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Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend

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*looks at your last fm*



Sonic music is good :(

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NO!!! My poor Avril, what have they done to you. She used to be herself and have good catchy songs. Now those evil record company fiends have destroyed her soul and turned into part of their dark army of hellish pop clones who sap the minds of the worlds youth to fuel their bland capitalist juggernaut. Soon emotionless mundanity will consume the Earth.


Yeah, it's a bit shit.

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Whats wrong with it? There are worse songs we could all be bitching about. First time I've actually found her attractive in that video and it's catchy.

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Whats wrong with it? There are worse songs we could all be bitching about. First time I've actually found her attractive in that video and it's catchy.


Let talk about Gwen Stefani. :rolleyes:

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lets. She's fantastic


She was far, far, far, far better in No Doubt. She's still a minx, of course, but still. No Doubt need to reform.

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But they guy is clearly a gay emo so the whole girlfriend thing is academic. Why do you think he's going out with the ugly girl Avril? he likes teh willy.

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I couldn't stop looking because she is so hot.


........But my ears bled........




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I do as well Caris. :bouncy:


Really? That would explain you deleting your post in the hot people gallery with Avril in it and reposting it two or three times to make it count as a new post. :heh:


But yes, she is hot.

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Really? That would explain you deleting your post in the hot people gallery with Avril in it and reposting it two or three times to make it count as a new post. :heh:


But yes, she is hot.


You notice that then. :p


Nice :love: :love:


Yeah, she sure has nice legs. :bouncy:

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Good you posted a video Flinky. I couldn't have stuck with this musical diarrhea if it wasn't for her looks.


But what science believed to be impossible Avril Lavigne proves to be true. You can actually become a 14 year old again.


Fittingly enough the next song in my itunes Jukebox was "I am hated". Well she sure must now :D

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She was far, far, far, far better in No Doubt. She's still a minx, of course, but still. No Doubt need to reform.


they are, actually. New album is, apparently, planned. She said so in the guardian on friday.

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Like the 'girlfriend' song, find it catchy.


She is doing more mature songs. Listen to 'keep holding on' which is also on the album, sounds great and prefer her doing that kinda stuff to be honest.


I've preordered her album. I find her songs easy to get into and you can always rely on her to do a great chorus.


One of my guilty pleasure really. Shes kinda aiming her music at the young girls now ain't she?

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Like the 'girlfriend' song, find it catchy.


She is doing more mature songs. Listen to 'keep holding on' which is also on the album, sounds great and prefer her doing that kinda stuff to be honest.


I've preordered her album. I find her songs easy to get into and you can always rely on her to do a great chorus.


One of my guilty pleasure really. Shes kinda aiming her music at the young girls now ain't she?


You pre orderd her album...

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She's always been untalented. But never this bad. I'd still go there though. If you say you wouldn't you're a lying liar.

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She's always been untalented. But never this bad. I'd still go there though. If you say you wouldn't you're a lying liar.


I actually wouldn't.

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