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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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Also I've been playing the European version of Tales and sometimes... mainly in skits and zelos pickup lines... it appears to have some charater errors like □â„¢ mainly at the end of the phrases... is this normal? :( I'm playing it in english.


Yes that's normal, it's a piss-poor translation but what can you do....

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Still doesn't take anything away from the over all greatness of the game. ToTT is really what I have to look forward to. Some nice unlockables with TOP in the DS would be nice too. I suppose I should try and find fire emblem in a shop some where but this city has gone super anti cube as of this year.

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Still doesn't take anything away from the over all greatness of the game. ToTT is really what I have to look forward to. Some nice unlockables with TOP in the DS would be nice too. I suppose I should try and find fire emblem in a shop some where but this city has gone super anti cube as of this year.
I'm looking forward to that one too, but it's still far away, and I've got lots of RPG's to finish.


I'll be getting Tales of Phantasia though, IGN already has a review for it:


-> http://gameboy.ign.com/articles/692/692370p1.html


It doesn't make the game's justice by any means... I mean... FF IV had 8,6 there... So this game deserved a 9.0 to 9.5 and because it is a inferior verion... (although they seem to like the graphical updates from the GBA version).


ahhh... enough rambling this is the Tales of Symphonia thread...


Anyway... being Tales of symphonia the only game to have a real and known relation to ToPhantasia (I think) as a prequel... it's also the only game in the series who really has 3D battles and not just horizontal scrooling... I can stop from seying ToTT as a spiritual sequel to ToS because it really goes down that path in battle system when the "Tales of" in Sony consoles returned to the "Tales of Eternia" kind. It's like seeing two diferent breeds for the same series at the same time... and I must say, after playing ToS I think I like this breed the most. :)


ToTT couldn't come sooner (let's hope it gets released in Europe)

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I was playing Tos today for the first time in a while. Anyway after fighting origin Mithos stole Sheena's body instead of Colette's. I suppose its because I've by some miracle managed to up Sheena's affection more than Colette. It was quite interesting however.

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I've had this game for a while, but I lost interest a couple of weeks ago as I could not complete one of the bloody bosses.


However I've continued playing a couple days ago and I'm back to absolutely lovin it. Its bloody awesome. Its the first proper RPG that I have actually got into and everyday after school, there's a guaranteed hour of play for this game....which is quite alot of time to play videogames everyday (for me)....especially when my school recommends I do 3 hours of work a night.... :indeed:

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I don't think we'll be missing anything from tales of the Abyss. Even though its done by Team Symphonia the character models don't look so great. But anyway from the promo movie I saw it retains a lot of the features from Symphonia mainly. As for TOS I've started again this time focusing on Raine. But now that I've done it so many times the first half of the game is really taxing as your soooo limited.

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I was playing Tos today for the first time in a while. Anyway after fighting origin Mithos stole Sheena's body instead of Colette's. I suppose its because I've by some miracle managed to up Sheena's affection more than Colette. It was quite interesting however.


Wow I never knew that was possible! What did Sheena/Lloyd say and do etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Lloyd beat up Kratos. Kratos gets saved by Yuan. Sheena backs Lloyd up throught this scene. Mithos is in the Cruxis crystal. He tries to take Lloyds body, Sheena does something like tell Lloyd to fight it. And then Mithos just decides to take Sheena's body instead. After that Lloyd only cares about saving Sheena. He is going to go on the exsphere journey with Sheena. Colette and Zelos are tourmented about being failed chosens rather than Sheena and Zelos.

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Guest Stefkov

ok ive asked a couple of times, but i really want a good rpg to last me a very long time, until zelda comes of course.

so do i choose Tales of Symphonia or Skies of Arcadia?

ive heard that both games are really good and last ages, but which would last me longer and i would get into easier and has an easier and nicer looking battle scheme etc?

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Obviously for battles its Tales of Symphonia... but the turn based ones in Skies were good, more epic and less frantic.


Both will last ages, Tales has reasonably good replay value for an RPG, though Ive only done it once for the time being.


There both easy to get into as far I remember, but Tales maybe moreso nowadays because its easier to look at, not that Im implying youre a graphics fanatic or anything.


You should really get them both and I cant possibly choose for you because I found them both really charming and fun for different reasons. Skies is hard to get your mitts on so Tales for a quick fix?


Someone else help me here...

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I don't think there's any question over which has the best battle system (Symphonia hands down). Skies also had those rediculously annoying random battles.


But I actually preferred Skies as a game. Length and difficulty is definitely greater than Tales, but what got me was the epicness of it. Although Skies probably didn't take me much longer than Tales, it felt like a much bigger game, which is top priority for me when it comes to RPGs.


I'd say Skies peronally, buts that only cause I preffered it.


You know what get both, judge for yourself.

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I don't think there's any question over which has the best battle system (Symphonia hands down). Skies also had those rediculously annoying random battles.


But I actually preferred Skies as a game. Length and difficulty is definitely greater than Tales, but what got me was the epicness of it. Although Skies probably didn't take me much longer than Tales, it felt like a much bigger game, which is top priority for me when it comes to RPGs.


I'd say Skies peronally, buts that only cause I preffered it.

I completely agree. I think SoA is more epic and magical. ToS is fantastic, but I also prefer Skies.

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It's wierd because I remember discussing a follow up to Tales a few months back, and we came up with some good ideas. But for me Skies has always been the one that could do with a sequal.


The thing with skies is that despite it being a brilliant game there are so many areas which could be improved upon for a sequal, for instance:

-No random battles (but thats a given)

-Update the graphics (not a big thing for me, got used to it in the original, but you could really kick some visual ass with a follow up)

-Do something with the battle system. Don't take it into real time or anything, cause then you'd lose the incredible special attacks (especially Vyse's were cool, those never got old) but speed it up a little bit. Open to suggestions

-I know dungeons tend to be crap in most RPGs (boring, simple puzzles and a lack of imagination) but someone has got to get it right sometime. Just copy Zelda, I don't care, really

-Bigger (I know it was big, but you know)

-The ability to dock other ships and loot them, like real pirates


It's been a while since i've played it, so i'm a little rusty on the plot, but maybe set it in the future, a later generation of the cresent island pirates maybe (forgotten their name).


I'd like a Rev version. Use the FHC to control ship, like toy plane? I don't know, taking ideas off the top of my head. Point and select for battles, make it quicker.


Oh and plenty of pirate hookers.............plenty

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Skies of Arcadia II is my no.1 "I wish this would happen" game, without a shadow of a doubt. If SoA2 was announced I'd explode, and I'd have to get whatever console it came out on(although I have a 360 and getting a Rev so should be okay...). Same goes for Shenmue III.


But anyway back to Tales of Symphonia...although there are many Tales games i'd personally love a sequel as the characters are so likeable. I had a thought a while ago and I wonder if its possible for IN GAME graphics of a next gen Tales game to look like the FMV in ToS. It would be incredible.







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I need your help people. I'm stuck. Please tell me where the Temple of Earth is after the nest of flying dragons.


I've tried looking at gamefaqs but it doesn't tell me its whereabouts. It says it should be right next to you after the nest of flying dragons but I had to go back to some other places before I could get to the temple of earth. Any sort of direction would be helpful.

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Wow, just started palying this again after a couple of months of not playing and i can't stress enough how good and fun the batttle system is. Simply great. Just finished the darkness dungeons and all the skits and dialogue seem to be suggesting like I'm right before the end yet I'm still not on the second disc... it's odd to get so much play time( something like 45 hours) out of only one disc when there are two in total.

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I need your help people. I'm stuck. Please tell me where the Temple of Earth is after the nest of flying dragons.


I've tried looking at gamefaqs but it doesn't tell me its whereabouts. It says it should be right next to you after the nest of flying dragons but I had to go back to some other places before I could get to the temple of earth. Any sort of direction would be helpful.

in tethe'alla. go to the north most point of the 'west island'. the earth temple doesnt look very 'temple-like' as the past ones have... its just a crevice looking thing. straight after the dragon fight, you are flying above it... its just not that noticeable, and it helps if you are on the ground to find it.

hope this helps!:wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isnt it great how the threads for the Cubes couple of great RPGs keep makin their way to the top of the page? My turn to weigh in with a point this time and listen up Tales fans and fanatics (if there is indeed a difference!), Ive high hopes of this turning into a decent discussion.


I was reading down a thread there in the Handheld area, could well have been the Spring time release dates one. Anyway, someone about here has an avatar with Raine in it. That set off a little thought chain in my head... I think I posted this briefly way back when on the old forums and it didnt get picked up on/ I forgot about it and didnt bother comin back to it when I finished the game... anyway, what am I babbling on about here eh? Bare with me just a little longer, ok?


Its been a few years but I think this was in the deserty town near the start of the game where Lloyd gets penned as a wanted criminal and posters appear. In the hotel or wherever it is theyre staying Raine gets her hands on the Cruxis...? Hmm I cant remember what the plot was doing at this point, but she gets something important! And there's this cutscene with her in her room and shes like yes Ive got it now, mwahahah and her eyes change colour.


Your all still with me yeah? I thought this was her being set up to be a villainous old tart out to take over the world for herself, or she was atleast in cahoots with the big baddies... but nothing ever came of it.


Anyone care to discuss this?

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Raine was just happy about having an exsphere. She wanted one because pretty much everyone else had one but her. And so that is that. Oh and Divine Judgement is the best attack you can use in the game. Well one of the best attacks. All the other Hi-ougi's take too long to unlock.

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I'm fairly sure I'm just nearing the end of the game.

Although the story started out a wee bit exactly like Final Fantasy X it actually elvolves and changes so much through out I'd say the plot in the end surpasses Final Fantasy X, as does the rest of the game as a whole.

The plot is gripping throughout and has more unexpected plot twists you could shake a stick at which keeps the game interesting.


Also, I loved all the sidequests. I 've never really felt the need to do them in other RPGs but with Tales you feel you really want to do them, not the usual feeling of fetch quests which have just been tacked to add to the game's lifespan.

The Tales quests are really rewarding quests.

For example the Luin task (don't want to ruin it for anyone that doesn't know what it is) but the final 3 parts of it just made me feel real happy when

You get statues of Lloyd and co put up around the town and the weapon shop eventually selling the uber powerful weapons.


Also the sidequests are wrapped into the game, not a thing you just go around doing before the final battle like many other games.


Take the cooking, it provides a cool alternative to just gobbling down potion sand gave the game a more novel interesting touch, with added extra ingredients adding different effects and the constant joke of Raine's inability to cook with her star rating always next nothing. I was always on the look out for those odd items which yielded the master chef so the sidequest is constantly being played out throughout the game.

Much like Colette's dog quest which although basic in premise is charmingly fun to do and again keeps you on the look out for pooches.


Also the dialogue within the game is great and the skits, although sadly not voiced acted (Japan version was though) or not having the option to scroll through it, they add a nice quirky dimension of humour. Take for example one time when I backtracking through some dungeon, there was a skit in which Lloyd moaned that there wasn't a quickjump, much to the confusion of Raine and other characters. These small snippets of dialogue, another example of Zelos chatting up 6 year olds and making deals to meet them in 15 years time:shock: really added the game enjoyability and also allows player to really get to know and feel for the characters.


As you can see I truely love this game. However it wasn't like I was always a fanboy of the Tales series of whatever, I just picked this game up as I'm a fan of RPGs and I played first 15 hours and thought it was allright, but not naer a classic, and then a couple months later I picked it up again when a had a lot of spare time and I really played and to be honest it picks up so much. Anyone who doesn't complete this game doesn't do it justice. So if you won the game and have stopped playing it I urge and compell you to pick it up again, read the synopsis and get involved.

I promise you, it is an amazing amazing game which in my opinion bests Final Fantasy X, and most certainly X-2.


I'm just thankful that Nintendo decided to get involved in the game as they greatly aided the translation process, which is one of the main reasons that the game came out on these shores. Just look at the PS2 version... never realeased here due to Sony, (or another party) not willing to help translate it.

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