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The Great N-E Fitness Fanatic's Guide To Fitness


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Bluddy hell, Shoe! That's a mammoth task. :heh:


Whats everyone's goal then? Is anyone trying to lose weight, or is your goal just to maintain your fitness and shape you have now?


I think I'd like to be healtheir. Going to try and eat more healthily from now on. I neeed more fruit!


You need a more structured eating plan :heh:


I'm doing it to lose weight I've lost a stone since the start of Jan, I'm eating much healthier now too. Although not a piece of carrot for dinner as ViPeR makes it seem.

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You need a more structured eating plan :heh:


I'm doing it to lose weight I've lost a stone since the start of Jan, I'm eating much healthier now too. Although not a piece of carrot for dinner as ViPeR makes it seem.


Hehe, ViPeR's a loooser.


I had some structure to my eating today. Start the day off with some scrambled eggs on toast, and a banana. Nice big breakfast to start the day!


I woke up early this morning to go for a run, but then I realised that my trainers are back in Newport. I haven't got money to buy new ones, so I'm thinking about asking my Mum to send them up in the post or something. Dunno if that'll work...

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My sister said she could probably get into the gym for somewhere over 200 euro (for a year I guess?) thanks to her student's card. Sounds a lot better than the 300-400 they told me about a year ago or something. So I'll have to check if I can get a cheaper price with my student's card too. Would be really nice if I could. =O


And I sorta want to lose weight, since I gained a couple of kilos over the past few years. My goal is 58 kg, but 60 would be nice too (I'm kinda stuck between 64-65 right now :weep: ).

Plus I could use the exercise for my back too problably; it might hurt less then. ='D

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Bluddy hell, Shoe! That's a mammoth task. :heh:


Whats everyone's goal then? Is anyone trying to lose weight, or is your goal just to maintain your fitness and shape you have now?


I think I'd like to be healtheir. Going to try and eat more healthily from now on. I neeed more fruit!


I'm trying to lose weight and this thread is bound to help.

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I would say go swimming, its apparently one of the best forms of exercise you can get.

Myself, I tend to walk everywhere a lot and it hasnt done me too bad...My body fat index was checked a few weeks ago as excellent and I supposedly look 10 years younger than my real age.

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I would say go swimming, its apparently one of the best forms of exercise you can get.

Myself, I tend to walk everywhere a lot and it hasnt done me too bad...My body fat index was checked a few weeks ago as excellent and I supposedly look 10 years younger than my real age.


Just wondering, what is your real age then? If you are 17, then I can't imagine it being good that you get told you look 7!


I'm looking into swimming, but there really don't seem to be any pools in Brighton, or at least none that I have found so far. I'm guessing if there are any, they'll be all expensive and posh.

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Wish I was 17 again....


33 is my true age (dont feel it though), but the looking younger thing has cropped up with various people quite often over the last 4 years....I thought they were just being kind to start with, but I'm starting to realise the comment happens often without any prompt.


Last year I was asked for ID in a pub, which was flattering....of course I had to leave (With a massive smile on my face, admittedly) because the only thing close to ID that I was carrying was a credit card, lol.


As to the swimming pools, try the local gyms...some may allow you to use them without paying full membership.

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i play tennis for 2 hours every saturday in a squad and swimming for 3 hours every friday, and i accidently signed myself up for a sponsered swim so im gonna try and beat my record of 2 km :P but if anyones looking for something to help your back then i suggest swimming, gives you broad shoulders and a bloody strong back

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I've decided to make some changes this year, and one of those changes is to do with my body and my health.


So yeah, this is basically just a thread about exercising and what you guys do, etc.


I purchased an exercise ball a few weeks ago, and it's a step in the right direction, I feel. I've also got some weights which I brought from home, so I've been using them, too.


My housemate/ex-girlfriend (dont ask if you don't know) has started using my exercise ball and she's getting really into it. I think she's had more joy out of it than I have, but I'll soon see to that! Have any of you guys or girls got one of these? If so, what sorta exercises do you do?


I'm always thinking about going for a jog/run in the mornings. I figured, I may go for an early/late night run, as there will less people around and I'll feel less self conscious.


So, what do you recommend? What do you guys do to keep yourselves fit and healthily?


I do weights every week- dumbells at the gym. Don't do it if you're underage though- it WILL damage you. Oh yeah, and I go out for a run a lot.

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This might sound pathetic, but in the last 4 days I have gotten my old Dance Mat out, and "excercised" on that for 40mins. It makes me sweat and at least my legs get a work out this way, as I havent been walking in a while. No idea if I will carry on with this experiment in the near future!


Gonna start Swimming closer to Easter aswell.

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I'm thinking of buying something for exercising, maybe something like this. Anyone know if they're any good? At the moment all I have is a stepper which gets boring and is too squeaky.


Haha, has this got anything to do with seeing it on that size zero programme? :D


I don't like them all that much, but you might like it. Go to the gym and maybe try it out there and see if you enjoy it?


I've been getting back into routine recently. I feel quite healthy at the moment. yaaaaaaay

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Not really actually :heh: I've wanted something for a while and saw that on there today.


But if I was going to go to a gym I might as well just keep going there and not buy one. The one's I know of round here need a membership contract anyway.

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I'm so glad I do PE everyday, apart from the 10 minute walk to and from school everyday that's the only regular excersize I get.


Every school goer (go-er?) should be forced to do PE everyday, that would really get the fitness levels of the country up.

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The problem with PE is they make you do terrible subjects instead of fun exercise. Rounders everyday I could take, but dance once a week was hell, I pretty much quit PE during our dance months.


I do great things for PE....


Hockey on Monday

Badminton on Tuesday

Football on Wednesday

Basketball for the first period on Thursday, either Football, badminton or go to the gym for the second

Swimming on Friday


Last year was just about the same apart from we didn't do football as it isn't in the Higher course.


Sometimes on Thursdays as we havea double period over lunch we go away to do something. We used to play tennis in the summer months and recently we've been to a sports center to play squash, bowls or pool. :heh:

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