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Special skills or talents


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My friend can lick his elbow.


So your skill is that your friend can lick his elbow?


Others would probably say I'm into my music. I'm not the best musician, but I'm always trying to learn more, get more interested in music.


Not sure what else to say. Will think more on this, but later.

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(It's Delacratic)

If I want to I could jump off this building.

(It's Delacratic)

I could hold two pieces of doo-doo in my hand.

(It's Delacratic)

I could call everybody in that room a rubberneck.

(It's Delacratic)

Come on, please?

(It's Delacratic)

I can say anything that I want.

(It's Delacratic)

I could wave my hand in my air.

(It's Delacratic)

I could stick my hand up my nose.

(It's Delacratic)

I could hold my foot and count the toes.

(It's Delacratic)

I can do anything.


Actually there is very little I can do well. I'm one of those people who see's something and thinks I'll give that a go, then gets bored and drifts off to something else. I'm average at trumpet, tin whistle, harmonica and guitar, I'm passable at diablo and I can sketch things that can on occassion look vaguely good. I think the one skill I do have is very high levels of stamina which gives me the ability to do exercise for very long periods of time without getting tired.

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Pretty hard to come up with stuff. Apart from my modest video gaming skill, I guess my special skill is to do really well in school without trying that hard compared to others who spend hours upon hours studying and revising. Hmm.. not much else.

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Pretty hard to come up with stuff. Apart from my modest video gaming skill, I guess my special skill is to do really well in school without trying that hard compared to others who spend hours upon hours studying and revising. Hmm.. not much else.


yeah i HATE you for that :mad:


But yeah i'm better than you at smash, so yay :yay:


I guess my talent is that i can cheer people up and make them laugh...i think.

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So your skill is that your friend can lick his elbow?


Well I took a photo of him doing it once. :heh:


I seem to be able to play any racket sport well with no practice before hand at all. I played squash for the first time a few months back and grasped it instantly.

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Well I took a photo of him doing it once. :heh:


I seem to be able to play any racket sport well with no practice before hand at all. I played squash for the first time a few months back and grasped it instantly.


A friend of mine can lick her able. Freaky as SHIT!

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