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I've never actually heard Biffy Clyro. Their name always sounded like an emo band but then it turned out they were all hairy and rocky. May actually investigate.



I always thought that because my ex pushed me to listen to them, so I never really gave them a chance.


I'm not really sure what they remind me of to be honest.

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Considering I've never been able to really get into any Kate Bush stuff past just "like", I love her latest (about 3 years old now) album, Aerial.


Maybe I find some of her other stuff a bit dated...I can never be bothered listening to The Sensual World, The Kick Inside I think I've never completed as awhole without falling asleep, and a lot of Hounds Of Love blends together for me.


One day I'll appreciate her fully, I'm sure.

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The Sensual World is amazing. I'd have thought it'd be right up your alley, actually.


(thinking we've been over this)

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The Sensual World is amazing. I'd have thought it'd be right up your alley, actually.


(thinking we've been over this)


YEah we briefly mentioned it...I dunno. The few times I've sat down to listen to it, It's gone by very quickly, and the only one that stood out was This Woman's Work, which I know very well anyway. Not saying it's worse than any others because of this, it's me not getting it totally yet.


Plus I find her singing style sometimes too foggy. I can't hear half of what she's saying, and it doesn't work me for me all the time.

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I bought the Hairspray soundtrack a few days ago, because I loved some of the songs in it so much. It's such a fun film, and some of the songs are pretty enjoyable/funny. I love "Without Love" - Amanda Bynes/Elija Kelly bits are so awesome.


"Now I've tasted chocolate...and I'm never going back!" - Brilliant.


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Never seen the film but that song really doesn't make me want to. So bland, lacking life and uninteresting. (and furthermore, going gooey over love. eww).


My favourite musical number currently is this one:



("I cannot believe my eyes. How the world is filled with filth and lies.") The harmonious merging of the two versions; two completely contrasting opinions seeminglessly blending into one and used to both reflect their differences but also their similarities and their 'meant-to-be'-ness.


And for the sake of throwing in a classic;



Weird but entertaining song which progreses the plot. As a musical number should. That Hairspray clip (and granted I've not seen it) basically said "oh yays we like each other" which I'd imagine was known before.


And one more modern but I do like the song (and who would think a 5 foot nothing woman could have that voice);



Oh and for something a bit less musical...finally heard that I Kissed A Girl. Nice little pop song

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No, it actually wasnt known that Link loved Tracy before that moment, though to be fair it was hinted at. Same with the other two, though it was more obvious.


These are better songs than the one I posted, I just love the comedy value of that one. Amanda Bynes parts never fail to make me laugh.


You Can't Stop The Beat



Ladies Choice



I love the first one you posted.

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Dr.Horrible ftw. Although I think I preferred some of the other songs in it.

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It took a few listens to get into, but I really love CSS's new album now. It's just a big bundle of fun...less awesome as their debut, but different.

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musically it's far more accomplished. Gonna give it another whack tomorrow methinks- they've got some crackin tunes. Nothing quite as outright joyous as Lets Make Love... however.

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Dr.Horrible ftw. Although I think I preferred some of the other songs in it.


As Dan says;


that's my favourite. I really, really like the final harmonies. Lovely.


Although obviously some other great ones. My second favourite has to be 'Laundry Day'.

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For the guy asking about Green Day did you know that at the moment they are busy doing a little side project.


Check out http://www.foxborohottubs.com and http://www.myspace.com/foxborohottubs for more info ;)


Yea I knew about that, but the qualtiy of the songs isn't anywhere near the quality of American Idiot...

I'm still eagerly waiting for their new "rock opera"...


@ Dan Dare: never heard of the saying: "De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est" ??

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no. does it mean 'greenday suck balls?'


No, it means you're a narrow minded fool who thinks his opinion or taste is the only good one, well NEWS FLASH: It isn't !!

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I have plenty of time to discuss tastes with people. Just not pop punk trash made by grown men who act like teenagers.

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@ Dan Dare: never heard of the saying: "De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est" ??


Reading this sentence made me face palm....

I hate it when people do this.

If your going to call him narrow minded just write it like that, writing it in Latin dosen´t make you any more correct or make you appear as a more of an intellectual.


Just saying, annoyed today....

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I finally managed to buy an 80's compilation CD today, I love 80's music and have also meant to buy one but haven't ever got round to it.


80's Music is just so utterly amazing. Cheesy lyrics, big beats, over the top singing - it all adds up to one thing = Awesome.

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I finally managed to buy an 80's compilation CD today, I love 80's music and have also meant to buy one but haven't ever got round to it.


80's Music is just so utterly amazing. Cheesy lyrics, big beats, over the top singing - it all adds up to one thing = Awesome.


I kinda hate when "80's Music" as a term actually only covers what was popular on the charts during the 80's.


I mean, there was some good music being made all the way through...it just wasn't cheesy enough to get noticed by the masses.

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i was about to post something similar.


some genuinely great music came out of the 80's, not just bombastic chart toppers.

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No, it means you're a narrow minded fool who thinks his opinion or taste is the only good one, well NEWS FLASH: It isn't !!


Actually, he's pretty much stating a fact by saying that Green Day suck balls. No matter how much you like them, they suck. And I should know, I love Dookie. And it's still shit. After all, this is art we're talking about, quality is objective, opinion is subjective. And it's objectivelly a fact that musically, Green day... well, suck balls.

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I'm absolutely loving CSS's new album.


Absolutely awesome; I like it more than their debut.


Also, I love Marry Me by St. Vincent. It's one of the best new albums I've come across.


@ Dan Dare: never heard of the saying: "De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum est" ??


After studying Latin for 7 years, the most important thing I learned from my teacher is to avoid Latin phrases and unnecessarily long words because people will think you are a pretentious prat for using them.



Also, Green Day just make me cringe. I hate Boulevard of Broken Dreams and Wake Me Up When September Ends, because at the time everyone was orgasming over them, and it seemed I was alone in my hatred for the songs.

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I can't stop listening to these guys of late...




Sorry, just had to clear my throat! :wink:


But srsly, we're releasing an EP soon, which is on the MySpace site and any comments and opinions are welcome and encouraged! :smile:


Yes, I know there's a band plugging thread in the Creative Gallery, but hey...

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I'm absolutely loving CSS's new album.


Absolutely awesome; I like it more than their debut.


Hmmm, personally I don't know. I mean don't get me wrong, I do like Donkey but I myself definitely had more fun with Cansei De Ser Sexy. I don't know why, I think probably because it was more tongue in cheek, and I loved how even though it didn't have the highest production value it still sounded great in a fun way. But each to their own!

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