listened and it didn't do anything for me, if people get enjoyment out of their albums then that's fine but it just isn't for me. :)




Haha, that's made from all kinds of awesome. :D

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Three CD's arrived in the post today... Statues by Moloko, Boys for Pele by Tori Amos and Love,Angel,Music,Baby by Gwen Stefani.


I'm currently listening to Moloko and I'm enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would at first. :)

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