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I don't think it matters where the hell this game is set. That's the problem when you base it on a real place, people say "oh, that's crap, why can't it be based on Bangladesh?!"


Thing is, it could be set in Tokyo and still be crap. You need, like Flameboy says, to innovate within that area. It's not totally going to be based on New York, as there would be traffic jams, meaning less freedom of movement. They'll tweak things here and there to make a more enjoyable game.

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CJ- What you into Smoke?


Smoke- Lot of shit about to go down CJ. Russian cats with nothing to lose about to bust some arse.


CJ- Russians?


Smoke- Now all my life I been told to fear the Ruskies, but I ain't never met one. Then the wall comes down and we all supposed to be friends. Five minutes later my cousin gets told out by some Ruskie off the boat.


CJ- Fo real?


Smoke- Fo real.

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Yeah but you aren't a police officer! You are a criminal!

Yeah but that would have to be some wierd spin-off GTA, which would be very differnet to what the games are actually about!

You do realise the term Grand Theft Auto refers to being a criminal and the stealing of cars! Not very police is it!


Yes i do realise where the term comes from - but the last couple of 3D GTA games seem to be pushing car stealing and further and further into the background so to speak and concentrate on crime in a much more general sense.


SO why on earth can't they stop making you the criminal, instead make you a bad ass cop who beats up the criminals then nicks their cars from them. And it doesn't have to be a spinoff in the games franchise. Instead it would open it up to new features. Say being told theres a robbery on 31st street getting to be able to beat down on criminals is far more satisfying than attacking police officers.

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Yes i do realise where the term comes from - but the last couple of 3D GTA games seem to be pushing car stealing and further and further into the background so to speak and concentrate on crime in a much more general sense.


SO why on earth can't they stop making you the criminal, instead make you a bad ass cop who beats up the criminals then nicks their cars from them. And it doesn't have to be a spinoff in the games franchise. Instead it would open it up to new features. Say being told theres a robbery on 31st street getting to be able to beat down on criminals is far more satisfying than attacking police officers.


Errrr... No.

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Yeah well Its better killing criminals for doing stuff thats actually breaking the law, instead of killing police officers that are just doing their job. Yeah I know this is a game. But seen as gameshops sell this game to minors, especially impressionable minors. No wonder we have the amount of the crime in the world today.

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Guest Stefkov
SO why on earth can't they stop making you the criminal, instead make you a bad ass cop who beats up the criminals then nicks their cars from them. And it doesn't have to be a spinoff in the games franchise. Instead it would open it up to new features. Say being told theres a robbery on 31st street getting to be able to beat down on criminals is far more satisfying than attacking police officers.

So make the game like Crackdown then? Being the cop beating the crap out the bad guys.

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Yeah well Its better killing criminals for doing stuff thats actually breaking the law, instead of killing police officers that are just doing their job. Yeah I know this is a game. But seen as gameshops sell this game to minors, especially impressionable minors. No wonder we have the amount of the crime in the world today.


Ok sorry Jack.

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Yeah well Its better killing criminals for doing stuff thats actually breaking the law, instead of killing police officers that are just doing their job. Yeah I know this is a game. But seen as gameshops sell this game to minors, especially impressionable minors. No wonder we have the amount of the crime in the world today.


You're talking absolute shit again

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I understand what ZeldaFreak is trying to say, and in a way, he is right.


Why is Batman seen as a hero, yet a cop-killer seen as a murderer?


Because we automatically assume that criminals are scum, therefore deserve death. It's fine for Batman and other people to kill criminals, because we see him as "the hero fighting evil." He's the enforcer.


In GTA, you are the criminal. You're fighting the enforcers, the police, the authorities.


ZeldaFreak is right. Is it any wonder why videogames get such a terrible name these days when games like GTA exist? Not all videogames are like this, but this is the first example people come to when they talk about videogame violence. We're essentially giving people like Jack Thompson ammunition.

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You're talking absolute shit again


Oh yeah because its been proven that violent films and violent lyrics in music results in people being more violent. So your saying video games can't make people more violent. Ok then your talking shit then I guess...

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Oh yeah because its been proven that violent films and violent lyrics in music results in people being more violent. So your saying video games can't make people more violent. Ok then your talking shit then I guess...



Games let you vent out your anger and violence, films/tv/music don't. You do stuff in a game, but only see/hear cool stuff in music/films. Games can increase crime by around 0.001%, but can also reduce it by the same amount - many more people watch films and listen to music.


You could also argue that your Idea (AKA True Crime) can cause more violent/bad police.

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Games let you vent out your anger and violence, films/tv/music don't. You do stuff in a game, but only see/hear cool stuff in music/films. Games can increase crime by around 0.001%, but can also reduce it by the same amount - many more people watch films and listen to music.


You could also argue that your Idea (AKA True Crime) can cause more violent/bad police.


Yeah, exactly, you think it's good to promote police going around hitting the shit out of everyone, shooting people, and stealing their cars?


No matter what the argument, you're always on the other side to everyone ZF, and thats why almost nobody takes anything you say seriously.

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well in some countries around the world that's not such a bad idea..


looking forward to this baby.. when it hits the xbox..


Hehe, that's true. Not sure if the whole idea goes down well in America though.


Well you may be talking about films blah, but Ill note that in regular continuuity comics Batman doesnt kill.


True, in all honesty, it was the only example I could think of.


Just seems like not many have a problem with it being "the good guys versus the bad". I think there's a lot more to that than people initially think. I think the reason why so many people get wound up about GTA is because many see it as "a gamer robbing/killing innocents." Does that make sense? I know what I'm trying to say but can't find the words.

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I'd like to see a GTA game where you were an undercover cop infiltrating a criminal organisation. It would basically follow the same progressive mission structure as current games in the series, but there would also be a balancing act between gaining acceptance and not becoming too much of a criminal yourself. Think Splinter Cell: Double Agent, but more fleshed out and less inconsequential.


I think it could make for a very interesting game, especially if it wasn't simply the good versus the bad. For instance you'd see the damage law enforcement does, the real reasons people feel they have to turn to crime, that sort of thing. Humanise and demonise both sides in equal measure, then let the player make the choice.

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I like that idea Aimless! I am really interested to see how they approach this character. This may sound wierd but it kinda reminds me of the Godfather Pt 2 and Vito arrives in America and how oth the characters are similar in the fact that their own culture is still very dominant in their lives in New York! I didn't explain that very well...


I also want an option to play as Spiderman....since it's set in New York...

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As it says in the report, Films, books and a shitl oad of stuff take NYC into bad light, why don't they go after all those things? Becasue it's "Art" Unlike Video Games acording the Mayor...yeah...Video Games arn't aat *points to zelda, Shadow of Colossus, ICO and the multitude ofgames that look awsome*

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Game Informer Info


  • The protagonist's name is Niko Bellic. (Croatian or Serbian)
  • Multiplayer is to be announced.
  • You have a lot of choice over what you want to do. You still have to take orders from people during missions, but you can also choose how you want to spend your time, e.g "I want to hang out with him, or her... I want to go see this guy 'cause he always has something to do..."
  • The story unfolds in a number of different ways. R* is giving people more freedom, more choice and more sense of control over their destiny - the structure of the storyline is quite different to previous games.
  • Game Informer played the Xbox demo.
  • You can use a moblephone to call your contacts.
  • No planes
  • Dan Houser explains that "a big part of New York life is walking the streets and meeting lunatics", and this is something they definitely tried to put into the game.

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Game Informer Info


  • The protagonist's name is Niko Bellic.
  • Multiplayer is to be announced.
  • "You have a lot of choice over what you want to do."
  • Game Informer played the Xbox demo.
  • You can use a moblephone to call your contacts.
  • No planes
  • Dan Houser explains that "a big part of New York life is walking the streets and meeting lunatics", and this is something they definitely tried to put into the game.


I really hope there is co-op, so the multiplayer is promising.

I'm annoyed, but not suprised there are no planes...

If they can make the streets realistic/interesting I wouldn't mind walk instead of stealing the closest car to get from A to B.

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