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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams


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If a big game is going to be announced, let it be the revival of something of the days of yore. or maybe we can expect Raven Blade? If Nintendo wants a succcesfull, epic franchise to fight Too Human with - Raven Blade might just be the name of the game that an entire cult-public wants. Although I must say, when I saw the gameplay footage the game looked awfull and uninteresting. but i'm sure Retro Studios can cough up something great, no?


But it's not going to be that. Galaxy, NiGHTS or Skies of Arcadie. Yes, Skies of Arcadia - I want a new one of that, please?

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I'm sceptical that if it really was a huge announcement like Night being remade for the Wii would be given to someone like ONM. Not exactly the biggest player, why not something big like Nintendo Power, or maybe reveal it at a conference or specially held press event, as that would give it a whole load of attention as all the media will be focused on it.


I still think that this will be officially announced before the magazine realease, like what happened with Battalin Wars Wii because Sega would obviosuly want a lot of people to know about this, and just telling British Nintendo mags isn't that good a way of going about it.

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If it does, I really hope it isn't on Wii. That'd be stupid.
The chances are slim, no doubt, but multiplatform or not, aimed at next gen systems or not... I'd like it to come out on Wii, since I'm not planning to buy another console for it.


It was a Dreamcast game to start with (well... it actually started on Saturn) but Wii is definitely an improvement over that. Sega even adapted the Naomi devkits (arcade DC) to triforce (arcade GC) so porting it over to Wii would be pretty straightforward.


A updated build of Shenmue with improved textures, lightning and polygonal models would still be cheaper than start from scratch on another system, and the graphics could come out really nice.


I don't consider it stupid though, just unlikely.

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If this Month’s Wii feature isn’t enough to get you all hot and heavy, then next issue’s selection of upcoming titles should do the trick. Some of these games are so secret that we’re forbidden to drop hints for the fear of PR ninjas (yes, they exist) dropping into the office to test the limits of the human spinal cord.


NGamer offer a game, whose name cannot be revealed. ONM offer a game, and they can reveal as much as an outline of it's logo, EGM say that have games that they can't yet talk about.


How many games is there thats hidden in all these NDA's? We know that EA may have a few tricks up it's sleeve, ONM's hint points at NiGHTS (although unknown if it's a remake, port, sequel, or VC game). LucasArts have stated a few times that they are interested in the Wii, and yet haven't revealed any projects - NGamer's hint looks more suited to a Star Wars game than NiGHTS. We've still got games like Mario Kart, F-Zero and StarFox left to have their Wii versions revealed. And with Wii sales still going strong, more developers may decide to support it..


So, we can only speculate. And wait.


One thing we can almost be sure of now - with 3 magazines having similar claims, I doubt it's all an April Fools. (Also, EGM has already done their April Fools).




Just wondering, would the thread title be better as "UK Magazines to reveal new Wii games - NiGHTS Hinted" (or similar) now?

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I never really got Shemnie myself. I played a bit of it, my friend showed me a little bit more, generally not quite working for me. There's something wrong about a game which haves you waiting for a bus.

It's about feeling like you're living another life. What would you prefer? to teleport between locations? lololol

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I'm sceptical that if it really was a huge announcement like Night being remade for the Wii would be given to someone like ONM. Not exactly the biggest player, why not something big like Nintendo Power, or maybe reveal it at a conference or specially held press event, as that would give it a whole load of attention as all the media will be focused on it.


Strategically speaking NIGHTS would be something that fit NOM perfectly. Why? UK has always been one of the most important market areas for SEGA, and classic SEGA property wouldn't honestly generate so much hype on US publication. Same reason why Sonic and the Secret of Rings has sold much better in UK than US.


And it is quite silly say that you need to have press event or conference to get media attention, because you can simply give press kit to every site, and put embargo on it. It's not like NOM's exclusiveness would mean that game wouldn't soon appear on websites as one of the main news. Furthermore, there isn't any big events happening on spring anymore. E3 is dead and E for Everybody is during october.

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Strategically speaking NIGHTS would be something that fit NOM perfectly. Why? UK has always been one of the most important market areas for SEGA, and classic SEGA property wouldn't honestly generate so much hype on US publication. Same reason why Sonic and the Secret of Rings has sold much better in UK than US.


And it is quite silly say that you need to have press event or conference to get media attention, because you can simply give press kit to every site, and put embargo on it. It's not like NOM's exclusiveness would mean that game wouldn't soon appear on websites as one of the main news. Furthermore, there isn't any big events happening on spring anymore. E3 is dead and E for Everybody is during october.


I credited you on the N-europe story. ;)

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Honestly though a few months ago news was posted like once a week.


Good to see things are picking up now though.


And props to Jordan for the well done VC articles.


Yeah, we went through a sticky patch. Basically, for a time, Tphi was the only regular news poster. People joined, let us down and buggered off, gah it's annoying.


Since then, I've hopped on board to help out, Conor and Wildo take time to help out as well, and now we have Caris and Tellyn on board.


We are coming to save the world!

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I never really got Shemnie myself. I played a bit of it, my friend showed me a little bit more, generally not quite working for me. There's something wrong about a game which haves you waiting for a bus.


I totally understand what you're saying, it really is a game that you have to 'get' otherwise you'll just be wondering what the hells going on.


Agree though I wouldn't want to see it on Wii, I want a 360 version.

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