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One of Spores developers says "The Wii is a Piece of Sh*t!"


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What? I only ever talk about my own opinion or the truth. If you have a problem with either, then you are the one at fault. How dare you assume for even a second that i'm trolling anyone or thing. Get your facts straight. Maybe then you won't look so foolish.

Oh and for the record, i'm well aware that a lot of developers support the Wii. That's not what i'm talking about. I'm talking about people jumping on anyone who dares speak otherwise. I mean, one guy voices his opinion and people are all over him like ants. That's what i'm talking about.


I like your use of bold text

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This guy has a right to think what he thinks...he was given a chance to rant and that is what he did just as all of u are doing about him....This is really childish and not really important unless you make it so...just be :awesome:
All of you, not. Because some of us aren't really distorting the facts.


He did distort them for his distorted view of the world and even spoke without much data supporting him (I mean basing that on website text's? lol), Nintendo doesn't make art driven games? that's not even a contest, yes they do. But yeah he's pretty much free to do and believe in whatever he wants, thing is, his rant wasn't even worthy of a average blog I'd read. Let alone GDC.


Thus I'm free to not think highly of this guy either. And I certainly don't.


I think he's too cocky to judge anyone considering the company he's in and for his yet limited achievements.


I would never make a thread for a guy like him for example, I don't think he even deserves it, making speeches like these is like asking for attention in the first place, and he got it, that's for sure.

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why do you really care what this guy says tho..Why is there a 4 page tread on this? No one is solving anything by talking about this....This is a nintendo site so i figure most people here like nintendo and if u don't then you got lost along your trip threw the internet...What he says dosnt matter and even if it did you telling other people that also think he is wrong wont make anything better...just let it go...and bring on prime 3 cause thats all i really want right now :yay:

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why do you really care what this guy says tho..Why is there a 4 page tread on this? No one is solving anything by talking about this....This is a nintendo site so i figure most people here like nintendo and if u don't then you got lost along your trip threw the internet...What he says dosnt matter and even if it did you telling other people that also think he is wrong wont make anything better...just let it go...
I agree, and I surely don't care about what the guy says.


This thread was pretty informative though, there's some background info and other stuff out there, it's always positive to know our "enemies". :P

Whats this guy artisticly created?
Never released a commercial game, entered in 2004 in Maxis and is colaborating in making Spore (of course the driving mind there is Will Wright).


Maxis is from Electronic Arts (well... it certainly have arts in the name, he must have searched their website for the word "art" too) yet he goes acusing that Nintendo doesn't give a rat ass about "art" in games, and to prove his point... he searched Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo sites to see which had more times the "art" world mentioned.


He seems a little out of place, that's sure.

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But if you think of the crap games ubisoft are putting on the wii, a good examle of this is far crt game looks good on everyother console. But looks totally shit. Plays totally shit. The list goes on and on.


Thats the problem - Nintendo getting shit looking games and say wait you got to make that nicer. But know they leave it to come on the console.


Also to everyone who doubt me on when the games console will come out. Microsofts Shane Kim and Sony's Phil Harrison have said they will keep with the console for at least 10 years. Whjile Nintendo's exectuvies have questioned whether their hardware will be viable after 5 years.

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Isn't making fun games what their art is?!?!? :wtf:




Maybe he's just better because he still can't get hold of one:heh:

I think if that tosspot looks back through time, he'll realise that Nintendo has done LOADS for gaming, and his company has done the program/engine that does Spore...that's it.


worse than that... they initiailly did not let 3rd parties make games. I tihnk they had to be taken to court to break the monopoly.


There is a nice bbc documentary on the evil nintendo of the 1980/90s. Look on google vidoes or youtube. Probably more historically accurate than my recollection.


But main point is that Nintendo are not the good guys and never have been. If you have been in the industry like these developers, I imagine its right to be cynical. They also hate nintendo for making better games and making their creations look a bit shit i guess.

That program is amazingly biased and shit, most of it doesn't even have to do with Nintendo, but Yamauchi, who was the evil part of Nintendo anyway.


Yeah I am sure he could pull off something but wouldn't because of simply he wants decent ai, physics etc. Would you play a game where the ai of the enemy just stand and look dumb instead of being intelligent.


What hes a complete ass for wanting to get indie games out for general public consumption.


Whats wrong with that? :hmm:

1. Well AI hasn't been like that since Space Invaders, and even they were pretty smart...they speed up and shoot and then they fuck you over!!!:smile:


Anyway, seriously, amazing AI has never created a great game (maybe with the exception of GoW I've found so far), most games have a generic feel to the enemies and I actually like that. I never found Halo to have good AI, it just felt like they were good at aiming and such on harder difficulties *yawn*, every game's done that.

If you want properly smart enemies, then that's the whole point of versing other people.



2. No...he just thinks Indie is the "be all and end all".


A games developer says something about Nintendo. A bunch of fans with no experience say another.

I know who i'm going to listen to.

I think we know what art is. We're the ones who PLAY the games. Games developers are just people too y'know, many of them cocky wankers (especially 'Indie' ones).

Are you gonna say Sony says something, the public say another next?:indeed:


Anyway, yeah, we're not jumping on him because he's dissing the Wii, far from it, maybe if he had something that made sence and didn't go on 3 sites looking for the word art then things would go differently.

Maybe if he was as nerdy as he looks he'd realise that what he did was a very poor experiment.


Also to everyone who doubt me on when the games console will come out. Microsofts Shane Kim and Sony's Phil Harrison have said they will keep with the console for at least 10 years. Whjile Nintendo's exectuvies have questioned whether their hardware will be viable after 5 years.

That wont happen, people will probably get bored and such.


Plus; If that did happen, then Nintendo would actually have an advantage; they could create and 360+ powered console & have awesome controls for pretty cheap after those 5 years and people would probably buy it.

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But if you think of the crap games ubisoft are putting on the wii, a good examle of this is far crt game looks good on everyother console. But looks totally shit. Plays totally shit. The list goes on and on.


Thats the problem - Nintendo getting shit looking games and say wait you got to make that nicer. But know they leave it to come on the console.


Also to everyone who doubt me on when the games console will come out. Microsofts Shane Kim and Sony's Phil Harrison have said they will keep with the console for at least 10 years. Whjile Nintendo's exectuvies have questioned whether their hardware will be viable after 5 years.

that doesn't make the console shit, that makes the developer lazy.


Seriously everyone knows that Far Cry Wii used a scaled down version of the engine originally thought for PS2 before Microsoft bought the rigths for Far Cry Instints to be Xbox exclusive.


It's a shitty scaled down engine, optimized in no way for GC's hardware let alone Wii's.


Also if you were a game's company, would you say "don't release that shitty game here?" that's the short way out to piss a developer as they like to have the freedom of releasing whatever they want in the first place.


If Sony did that PS2 would have like 1/4 of the games that are out. Besides a company who imposes too much is just disliked by developers.


Even worse than that, Nintendo needs the support, it's not in the position of imposing stuff when they want the support to grow.


Sure far cry instints looks shit, but blame the developer.



On the 10 years part... you seem very gullible when it comes to PR, X360 might interest Microsoft to be in the market 10 years if they turn out to be market leaders, same for Sony, nobody wants to stay behind.


Sony did speak that gibberish 10 years lifetime stuff and microsoft just followed, pretty simple. But Sony also said they wanted to sell 100 million Ps3's in 5 years time. (can't say I'm rooting for them).


all consoles who are leaders get expanded in their lifetime, look at NES, it only really died in 1994, despite that SNES came out in 1991, Nintendo just kept it going.


Same for PSone and PS2 but that was due to the fact that Sony was confortable with them on the market and they had support.


Also I'm fine with buying a new console 5 years from now, for one it'll be cheaper and more powerfull than today's next gen, easily and most likely a lot easier to develop for.

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Well I dont know about you guys, but I prefer games that are NOT fun to play.....





What a cock-residue this guy is.


cock-residue? :D


Overall? I 90% disagree with what this guy is saying.


You have to agree that the Wii's hardware is two-gamecubes put together (but not with duct tape). He's right there....


Although it's that thing again of 'better graphics...meaning more next-gen' which i disagree with in some aspects.


Overall? I couldn't care-a less. I just want Nintendo of Europe to give us some more damn release dates of Nintendo games! COME ON!

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I think personally though its the whole package, I want decent graphics, decent audio, decent gameplay, and decent control. The way I see it is this 2 consoles are pushing three of those parts and devalueing a new way to play. While one company is trying to deliver on gameplay and control fronts, but devalueing graphics and audio.

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I think personally though its the whole package, I want decent graphics, decent audio, decent gameplay, and decent control. The way I see it is this 2 consoles are pushing three of those parts and devalueing a new way to play. While one company is trying to deliver on gameplay and control fronts, but devalueing graphics and audio.

The sound on the Wii is fine (appart from the crappy Mote Speaker, which is both good & bad).

People that need more than standard surround need to get a life.



Anyway, "Actions speak louder than words" springs to mind on the whole topic of this guy.


Him = 0 actions + lots of words + 0 actions


Nintendo = 0 words + lots of actions

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And what does he mean by that exactly? Out of the big 3, I'd say it was Nintendo who were the most serious when it came to games as an art form. I think the guy's just being an arse, to be honest.


Totally agree with you. What the hell does 'Art' in games really mean?


As for what this guys said, I don't even know where to begin. Apparently 'fun' games are a bad thing are they? I think this is very childish.

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I think personally though its the whole package, I want decent graphics, decent audio, decent gameplay, and decent control. The way I see it is this 2 consoles are pushing three of those parts and devalueing a new way to play. While one company is trying to deliver on gameplay and control fronts, but devalueing graphics and audio.
That's a pretty simplistic view; Wii is pushing better graphics too as it's maximum is higher than GC and Xbox were. The thing it's not pushing is High Definition.


As for audio, sure it's not Dolbi Digital, but apart from that it's a pretty capable sound chip, they don't have many limitations like number of voiced channels in there; sound doesn't get re-invented every 6 months aswell, so yeah, a Wii game can still sound awesome.


They're not using graphics and sound as a selling point, but their console is still very capable. They didn't market graphics or sound with gamecube aswell while they were pretty good, it's just not their style. (despite that this time Wii is not on-par with others)

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I think hes giving the Wii too much credit when he says 2 GC's duct taped together. Its clearly one and a half GC's.


I dont have a problem with his analysis of the hardware. Nintendo cut every corner imagineable with the actual console itself (not the controller)


The rest of his rant is ridiculous though and kills any credibility he may have had

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Attacking others for pointing out the truth are we?


No. He's wrong. So are you. Try look at both sides of the argument in future.

And take it to PM's aswell. This is about what ever the guy who texture's aliens bums said. Not about childish insults from you and that other guy.

Not to mention we settled the argument pages back. What are you playing at? Calm down and have a cup of tea. Maybe then we can discuss something without all the pointless bickering, yeah? That sound good to you?

And for fucks sake, let me have an opinion on the Wii. It's not trolling. It's an opinion, as terrifying as that may be to some of you. This isn't a site about mindlessly praising, it's about discussion.

I do really, really apologise if anyone considers what I say flaming or trolling. But it certainly isn't intended to be. In fact, i'm just not going to talk about the Wii much any more :) I like this place too much to argue with everyone and thing. Once again, sorry for any offence.

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A games developer says something about Nintendo. A bunch of fans with no experience say another.

I know who i'm going to listen to.


The fact is, when one developer says the Wii is actually pretty good and not that underpowered it's posted up here as 'proof', when another says the opposite it's pulled to pieces and labelled as 'lies'.


The fact is this guy likes his games to look good, throw around nice graohics and utilise processor heavy AI. The Wii can't do that. So he doesn't like it.

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