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Does anyone here seriously follow a football team


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Haha, bullshit. I've been to plenty of thrilling games in football with 3-0/4-0 scores (etc). you just choose to base your arguement on one or two boring games. Look at the World Cup last year, many many thrilling great games. Open your eyes.


Let's look at the results of yesterday shall we?


Barclays Premiership

Aston Villa 1-0 West Ham

Blackburn 2-1 Sheff Utd

Charlton 0-1 Chelsea

Fulham 2-1 Newcastle

Liverpool 0-0 Everton

Man City 0-2 Reading

Middlesbrough 1-1 Arsenal

Watford 0-1 Bolton

Wigan 1-0 Portsmouth


The vast majority are 0-0, 1-0. ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....


In any case, I find chavball boring, you don't. Oh well.


No, I've never heard a racist chant/song on the terraces. I don't WANT to hear it, or HAVEN'T.


Well then why has there been so much publicised about it? Fine you haven't heard but it does exist a fair bit, not strictly in the UK but elsewhere. That very fact says volumes about the sport.


What? Did you watch the school team playing the local school team. Therefore, I may grant you that it was boring. Professional football ain't.


No they were England games and a few Chelsea ones.


I find it funny that you argue that football is in the dark ages. As far as I checked, your beloved rugby's objectives was to tackle people with full contact. I'm reckoning that to an unbiased individual - that would be seen as the more Dark Age sport.


Not even going to bother arguing against that completely bollocks paragraph.



Hooliganism is rare now. In the past it was a problem, but its faded away so much now.


If you say so.



Oh, and rugby's heading the same way with the overpaid players :kiss:


Another bollocks comment that shows you know nothing about the sport.



And now can we get back onto topic instead of arguing. Fuck off and create a rugby thread if you want to...


Pretty hostile statement? No wonder you're a chavball fan.


I love the fact that no one has even replied to the 'tumour boy' story LOL. That's pretty much a shining example of everything wrong with chavball

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Haha, I highly doubt you've been to any. Besides you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


There is absolutely no racism in any of the english or scotish leagues. None, ablsolutely none, and don't tell me other wise, I've been to hundreds of matches. Internationally there has been about one or two incidents in the past seven years. As has been said, any racism at all is simply not tolerated.


Also you've seemed to have made a judgement that football is a boring sport with lots of diving. I find this funny coming from someone who has only been to 10 games (or so he claims), and a rugby fan who tells me that rugby is less tedious.


Just go away if you don't like football.


EDIT: lOL for ignoring today's 4-0 scoreline :D

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Wow, an exciting score this weekend. I was convinced it would all end in more 1-0's and 0-0's. I just copied and pasted from the BBC results page and didn't see the 4-0 to be honest.


Of course you think I don't have an idea "what the fuck I'm talking about". You're a chavball fan and clearly are going to stick up for your sport.


As I said, I think football's a great game, I just can't stand professional football.


Have you been to every game in the English and scottish leagues then to know there's no racism? If there's no racism they why are there stories like this:






(again, only from the first page of google results, I'm sure there are many more) - Of course it's not tolerated and rightly so, but it still happens.


I've BEEN to 10 games, I've seen plenty more.




Chavball? That's a bloody stupid name, i have skater mates that like football for god's sake.


Yes, because of course I meant that 100% (ie every single football fan in the entire world) is a chav.

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You can't judge a game by its scoreline!


Some of the most boring games ever have ended 4/5-0, whereas some thrilling, face paced, end to end games have ended in a goalless draw! You can't seriously believe that just because its low scoring its boring? I'm sure there have been some exciting rugby matches that have had low scores, or boring ones that have had high scores?!


Also, football is amazing!

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1. Motion, shut the fuck up.

2. Everyone ignore motion.


And why should I 'shut the fuck up'? Because I'm sharing my opinion? Because others don't like it?


Get over it.


lmao, 50 page thread confirmed. Motion i respect your endurance, you will make a worthy successor.


I was going to say the same to you having read a few of your posts over the past couple of months on the Wii board ;)

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Hooray! A fellow yellow! We're a dying breed. After seeing the match on monday night, I thought I couldn't physically see them play again it was so terrible. I have faith though, although I doubt we'll reclaim top spot, I reckon we can at least get a decent run towards the end of the season and be in good form to win the playoffs (one hopes).


Yeah, if we can regain some of the form seen at the start of the season for the last part of the season we should be able to get promoted. Probably wont catch Dagenham & Redbridge now though, which is a bit disappointing.


Motion, your arguements are amazingly narrow minded and bewildering. You seem to think that football lacks any rules or tactics, in that case why do games such as Championship Manager sell so well. Why are they so addictive that marriages have broken up over them. You state that most games are dull and end in 1-0 or 0-0 results. Well like any competitive sport you will get some games where defensive strategies are taken resulting in a poor spectacle, but then you will equally often get games which are exciting events. Maybe you just don't find football interesting, in which case that's your opinion, not the fault of the game and there are millions of people that will disagree.


Then there is your arguement about how football is filled with racism and homophobia. Yeah, alright you get some morons who might shout abuse, but mostly down one or two individuals. For example in that article about the 'Tumour boy' it seems that most of the abuse came from a small group of fans and was widely condemned. In the Emre incident that you cite, it was clear that his comment "while not being particularly pleasant, it was not racist." and that after Roeder "went into the opposition dressing room to apologise for what had been an ugly incident on the pitch". Another article you cite seems more concerned with highlighting how racism is being kicked out of football. The point is you can't condemn an entire sport based on a few individuals. In the many, many games of football I have been to I have never seen any first hand examples of racism or violence. And yes, you're right, it does happen quite a lot in other countries around the world, but that is a social problem. It's not the sport that makes people racist it is society, upbringing and personal experience.


Right now on to your arguement about the players being thick over paid pre-madonnas who fall down at every opportunity and pretend to be injured. I think Ant-Shimmin's post giving examples of Dirk Kuyt and De La Cruz as arguements against this, but there are plenty of others. Again, this is based on individuals. Yes you get some (to be honest mostly European) cheating players who dive at every opportunity, but this practice is seen to be ruining the game and is being clamped down on more by referees'.


Anyway, I'm bored of typing. I can't see why your still carrying on this argument or even why you started it in the first place as no-one is going to agree with you and your haven't got a chance at changing anyones mind. So give up now while you still have some respect.

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Thank you for the first sensible reply to my postings I've seen on this board.


I completely understand that all the negatives in football (from the crowd I mean) are from a minority of supporters. That's fair enough. I've been trying to argue that it shouldn't be happening AT ALL, as is the case with the vast majority of other sports around the world.


Same with the comments about the players, I know they're not ALL like that, but in my opinion a large number of them are.


The tumour boy comments are inexcusable and the fact that 'all managers get abuse' sums it all up really.


I don't think football lacks tactics and rules. I just think there are hardly any rules and the number of tactics are I suppose adequate.


I agree that I won't be changing anyone's mind on such a pro-football thread, so I'll stop trying. Thank you again for your intelligent reply.


Yes we do. if you'd actually read what other people have written. Which you haven't.

That's why you're so hilariously ignorant :D


Point me who's discussed SPECIFICALLY either homophobia in football or the tumour boy post. Oh and newsflash, that's not ignorance even if I was ignoring :-D


With the exception of weeyellow who just replied to them in the last 5 minutes.

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I'm bored of motion, his posts go on far too long and don't seem to have anything to do with the thread title.


I have a season ticket for Huddersfield Town and have done for about 11 or so years now.


Yes because talking about football when the thread titles asks if anyone follows it is so off-topic isn't it.


You don't like my posts don't read them. This is a discussion board and I'm allowed to have an opinion. Once again though, when someone doesn't like what I'm saying they shoot me down calling me ignorant, a moron and saying that I should shut the fuck up and am full of it.


Nice crowd this, you can tell it's a chavball crowd.

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I don't follow chavball, rugby union on the other hand...


I haven't seen every post in the thread so someone may have quoted this already, but Chavball...



its the biggest sport in the world, it isnt just chavs that like it, but its actually an amazing thing to behold and be a part in. Id say that it is mainly chavs that play it in my school, but who cares? im not really a chav and i play every week and support a team. Argh. there are so many wrong things with that post!

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I haven't seen every post in the thread so someone may have quoted this already, but Chavball...



its the biggest sport in the world, it isnt just chavs that like it, but its actually an amazing thing to behold and be a part in. Id say that it is mainly chavs that play it in my school, but who cares? im not really a chav and i play every week and support a team. Argh. there are so many wrong things with that post!


Would you prefer poofball or wendyball that others like to call it?

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Would you prefer poofball or wendyball that others like to call it?


the people that call it those things only say that because they cant play it. if you're good at it, you love it. football has brought different cultures and people together and overall made the world a better place

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Motion, shush. You base your comments on individuals and the minority instead of the majority.


Who remembers the racism scandel that dogged the SA team then? And that was in 2003...


Now, I don't (and nor does anyone else) really care about your arguements anymore. Either discuss the thread properly or I'll delete the irrelevant posts. Go make a separate thread I can ignore instead of ruining one I actually think is worth discussing.

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Oh, and rugby's heading the same way with the overpaid players :kiss:


I disagree, rugby players are paid modest salaries for sportsmen (although more than those poor cricketers). The Premiership has a salary cap which prevents players being horribly overpaid...and clubs which do tend to lose out because of depth issues (see Northampton for example...). I wish there were some sort of salary cap imposed on football because it's just getting stupid...and there are so few surprises at the top. In capped sports like rugby and american football there's a lot of change at the top (with some exceptions - see Leicester Cheaters in rugby and the New England Patriots in football).

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