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Zelda WW vs Zelda TP vs OoT

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Very close to WW.


TP comared to any other game that isn't Zelda: 10/10.

TP compared to other Zeldas: 8.8.


Including Minish Cap and The Oracle ones and Zelda II?


cos i'd rate all three lower than TP.


in a world where OoT is a 10, WW would get a 9.8 from me, TP would get 9.8, MC 8, Oracle games 7.9, LTTP 10, MM 8.5 and so on.

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I don't like comparing 2D Zeldas against 3D ones. You can't in my opinion, they're completely different.


Links Awakening rules the roost of the 2D ones and Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are king of Links 3D outings. Its too difficult to choose between MM and TP but LttP is whalloped by LA. :bouncy:

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Links Awakening rules the roost of the 2D ones and Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are king of Links 3D outings. Its too difficult to choose between MM and TP but LttP is whalloped by LA. :bouncy:


I cannot believe I just read that! Sure Links Awakening is class, but it's shaded by A Link To The Past!

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Links Awakening rules the roost of the 2D ones and Twilight Princess and Majora's Mask are king of Links 3D outings. Its too difficult to choose between MM and TP but LttP is whalloped by LA. :bouncy:


Bloody hell I completely disagree. Links Awakening?? It's pretty cool but not a patch on ALttP!


And TP? fourth favourite 3D Zelda for me.

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Bloody hell I completely disagree. Links Awakening?? It's pretty cool but not a patch on ALttP!


And TP? fourth favourite 3D Zelda for me.


least favorite 3D Zelda then?


i think you can compare them, why can't you?!


I much prefer LTTP to OoT if i had to pick one to play through, its more challenging and has better art direction which makes it a joy to play through, plus i'm pretty sure it has the largest number of items of ANY Zelda game.


Link's Awakening is to LTTP what MM is to OoT, a side quest thats damn fun but is different from the main quest.


i don't see why people favor MM so much. but hey ho this threads meant to be TP vs WW not 2D vs 3D Zeldas etc

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It's so tough for me to compare the 3D Zeldas, I think they're all amazing in their own way. I loved Ocarina's story, temples and ocarina tunes. Majora's Mask darkness, whole concept and time travel was awesome. I loved Wind Wakers visuals, storyline, animation and boss battles. With Twilight Princess I loved Midna, the Hyrule world and the first 4 dungeons, not to mention a lot of the items. The twilight itself was pretty awesome too as were most of the cutscenes.


But with TP I guess in a way it tried to mix something from the other 3 but didn't work as well as any of them. Kinda like convergence gadgets, a camera that's also a phone and a toaster or whatever... it's great on the surface but deep down it doesn't do the job as well as the proper items. Maybe I'm being too harsh.


I see what you're saying about comparing 2D to 3D but I don't agree personally. The whole dynamic of the game is completely different. Of course you can say which you had more fun playing etc... so I suppose in a way you can compare them but I like to look at the 2D Zeldas and the 3D Zeldas as two seperate things.


The number of items in ALLTP is truly staggering yeah.

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It's so tough for me to compare the 3D Zeldas, I think they're all amazing in their own way. I loved Ocarina's story, temples and ocarina tunes. Majora's Mask darkness, whole concept and time travel was awesome. I loved Wind Wakers visuals, storyline, animation and boss battles. With Twilight Princess I loved Midna, the Hyrule world and the first 4 dungeons, not to mention a lot of the items. The twilight itself was pretty awesome too as were most of the cutscenes.


But with TP I guess in a way it tried to mix something from the other 3 but didn't work as well as any of them. Kinda like convergence gadgets, a camera that's also a phone and a toaster or whatever... it's great on the surface but deep down it doesn't do the job as well as the proper items. Maybe I'm being too harsh.


I see what you're saying about comparing 2D to 3D but I don't agree personally. The whole dynamic of the game is completely different. Of course you can say which you had more fun playing etc... so I suppose in a way you can compare them but I like to look at the 2D Zeldas and the 3D Zeldas as two seperate things.


The number of items in ALLTP is truly staggering yeah.




This is the first post i have read by you that i like! :D


You get your point across, don't slag off anything, and you make sense!!! More of this please :D


I agree that they do have different gameplay, i didn't like the 3D Zeldas till WW came out really. LTTP and OoT are both the best at what they do but i have more fun playing LTTP form the 2D games and WW or TP from the 3D ones, just preference really.


I do love the whole story in TP and how they try and give everything its own dark and twisted back story-tis fun :)

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Have you completed Minish Cap? Im yet to. In my original file I go to the final boss but couldnt succeed so after a few months break, I opened a new file. Ive played it up until before going in to sort Vaati up but I wanna go around and fuse some more kinstones and whatnot so Im a bit stronger for the fight.


Im afraid Ive played neither of the Oracle games but I can fully reccommend Links Awakening. :)

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Link's Awakening rocks! Try to get the color version though, cause it has colors (duh), some funny photograph scenes and an extra dungeon. =3


I find it difficult to pick favourites in the Zelda series (I'll only talk about the 3D ones now). OoT just has something special. It was a completely new experience and I think it made me love videogames more. So it has a special place in my heart. ='3

MM was just awesome and dark and had so many cool characters and sidequests. I love it and it comes really close to being as good as OoT (it surpasses it on some things, like characters).


WW was amazingly beautiful and fun. The only thing that bothered me about it was some of the sailing, cause it could get boring. I don't remember spending too long on the Triforce hunt though. But yeah, great game, but for some reason I can't compare it to any of the other Zelda games, cause it just feels so very different.


TP sort of goes back to the style of OoT and MM, so I find it easier to compare it to those than WW. TP was just an amazing game in my opinion. I loved every single thing about it (well, the wolf howling a bit less, cause it didn't sound that cool X3 ). The end fight was pretty cool and I just love running through Hyrule field with Epona, slashing at enemies with my sword. =D

And I don't know what people complain about, but this game seriously has some great music. At the moment, I think I like the music in this game the most. I just can't stop listening to the soundtrack (which sadly only has six songs) cause it's so awesome.



So if I have to put TP and WW against each other, I think TP wins, just because it gave me a better overall experience. WW still rocks though. =3

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A Link to the Past is easily the best 2D Zelda game with Minish Cap coming in at 2nd. I wasnt a big fan of the Oracle games but they are still worth a look if you can get ahold of them. As for Links Awakening I only played that twice. Once on the original game and the other on the DX version and I cant really remember them that well.

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I'd say that Links Awakening is a better game than Minish Cap, it has more dungeons and you don't find yourself as annoyingly lost due to lack of any direction, also i'm not a fan of the art direction in MC-its like a bastardised WW but worse.

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Just played the final dungeon in WW again, made me realise how much harder this final boss is compared to the TP one. Very strange playing with a controller again as well.


I liked the final dungeon it had a nice spooky feel to it though could have done with being a tad longer. Also the 4 levels to represent the temples at the start ot it could have been better. They took hardly anytime to do as opposed to the same themed ones in OOT.


Still, they should have delayed WW 6 months or whatever and given us those two extra temples.

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TP is good, no doubt. But I can't say it was that damn good. TP maybe..too over hyped? I expected it to be absolutely flawless. To be THE best game ever. And it was mucho shorter than I expected. Halo 2 was hyped so bloody much (mostly by media) but then the Halo fanboys said nah Halo 1 was mucho better ;O Mm, this is why those sleeper hits are so damn good.

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Just played the final dungeon in WW again, made me realise how much harder this final boss is compared to the TP one. Very strange playing with a controller again as well.


I liked the final dungeon it had a nice spooky feel to it though could have done with being a tad longer. Also the 4 levels to represent the temples at the start ot it could have been better. They took hardly anytime to do as opposed to the same themed ones in OOT.


Still, they should have delayed WW 6 months or whatever and given us those two extra temples.


The lack of temples hurt it more than the triforce hunt, I mean with two extra temples tyhe game would just have felt more complete.

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I actually preferred Wind Waker, i remember when i was playing it, it actually got me exited about what was going to happen, and the graphics gave it a sense of uniqueness that Twilight Princess doesn't have. Moments like

when the king of Hyrule and Tetra meet and the triforce shards fit together to reveal she is actually Zelda

, the music and visuals really bring it to life. The Dungeons many not be bursting out of the games 'ears', but the ones that are there are better designed and more challenging than TP. Twilight princess never seems to become as epic, exiting or challenging as WW and in comparison, the visuals and gameplay in TP seem dull. Don't get me wrong, TP is still a good game, but they seem to have simply filled the game with empty landscape rather than using that space to stage wars against enemy forces etc.

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The lack of temples hurt it more than the triforce hunt, I mean with two extra temples tyhe game would just have felt more complete.


I agree completely.


I actually preferred Wind Waker, i remember when i was playing it, it actually got me exited about what was going to happen, and the graphics gave it a sense of uniqueness that Twilight Princess doesn't have. Moments like
when the king of Hyrule and Tetra meet and the triforce shards fit together to reveal she is actually Zelda

, the music and visuals really bring it to life. The Dungeons many not be bursting out of the games 'ears', but the ones that are there are better designed and more challenging than TP. Twilight princess never seems to become as epic, exiting or challenging as WW and in comparison, the visuals and gameplay in TP seem dull. Don't get me wrong, TP is still a good game, but they seem to have simply filled the game with empty landscape rather than using that space to stage wars against enemy forces etc.


And I agree there as well. TP feels very soul-less compared to OOT/MM/WW.


I would love the next game in the series to have a WW-esque style. Having said that, I didn't like the look of Hyrule down below very much. Maybe it worked so well because it was mostly ocean? Or maybe I'm just talking crap. lol

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