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well hopefully the logic is that it will fund new exciting projects...this starts to fall down and become a problem if they instead pump the money into other consoles projects...


Exactly. Since it seems RE4 sold farly well this year, shouldn't the funds for that be used towards a new project for the Wii? I mean two remakes in two years (out of five) is a bit o_O...


I'd say its probably funding Resident Evil 5 and Devil May Cry 4. :shakehead...Well atleast we're getting Umbrella Chronicles...

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Official Press Release:


SAN MATEO, Calif. — October 17, 2007 — It’s finally time to experience the magic of Okami™ as it was always meant to be played. Capcom’s award winning game — hailed as “Game of the Year”for 2006 by multiple magazines and websites including Associated Press, PSM, Village Voice, IGN.com, Game Revolution and more — is set for release on the Wii™ home video game system in Spring 2008. Featuring a re-imagined control scheme built around the intuitive Wii Remote™, Okami offers players an unparalleled level of control and an opportunity to rediscover a critically-acclaimed and beautifully crafted adventure.


Okami tells the story of a mythical sun god who sets out to restore a dismal world, decimating the forces of evil who stand in the way by commanding the elements and mythical abilities the deity possesses. Mixing Japanese folklore and a stunning traditional Japanese art style, players must utilize an inventive control scheme to overcome the challenges and evil that await. By enhancing the unique gameplay, visual style and story line of Okami with the control of the Wii Remote, it is sure to be the ultimate version of the game.


Originally designed for the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system and released in 2006, Okami now comes alive in an entirely new way on the Wii with its visually stunning art style and beautiful scenic 3D levels that have the appearance and texture of paper scrolls brushed with watercolor-like calligraphy art. Throughout the vibrant and distinctive surroundings, players must use the Wii remote to interact with a dynamic world and cast of characters. The blend of stylized graphics, movements and unique gameplay will result in a rich and dynamic experience never seen before.


Okami includes the following features:

• Innovative gameplay and control scheme optimized for the Wii - Defeating monsters requires both motion-controlled physical attacks, but also use of the Wii Remote as Amaterasu’s ‘Celestial Brush’ to paint the desired powers for decimating enemies and solving puzzles.

• Create and destroy at will - Play as a god to re-establish order and beauty to a world laid barren by evil.

• Intense action-packed battles – Rooted in Japanese folklore, fight against a diverse line-up of demons and monsters.

• Utilize various gameplay styles – In addition to the Celestial Brush, Amaterasu can wield three types of offensive weaponry, each with their own unique abilities and effects. Depending on how a weapon is equipped, it can be used as the main or sub weapon:

o Reflectors – These well-balanced weapons are suited for close range combat

o Rosaries– Sacred magatama beads are great for quick long range attacks

o Glaives – These can be charged up to unleash powerful close range attacks

• Intriguing main character – Assume the role of the sun god, Amaterasu, who descends upon the earth in the form of a wolf. The Japanese translation of the word wolf is “TMkami”.

• Original visuals and revolutionary design– Vibrant and inspiring graphics, reminiscent of traditional Japanese art created on paper scrolls, produce a large variety of stages with a watercolor-esque appearance.

• Interact with a unique and dynamic cast of characters.

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One of the veru few PS2 games I really want to play. I'm so happy! Traditionnal japanese universe is something I really appreciate (Ganbare Goemon FTW!!). Can't wait to try finding all the references (already find one in press release: weapons= 3 sacred treasures of Japan).

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Straight from Ready at Dawn. First, the game will be a direct port with no new content:


"The game on Wii is going to be an exact port of the PS2 version and I think that's what fans of the franchise want to see. This game has such a huge following throughout the world that people would probably send us death-threats if we messed it up by trying to add things that don't have their place in the Okami universe. Being huge fans of the franchise ourselves, we made sure that Capcom also wanted to stay true to the original before signing on to do this."


The graphics will not be enhanced:


"Okami is a total passion-project for both Ready At Dawn and Capcom. When we first discussed it with them, two things were very clear right off the bat: Firstly, taking after a studio like Clover is some pretty big shoes to fill, something everyone here is very comfortable with given our past projects. Second, this game is such a masterpiece in its own right that we had to do everything we can to reproduce the experience that players had on the PS2 as closely as possible. To this day the graphics of Okami are some of the most awe-inspiring ever seen in a video-game and I know it sounds cliche but you don't want to fix something that's not broken."
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Exactly. Since it seems RE4 sold farly well this year, shouldn't the funds for that be used towards a new project for the Wii? I mean two remakes in two years (out of five) is a bit o_O...


I'd say its probably funding Resident Evil 5 and Devil May Cry 4. :shakehead...Well atleast we're getting Umbrella Chronicles...


Should the funds be used to make a new projects? Like Zack and Wiki or Wii love Golf? How about RE:UC, or Monster Hunter 3 :/.


I can see what you're saying, but this port has been outsourced anyway. It's not going to take any of Capcom's resources away, and probably will cost next to nothing to make. There have been alot of people praying for this port so in truth it's what alot of people wanted, without any downsides.


You do wonder where the funding goes, but I've got alot more respect for Capcom then alot of developers. They've got 8 games announced for the Wii now, and 4 of them are exclusive. PLayStation 3 fans would kill for 1 exclusive Capcom game on their console.


But still, I want a 3d Megaman resurrection :(.

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Should the funds be used to make a new projects? Like Zack and Wiki or Wii love Golf? How about RE:UC, or Monster Hunter 3 :/.


I can see what you're saying, but this port has been outsourced anyway. It's not going to take any of Capcom's resources away, and probably will cost next to nothing to make. There have been alot of people praying for this port so in truth it's what alot of people wanted, without any downsides.


You do wonder where the funding goes, but I've got alot more respect for Capcom then alot of developers. They've got 8 games announced for the Wii now, and 4 of them are exclusive. PLayStation 3 fans would kill for 1 exclusive Capcom game on their console.


But still, I want a 3d Megaman resurrection :(.


True, true...Completly forgot about MH3 and Zack...Pessimism cleared. This is great news. ;)

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The graphics will not be enhanced:
Capcom PR's say they're looking into it, but they won't commit to it right now:


We haven't announced 16:9 or pro-scan at this time. Frankly, we're still exploring feasibility of it. It's not as simple as "flick a switch" and it works that way. If we find it's doable, you'll hear about it closer to launch.
Source: http://www.capcom.com/BBS/showpost.php?p=387013&postcount=12
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Capcom PR's say they're looking into it, but they won't commit to it right now


To be honest I think they don't need to improve the graphics since it’s a beautiful looking game anyway. Maybe ad a littler more content to make the game longer… but really this is one of the few Wii games that I don't mind being a straight port

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Thrilled that Okami is coming to Wii. Still need to finish it on PS2 - I was going to wait and just complete it on Wii but its such a good game I may as well play it now on PS2. I don't think I'll mind doing it again on Wii. Okami is the best PS2 game ever.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any chance of a thread re-name to just 'Okami Wii'




Nintendo News | Capcom Comments on why Okami came to Wii


Capcom's Christian Svensson recently commented on the company's decisions to bring the much-loved PS2 game Okami to the Wii, and what could be in store for Wii players.


He starts by commenting on the position of the original release on Sony's Playstation 2, in that "we were shipping a beautiful, but new and creative title on the PS2 in a year where the 360 had already been on the market for many months and the PS3 and Wii were about to launch. It’s unfortunate that beauty and creativity aren’t always rewarded by the market, but that’s the reality."


Svensson continues, "what if we took a second shot with Okami's content on another console? A platform people were repeatedly asking for it on? A platform that could help with some of the core mechanics of the game? And now that it was already semi-known and loved for sure by the media, it's no longer technically a new IP. It really deserved a second chance. Thankfully, others in our organization felt the same way."


He also hints at some technical improvements for the Wii version, but doesn't hold any promises: "we aren't currently planning any additional content but we're exploring a few possible things on the technical side of things that might make for an improved Wii experience".

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"we were shipping a beautiful, but new and creative title on the PS2 in a year where the 360 had already been on the market for many months and the PS3 and Wii were about to launch. It’s unfortunate that beauty and creativity aren’t always rewarded by the market, but that’s the reality."


Oh, shut the fuck up! How come this retards are the ones in charge, everyone knows that if they want to sell a creative game, its one a Nintendo console. And we know damn well why its going to be released on the Wii! What we don't get is why it was a PS2 exclusive!

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  • 2 months later...

I'm surprised to see that nobody bumped the thread.


IGN Preview:



Ready At Dawn Interview:



Some screens:






There's also some videos at IGN.


I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, It's my most antecipated Wii game and I'm really happy to see it coming to the platform it was meant to be in the first place, IMO. I resisted buying the PS2 version for 20€ so I could enjoy the superior version. Ready At Dawn is a competent developer and those guys are really good at maxing out hardware, as GoW for PSP shows. Granted, I wasnt expecting Okami to be system pusher but I'm not pleased by their performance.


Its nitpicking, but I'm pissed they removed the paper parchement filter. It is part of the visual style of the game and that decision reeks of laziness. RAD was chosen by Capcom so this port could be given the treatment it deserved, instead of a no-name developer, and they fell short of the expectations. Also the lack of TRUE widescreen truely disappoints me, users with CRT will apreciate the underscan, but does so would HDTV users apreciate full 16x9.

The draw distance remains the same, stuff like grass still pop under your nose; bloom is also absent. And now we have something to brag about: tearing. At first I tought it was the video; then I started noticing it frequently on other videos as well. At least the colors seem more vibrant now...


It is by no means a deal-breaker, I'll still buy it; but I find these little things disapointing, specially when people like Sven (from Capcom) and IGN Wii Team said it was looking better then the PS2 version.

Oh well... I want my Okami fix.

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I don't mind the filter, tbh I prefer it without the filter it was too muddy and blurry, they should have shortened loading times however.

Meo, this had nothing to do with laziness, it was a port made with 8 people when the team was at their max, meaning they were usually less, made with a small budget and very little time, since the shaders are different on PS2 and Wii, they didn't have time to recreate them on Wii.

Still, visually I prefer this one, but the draw distance and loading times could have been fixed. It supposedly controls better, and to me it looks better, so it's good, I was just afraid that the brush controls wouldnt work well.

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I don't mind the filter, tbh I prefer it without the filter it was too muddy and blurry, they should have shortened loading times however.

Meo, this had nothing to do with laziness, it was a port made with 8 people when the team was at their max, meaning they were usually less, made with a small budget and very little time, since the shaders are different on PS2 and Wii, they didn't have time to recreate them on Wii.

Still, visually I prefer this one, but the draw distance and loading times could have been fixed. It supposedly controls better, and to me it looks better, so it's good, I was just afraid that the brush controls wouldnt work well.


Yes, I see your point, in the interview they implied that they weren't capable of reproducing "a couple of effects", which leads me to think that the paper filter & bloom were probably running on VU0 and VU1. Given time to write new code (not adapted PS2 EE & GS-centric code) they probably would be able to do it on Hollywood without much work. Of course this is all guess-timates and theorising, but I really wouldn't mind seeing it being delayed so they could implement those changes. It would be a win-win situation; Okami fans would still buy it despite waiting a little more time for it; Capcom would see their game fully realized (the reason they asked RAD to port it in the first place). Nobody is in a hurry. This is a niche title that probably only the fans and the people who never had a PS2 are antecipating for. I think it would be worth, IMO. Both parts would gain something.

Wishful thinking for teh win.

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Yeah the white sky and the scroll where you write look better with the filter on. Even though this isn't the final version, I doubt we'll see any changes in the graphics. If they actually manage to put the filter, I hope it doesn't lose the vibrant color, but I'm not to keen on it, since it made me dizzy on PS2.

It's really obvious that Capcom wasn't big on making this, I mean they had less than 4 months to work on the game.

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