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Creationism vs. Evolution


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Ok, in an effort to divert the racism thread back to racism and not religion here I present the great debate. Which is right? Evolution which states that through biological mutations over a period of ~3.75 billion years bacteria became humans or the creationist theory that evolution doesn't exist and that all life was created at the same time by God in the Garden of Eden. Debate away.


Oh and please don't turn this into a thread basically slagging off all aspects religion. People get upset if that happens.

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Evolution. Cause it's proven.


Plus it doesn't mean it couldn't have all been created by a God. People just shouldn't take words that were written down ages ago and then translated a million times as a fact. You can still say God created it all, just not in seven days, and not with Adam and Eve.


Still, I don't believe in God, and Creationism/Intelligent Design just sounds kinda silly to me.

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I'm perfectly happy with the idea that God coordinated evolution... I don't necessarily believe it though. Is that what you mean?


It's a possibility that I'd not discount. I know that I'll never know what went on exactly so I'm open to theories - but I believe in God and that ultimately he was the driving force.

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Neither? Haha! Thread thwarted!



I'm religious and believe that God created everything - but not necessarily in seven days and not necessarily at the same time.


I quite like this idea, it pretty much mirrors my own feelings on the matter. Although I find it pretty much undeniable that evolution does exists, that the fossil record is correct and that it has taken several billion years, if we take everything back to the very beginning, back to the universe's creation, what started it all? Something must have and for that I am willing to accept the possibility of some form of God as much as any other theory at this time. Seeing as the elements that life is made up of have their ultimate source at the creation of the universe I guess it is possible a God may be ultimately responsible. I'm staying a bit agnostic overall, the fence is a comfortable place.

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I'm religious and believe that God created everything - but not necessarily in seven days and not necessarily at the same time.


It's a possibility that I'd not discount. I know that I'll never know what went on exactly so I'm open to theories - but I believe in God and that ultimately he was the driving force.

Wow, are you me? That's exactly what I believe : peace:

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I think your summary of creationism was a little too simple. The accounts of creation in Genesis are seen as allegories. The full complexity of the creation of the universe would surely surpass our capacity of understanding.


As for evolution, it is hardly fact. It is the currently accepted theory, and thus the current basis for biological science. Many are suggesting that the theory is beginning to show its age; there are cracks appearing. And so a paradigm shift within the current century away from evolution to a new or revised theory is perhaps not all that unlikely.

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I think your summary of creationism was a little too simple. The accounts of creation in Genesis are seen as allegories. The full complexity of the creation of the universe would surely surpass our capacity of understanding.


Or maybe it wouldn't and there's a really straightforward explanation.

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What I hate about Christianity is that it always changes what it believes. It's the dumbest religion of them all in my opinion.

"God Created the Earth in 7 days".....'next year': "Na...he didn't really, but he started the Earth off and I now believe in evolution because it doesn't mean God doesn't exist, it just goes against everything else the religion states that others don't":indeed:


It's also amazingly hypocritical: God sends you to hell for being a ****....He's also very forgiving...:wtf: etc etc

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It's also amazingly hypocritical: God sends you to hell for being a ****....He's also very forgiving...:wtf: etc etc


"Everyone is equal. Except homosexuals". According to the Bible. Also:


- 3 "things" (Adam, Eve, one Snake) do something wrong, God punishes every single Human and Snake

- The Devil only punishes evil.


Therefore, God is much more evil than the Devil.

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What I hate about Christianity is that it always changes what it believes. It's the dumbest religion of them all in my opinion.

"God Created the Earth in 7 days".....'next year': "Na...he didn't really, but he started the Earth off and I now believe in evolution because it doesn't mean God doesn't exist, it just goes against everything else the religion states that others don't":indeed:


It's also amazingly hypocritical: God sends you to hell for being a ****....He's also very forgiving...:wtf: etc etc

Just because one is forgiven does not mean that they should be exempted from punishment. You might remember that there was a high-profile murder case last year (a racially motivated murder in Liverpool). The mother of the victim spoke out and said that she had forgiven the killers for their actions. That is not to say however that she believed punishment to be unnecessary.

"Everyone is equal. Except homosexuals". According to the Bible. Also:


- 3 "things" (Adam, Eve, one Snake) do something wrong, God punishes every single Human and Snake

- The Devil only punishes evil.


Therefore, God is much more evil than the Devil.

Would you like to point me to that first quote?


The 'punishment' is the effect of the knowledge of sin entering the world - it is not prescribed by God, it is the natural consequence. I don't quite understand how you arrive at God being more evil than the devil.

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What surprises me is when most people think about creation, they think about the Christian God, and all the ridiculous things from the bible that were quite obviously fabricated to install a fear of hell in everyone. Homosexuality, I mean really, what God would care about such a small thing? In the size of the whole universe, in governing all life and existence from the beginning of time to the infinite future, would God care if a man shacked up with another man during his piddly life time?


I like to think that some higher being must've started a process somewhere along the line. I simply can't believe bodies can evolve, with some kind of collective cell memory, without a spark of consciousness linking things together. The body seems too complicated to me not to have some kind of design. However there's no proof of that, so it's just an ideal I'd love to be true - based on a little self-convinced logic :)


I definitely believe in evolution. Any agnostic believes what they see :D

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If evidence is to be accepted, Evolution is fact. In my opinion this conflicts with the Genesis account of Creation to the point where it should no longer be accepted by anyone. Those that do follow it are just as Dawkins says, ignorant of all the scientific evidence in the thousands of libraries etc. etc. I am by no means saying however that God or some divine spirit does not exist, as I am agnostic and believe the possibility cannot be ruled out (yet).

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"Everyone is equal. Except homosexuals". According to the Bible. Also:


- 3 "things" (Adam, Eve, one Snake) do something wrong, God punishes every single Human and Snake

- The Devil only punishes evil.


Therefore, God is much more evil than the Devil.

Yes, the Bible is full of contradictions and flaws. But unless you genuinely believe it to be written by God, then you shouldn't expect it to be consistent, as it is a product of so many different people and times. Additionally, much of it is simply meant as parables, including the story of the creation. People shouldn't abandon their faith or stick rigidly to the parables presented just because science has come out with a theory for "creation" that doesn't agree with this.

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Just because one is forgiven does not mean that they should be exempted from punishment. You might remember that there was a high-profile murder case last year (a racially motivated murder in Liverpool). The mother of the victim spoke out and said that she had forgiven the killers for their actions. That is not to say however that she believed punishment to be unnecessary.


I do recall something, and thinking that she was a crazy loon.

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What I hate about Christianity is that it always changes what it believes. It's the dumbest religion of them all in my opinion.

"God Created the Earth in 7 days".....'next year': "Na...he didn't really, but he started the Earth off and I now believe in evolution because it doesn't mean God doesn't exist, it just goes against everything else the religion states that others don't":indeed:


Christianity doesn't change, it's followers do.



It's also amazingly hypocritical: God sends you to hell for being a ****....He's also very forgiving...:wtf: etc etc


God is forgiving if you repent your sins and you are truely sorry. You can only forgive someone if they ask for forgiveness.

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Homosexuality, I mean really, what God would care about such a small thing? In the size of the whole universe, in governing all life and existence from the beginning of time to the infinite future, would God care if a man shacked up with another man during his piddly life time?

You're missing the whole point of Christianity: that is that despite how vast and ineffable God might be, that he loves us and cares about us and our actions. He is not just some cold, distant God; rather, he desires a personal relationship with us.


Your view of God is too shaped by the limitations of your understanding, which is limited to earthly realities. The concept of time for instance. You seem to suggest that in "governing all life and existence from the beginning of time to the infinite future" God simply would not have time to care about us. It also suggests that God thinks in relative terms of importance, and could not both govern all life and existence and care about the actions of that very life he governs.


I do recall something, and thinking that she was a crazy loon.

What she did was something to admire, not insult.

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