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Are you happy with your Wii?


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True. ::shrug: Makes me wonder what Nintendo will come up with in 5 years if they decide to stick with their new philosophy


I'm sure Iwata said that their next console would be HD. I don't think graphics can get all that much better, I'm sure the next console's graphics will be similar to the 360/PS3.

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I'm sure Iwata said that their next console would be HD. I don't think graphics can get all that much better, I'm sure the next console's graphics will be similar to the 360/PS3.


Same as what I think. Eventually, graphical changes will just be smaller and smaller. Tiny little details. I just think we're going to hit a graphical brickwall. What happens when you reach photo-realism? How can you go beyond that?

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Same as what I think. Eventually, graphical changes will just be smaller and smaller. Tiny little details. I just think we're going to hit a graphical brickwall. What happens when you reach photo-realism? How can you go beyond that?

Some blokes at Epic have calculated that the processing power required to do photorealism can be reached earliest by 2018, so there's still long to go.


The improvement uptil then however, will be very minmal per generation, I agree. The processing power required for the tiniest improvements is getting out of proportion.

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I was never banned, infraction points yes but that is all.


Its fact though zelda the only decent game from a graphics/gameplay/story/sound point of view. And yes you will be drowning in a done of games, most of those will be monkey ball/marble maddness style copies, and the others will be ports of games from other systems.


Anyway I am going to view the forums for a while.


See you guys.


It's not fact, it's yet again, your opinion. Lots of people love Wario Ware, and a few people do like Monkey Ball, Rayman, and obviously Wii Sports.


Red Steel has a few fans as well. And I don't know what a done of games is, but Wii will have plenty at the end of the year, and I was in fact also talking about my 360 and DS as well. As for Monkey Ball clones, I don't think anyone knows what you're on about, because as far as I can see, Sonic, Mario, Metroid, Smash Bros., Disaster, Prince of Persia etc. are nothing like it.


Well they could do it so you could see every little detail. Plus more processing power.


So basically nothing noticeable.

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It's not fact, it's yet again, your opinion. Lots of people love Wario Ware, and a few people do like Monkey Ball, Rayman, and obviously Wii Sports.


Red Steel has a few fans as well. And I don't know what a done of games is, but Wii will have plenty at the end of the year, and I was in fact also talking about my 360 and DS as well. As for Monkey Ball clones, I don't think anyone knows what you're on about, because as far as I can see, Sonic, Mario, Metroid, Smash Bros., Disaster, Prince of Persia etc. are nothing like it.


Sonic yes the only franchise that keeps getting bad.

Mario - I haven't played a good mario game in 3d.

Metroid - Well ok but we don't know how it will play other fps on the wii

have made it kind of worrying

Smash Bros and Disaster - you actually think these games will be out this year:laughing:

Prince of Persia - ok a very average port of a psp game.


Yeah its my opinion, so there

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Yeah its my opinion, so there
I hope you do realise that continously, repeatedly selling your opinion as fact to the annoyance of everybody in any thread that you can get your mouse on is trolling, and people have been banned for less.


I sure think you like the attention you're getting now. Get some friends to play Wario Ware with.

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Photo realism huh? I dunno, I think at some point we need to look at whether it's really worth it.


Film, despite being actors and real stuff, usually have sets. Sets are what you see in the movie, so there's no reason to have an entire city all dressed up if you're never gonna notice it. The fact that you can zoom in on the tires and read the make in PGR3.. I dunno man.. Once you're driving around - playing a game - it doesn't really matter.


There are things you notice on the whole, whilst playing. I think lighting and motion effects and the way things react to your presence is interesting stuff because those are things you subconciously notice. Whether there's real, rendered hair on your character's chest when all you do in the game is stare at his butt is irrelevant.


To me anyway. So yeah, I suppose I feel pretty good with what the Wii is. That's no reason to get sloppy and not pay attention to crafting your visuals well, but things like Dewy show that efforts are already made in that area. Meanwhile, this friday Okami came out, certainly proving what you can do from an artistic standpoint with things that you - again - notice while you're actually playing the game.


I think graphics are starting to make input systems look rather silly aswell. I look at Crysis and I think "JEESUS!", and then I realise we'll be WASDing and clicking our way through its bordering on absurdly detailed environments. And yeah, it gets a bit silly.


It's like a 200kg, 2m tall bodybuilder with a tiny penis I reckon.

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I hope you do realise that continously, repeatedly selling your opinion as fact to the annoyance of everybody in any thread that you can get your mouse on is trolling, and people have been banned for less.


I sure think you like the attention you're getting now. Get some friends to play Wario Ware with.


Totally it, it's not the fact that I disagree with your opinion ZeldaFreak, it's that you tell people these things as if it's fact. You've not played a good Mario game in 3d? Well the last 2 were rated pretty highly, and this new one is looking pretty damn good so far. Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it's not an excellent game that will be out for the Wii.


Wii has some cool games out in the next month or 2, but yet again, they don't fit into YOUR opinion so they don't count do they...

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I have 3 Wii games i'm getting in the month of March.

To me there's a lot of good Wii games out there and more to come!

I seriously can't wait for The Secret Rings and DragonBall Z.


And Trauma Centre will be fun when I finally get it,been looking forward to these 3 since they were announced.


Good thing all these games will be out after my prelims cause i'll be spending a lot more time on the Wii.

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I'm a little unhappy really.. i haven't played in about 2 weeks. Zelda's in, but i can't be arsed putting in the time. Im selling WarioWare..

Hopefully ExciteTruck will lift my spirits before i get my xbox360.


You sound like me to be honest. I'm sure the games will be there throughout the year, and we'll soon be talking about how great it is.

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I suppose it all depends on how well the Wii is recieved. If sales start to dwindle because of lower graphical power they may boost it next time around.


However I could see nintendo in the future becoming an exclusively hand held console company.


Yes. They're going to abandon all their home console output after successfully creating a market which is still queuing up for their console months after it's release. PS3 on the other hand, gee, just watch that thing fly off the shelves.

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