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Look, I have been expressing my opinion about TP ever since it was released, it's all over a 1st page thread, just as my opinion about OKami is in this thread. I just posted a lighthearted comment about your opinion, because I completly disagree with it and as so, I don't find it reliable. I don't rely on someone when they say "hey, there are both versions of a game available, there are advantages and disavantages to specific versions, who cares, get either one.". This is even more, well, ridiculous in RE4's case.

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well just arrived at the city and have done the digging game and found water and am back at the ship with "the busty babe" now.. still have some issues with the drawing.. circles around trees etc I have to draw 5-6 times before they registre and the same with the wind blowing sideways.. so the digging game was a chore.. blowing that old fart over the pointy block.. phew.. took a few tries

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Reach Kamui two days ago and I'm even more in love with this game. Ainu references :heart: :heart: :heart:.

The amount of references to japanese myths is so big.

I even predict most of the animals you can feed during the game which makes me giggle. And the incarnation of Momotaro in the game make me laugh few minutes.

I also predict a 9 tails fox bad guy but I thought it was the empress because of a legend about the wife of an emperor being a fox and making him ill and the giant sphere she had.



I saw there is a Mythology FAQ on Gamefaqs for the PS2 game so I should take a look after finishing the game to see if I miss some.

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Bought 3 games today:


Brawl - Meh, my NTSC save file cannot be used (Press's eject button)


Lego Indy - Not bad, will save for a bit of co-op with a mate (Press's eject button)


Okami - OMFG this is so fresh and nice. (Prepares for an all nighter in front of the Wii):bowdown:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there anywhere listed how much copies Okami sold (up to now) per region?


Btw.: Great game: Only the dodging (on the Wii) with the Nunchak didn't work that well (I think analog-stick plus button or maybe the nunchak detection could have been a bit improved).


I hope that they will make a sequel (or prequel - however, I would prefer a sequel) THOUGH it is very unlikely after the original creators closed.

But with good Wii sales it might still be possible (from what I read in this thread - however, I don't think a remake normally sales better than the original).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't finished it but I'm so close to the end that I won't bother playing it anymore. The boss battles weren't much fun and I know how the story ends.


If I played all the way through I think I would have used a few hours more than on the PS2 version. I was more thorough this time. Managed to max out health and ink.

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Okay, didn't want to read through the entire thread (don't want to read any spoilers either), but I am having problems with the wiimote in this game. You are supposed to shake it to attack, but it hardly ever responds. Is this normal or not? =/

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Okay, didn't want to read through the entire thread (don't want to read any spoilers either), but I am having problems with the wiimote in this game. You are supposed to shake it to attack, but it hardly ever responds. Is this normal or not? =/


i had the same problem, do more of a flick and wait till you find rosseries to attack with. like a big whip, just shake your arm wildly and alll will be well.

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I just finished this game. Everyone needs to play this game. It's a bit lame though that the credits are missing. Eh, that's what YouTube is for.



I finished it a couple of days back (then had to send the Wii away for cleaning :shakehead ) and wasn't previously aware that the credits had been removed and was surprised when they didn't roll.


I loved the game from beginning to end and am so pleased that this was re-released for the Wii otherwise I may never had experienced this truly wonderful game.


I actually missed more side quests and beads than I thought and I really can't wait to be able to go through the game again.


The only problems I experienced control wise was with some of the gestures , ie , bloom being mistaken for galestorm but on the whole nothing that ruined the game.

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Okay shit I'm stuck.


I'm trying to learn the Reflector Technique: 4 Winds and I just can't get it to work. No matter how I shake the wiimote, I can only get one attack in. And it won't let me leave the dojo. What the fuck am I supposed to do to make this work?


Help! =(



Edit: ugh, after probably 10 minutes of trying and looking up stuff online, I finally managed it (kinda randomly, because it still took me a ton of tries and random swings). Why is it so difficult? -_____-;

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You don't just have to shack the Wiimote. You have to time those move and especially it is not really shacking. You have to only move from left to right THEN wait (that is important not just shack back) until the move is nearly finished or when it is finished - not completely sure anymore - and then move back from the right to the left and so on.

It is all about timing (it is more like you would really fight instead of just shacking). I had a bit of a problem with it at the beginning myself (probably because I wasn't used to use the Wiimote that way - though it makes more sense that way if you think about it).

Just shacking won't help you.

Once you have found out the correct timing it shouldn't be such a problem.

The most important point is that you just aren't allowed to move the Wiimote from left to right and then immeditaly back from right to left. You have to wait in that position before moving it back.


Regarding the part with the boss fights at the end.

Yeah that part was not so good. After all you were just fighting the same monsters again. Especially Orochi you have killed him a third time now. The final boss wasn't that cool either. I liked the bosses before way more. Though Okami finally getting her full form back was cool though :)

I wonder what exactly that "moon girl" from "Mr. Bambus" is going to do. I guess she probably returns to the moon. What makes me think why she came to earth in the first way and also: Waka seems to be from the moon either. What I wondered though is: Who did he come to the place where the gods used to live, I mean somehow I find it strange that you can just fly there :)

A sequel would be really great. There are some questions without answer after the end.

Furthermore, I watched the PS2 credits on Youtube and there is one part at the end that also indicates that the story is not finished yet.



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Ohhh, Okami; so awesome in so many ways. Yet sucking in the stupid digging!


Yes, I have returned to this thread to again post my hate for the Digging mini-games :heh: . Is there any sure-fire way to draw the Galestorm picture without it either: Being just a stupid blue line, or, being the Bloom picture?

It's so annoying!! And the stupid waterfall one. Is there any sure-fire way of drawing that too? I've been on this stupid mini-game fo AGES!!





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If it is what I think, then yes: Start with small line from left to right then go over in a circle after that line and then end it with another small line from left to right at the end of the circle.

Bloom is just a circle.

Where problem I had a problem though was with the three lines whirlwind...

That haven't worked for me in most cases.


If you mean with waterfall those fountains from the "lakes", you just have to draw a not that long (but also not small) line from bottom to top (of course not over the whole screen) more or less without curves and so.


The only problem I once had was with Bloom and Sun mixed up during the Konohana dance for the last bud and as mentioned with the whirlwind but that is is not necessary for completing the game but still I would like a fail-safe way to do this.

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Ohhh, Okami; so awesome in so many ways. Yet sucking in the stupid digging!


Yes, I have returned to this thread to again post my hate for the Digging mini-games :heh: . Is there any sure-fire way to draw the Galestorm picture without it either: Being just a stupid blue line, or, being the Bloom picture?

It's so annoying!! And the stupid waterfall one. Is there any sure-fire way of drawing that too? I've been on this stupid mini-game fo AGES!!






go slowly for the wind, very slow and it works.


for the water, i found a quick flick up worked best. my personal thought on the digging game cannot be exressed here as children may be around.

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Well I just killed Orochi, and half expected the credits to roll. Was just starting to think in my mind, "well that wasn't as long as I had hoped...good game though" and then fond out it had barely begun! Fantastic. Other than the attacking being a bit weird (Rosaries are the only ones that I can get to work so far so I've stuck with them) and a few other small niggles it's been fantastic.



One thing; where is that dojo that teaches double jump/digging in hard ground? I came across it early on but didn't learn them, thinking I would get another chance later and that I didn't need them yet. However, it seems I was wrong, so I want to go back and get them.

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The one in the filed outside the starting village doesn't teach the double jump stuff though, and I don't think I've reached any sunken ship yet.


Maybe Dojo isn't the right word; where do I learn double jump?

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I can't believe I still havent got this game. I went through a phase of buying every game I was even remotely interested in, i ended up not playing a lot because I had too many games. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't buy games unless they were 1. Very good games 2. Offered a new experience 3. Would be great in multiplayer 4. Was a bargain


So most games I wait til there cheap. Anyways, I need to finish off a few games before I get this, which should be soon, hoping to get it for my birthday next month. Either way I can't wait to get into it, if its as good or close to being as good as Zelda than I'm going to have an amazing time. Probably play through this in the great game drought of 2008 that is Wii's xmas period :)

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Regarding attacking look at my first post on this page - there I explained how it works with other tings than rosaries:



Regarding the double jump, you can learn it by the second dojo. It is in the field after that big bridge (the field that leads to the capital) - I believe at least it was there, the only thing I can say for sure is: It is on an island and you have to swim there.

Btw. that field is the coast I meant.


@Tales: There is a third Dojo later in the game too.

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Regarding attacking look at my first post on this page - there I explained how it works with other tings than rossaries:



Regarding the double jump, you can learn it by the second dojo. It is in the field after that big bridge (the field that leads to the town).

It is on an island there. You have to swimm there.


The bridge that starts up, and you have to lower it with the fire arrow? That's the point I'm up to, just saved before lowering it. And I could have sworn I'd been somewhere that let me learn it before then.

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