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Tales of Symphonia Official Thread


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I have to say that Tales of Symphonia was worth every penny of the £37.99 I paid for it. And I have never once regret the day I picked up the game and handed over my debit card to pay for it. Even after having it for over 2 years, I can still say it is nothing short of a masterpiece. And some people have said that the score is a bit average but I think that the pieces are some of the best that have ever been orchestrated.

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After months of searching I finally found a brand new Tales guide for £12.99 and it just arrived. I have been after one for ages but everywhere had stopped stocking/printing them and ebay prices were like £50 just for the guide and that was used. I checked amazon the other day just by chance and some guy was selling one brand new for the price mentioned so I snapped it up. Clearly he doesnt realize the value of this little book.

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I had the most horrible time on this the other day. I was on the 10 floor of the

Cursed book dungeon and I got Genis chosen as a random character on the floor when you have to defeat all enemies. I obviously didn't get past more than two fights. I would have been fine if I had got any other character, but not Genis.

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I had the most horrible time on this the other day. I was on the 10 floor of the
Cursed book dungeon and I got Genis chosen as a random character on the floor when you have to defeat all enemies. I obviously didn't get past more than two fights. I would have been fine if I had got any other character, but not Genis.


that is the hardest dungeon ever. What do you get when you complete it?

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I've completed it once before, so its not hard when you don't get given a crap random character. You get the force ring from the Hell Knight and the persian boots from the Living armour. You can replay the dungeon to get as many force rings as you want, but you can't get anymore persian boots. Thats why I wish there was a collectors edition remake for this, because in that version they have battles against evil spirits in the form of pronyma, magnius and Kvar I think. And there are quite a few battles that are like that throught the rest of the dungeon.

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Edit: The combat system seems really weird.



Dude the combat system is the best ever. None of that half an hour battle crap. If you are having problems with your characters dying maybe you should mess around with the AI settings. Since its your having such a hard time when you are fighting a boss change your attack type characters to these AI settings:


Attack same:

Use skills: At once


This will help you to finish the battle quicker and also help give you some high combos. Also if you link level 1 techs to 2 and higher you can do longer combos which often always break guards.

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Maybe it's a simple case of manual vs semi-manual ;). I bought this game along with Paper Mario and Baten Kaitos (I was in desperate need of a RPG fix), and played through all 3 games for a little bit, before "really" starting with Baten Kaitos, which seemed the most interesting of the 3 at the time. Any way, while play testing Tales I was also very disappointed with the controls, but I didn't know the inferior semi-manual control set-up was the default option.

It's the reason I can't really get into Tales of Phantasia.. They really should've implemented manual controls there too.

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Yeah, the Tales linear-motion battle system is way better than turn based ones in my opinion. Some people prefer the strategy... I prefer the button mashing.

I like both really, depends on how well it's done. What I like about Baten Kaitos is how it mixes the two together.

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I thought that the battle system, while fun and innovtive at the start, got more and more tiring as you went on. It seemed to be a lot of effort, and felt like a bit of a chore to be honest. The other problem was that you could only control one character, and while you could give your team a general strategy and tinker with the techs you want them to use, oftentimes they didn't do what you wanted so you had to keep telling them during a battle.


Overall compared to the normal turn based affair, it didn't allow you the best control or strategy, but it was more fun. You have to applaud them for trying something new though.

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I posted an update about the ova in the anime thread. Its coming out in June


link to decent version of trailer: here


thank you.


So i'm guessing that's the Japanese release obviously, hopefully it won't be too long after till we get a fan sub, i can't wait. This is one of my most anticipated events of 2007, even more so than Spiderman 3 :bouncy:


I can't wait to see what kind of direction they take the characters relationship directions. Obviously in the game we had control over that, so we all have our own hopes for how we'd like to see things go. Personally i want Lloyd and Sheena to end up togther at the end. Sheena pnws:heart:

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Personally i want Lloyd and Sheena to end up togther at the end. Sheena pnws:heart:


Me too,I got the impression Sheena had a soft spot for Lloyd.


Also Colette annoys me at times,

who does she think she is swinging the Eternal Sword with Lloyd,she stole his thunder



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Mainly for Mokong X-C Will be updating this post in a few mins with a link to a downloadable version of the trailer, in wmv format. I'll upload to rapidshare or something.



Hopefully this link works


tos ova trailer



yay it works


wicked, cheers dude.


I can't wait for this.


Me too,I got the impression Sheena had a soft spot for Lloyd.


Also Colette annoys me at times


I love the skit scene you get towards the end i think it is, Sheena mentions something about needing to get married for something (can't remember it exactly), and one of your choices as Lloyd is "Hey I'll marry you", i always pick that, haha.


As for Colette, i think her relationship with Lloyd should be more like that of a best friend or maybe sister/brother relationship (i know their not actually siblings but he could consider her like the sister he never had and vice versa), that would give good reason for them to care about each other without any romantic feelings. Leaving the door wide open for Sheena :indeed:

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