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Flat/Housemates From Hell


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I think Gaggle will like this thread, as I've based it around his experiences. Apparantly, his flatmates are right filthy people, so it inspired me to create this.


So, have you ever lived anyone that drived up the wall?


Last year, I lived with a German girl who was a bit of an annoyance. She created a list of rules and put them up in the kitchen, as apparantly the place was a tip. So what caused her to make the rules? Somebody left their shoes in the living room. That was it. I think thats a bit petty, as things were never really that bad.


Other flats I've been into have been far, far worse. We had it amazing at ours.

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Guest Jordan

I live with a bunch of retards.

My brother is incapable of cleaning up after his self, infact its like living with a 5 year old rather than a 24 year old. Not to mention he's a fucking tool.


My sister has a problem with windows, she opens then EVERYWHERE. Its not like i don't like fresh air, but its the middle of freaking winter and the house is so cold in most rooms because of her.

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My brother is a pain, he has a part-time job working at Homebase, and when he comes in he tells me and my other brother to do stuff for him, such as plug the Xbox 360/PS2/GC in, he also leaves bowls and plates around whenever he's finished with them, and if they need to be moved, he'll tell one of us to do it. As soon as he's done those hard three hours of work on certain days he doesn't lift a finger all night. He does a normal 9-5 day on a Sunday, so he is excused from that, but to work THREE HOURS! 6pm-9pm! Jesus Christ! And I can't argue, he's better than me at arguing, because I haven't got a job I shouldn't complain, but I really don't think working for just three hours on 2 nights a week does not entitle you to be the Queen Of Sheba!


Moving on, my dad can't get his head round that we're not little kids anymore, he still cooks us our tea, which is okay, but I'm 17 and never once used the grill or the oven, I don't even know how to bloody work them. He also just walks into my bedroom whenever he likes, because it's his house. It may be his house, but it's my bedroom, he never walks into my brother's bedroom when my brother is in there, but he does when I am on the PC.

My dad also states the obvious a lot, every Sunday he used to tell me to go to bed because I had school. But, how the hell am I going to forget I had school the next day if my mum woke me up every morning!

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I supposedly live with five people, but I only ever see four of them. The fifth's a total msytery. Seen her maybe five times.


That sounds like me.


I lived in a building with about twenty other people for almost two years. The thing was, all those people were pigs and we had to share one kitchen, two showers (of which only one worked from time to time) and a toilet per floor (four people per floor I think). Anyway, those people were loud and obnoxious and loved running and jumping around in the hallways in the middle of the night, or turning on the fire alarm.

The kitchen was always always a mess. It had a cooking pan sitting there with leftover shrimp or something... from someone who lived there a year earlier. I don't think anyone moved that pan till like a half year later. The floor was always covered in sticky goo. The dishes just piled up every day cause no one really wanted to do them (they did get done, just not very often). Food stains on every corner of the tablet. Garbage bags (filled ones) thrown all over the floor. People using your dishes to cook and then not cleaning them. Showers covered in icky hair...


It's no wonder we had to deal with mice in our building. I had one jump right on my desk in front of me at one point; scared the shit out of me. Mouse poison was the way to go. Also, I ended up locking myself up in my room, not going to the kitchen anymore or talking to the other people. I got my own little microwave and cooking plate, and a small fridge. Worked better than the crappy kitchen downstairs.


In the end, I quit school (might be sort of related to me hating the people in the building I lived in) and went back home. I loved my room there, a nice place for myself, but I just really hated the people and the rest of the building (and city), so I was glad to go home. There really is no place like home. ='3

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My flat mate is cool, he's been my friend since the first year of school and we don't get in each others way. We are always arguing, because he as an absurd way of thinking, but we never get mad at each other. He's too reserved though (maybe I am too), so he doesn't make a very good company it's kind of like I'm alone in the house. But I'm lucky to be able to live with a goof«d friend like him.

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My building during the first year was a bit of a state. Nothing on the scale of gaggle's hell hole, but something akin to it. A Diet rendition you could say. Zero, even. It was more a case of piled up dishes than anything, but the actual surfaces and stuff were nowhere near as bad. Pretty shit overall though.

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Hearing about what you lot dont like about the people you live with has made me think, alot of these traits apply to me :sad: Especially the three hour shift one, i always make out that ive just worked a nightshift or summert.


Oh and mymum always states the obvious, i never used to notice it but now i like topick up on and twist / turn most of what she says against her, i notice she constantly states the obvious like: "Your teas going to go cold" "Its late, go to bed" "If you dont get up on time youll miss the bus" Meh, just irritates me a tiny bit.


Shes like a broken record most of the time but without her id wouldnt be able to manage. Shes alright reaaly.

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In the last 6 months I have found (and picked out with my bare hands) the following list, of waterlogged foodstuffs clogging the sink, on multiple occasions.


In no particular order:





Curried Prawns



Suspicous Goopy Grey Stuff

Beef Chop-Suey

Beef Curry

A Hunk Of Beef


Mouldy KFC

Flaky Pie Crust

Chicken Skin


What magical wonders will I find next? Only time will tell...

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In the last 6 months I have found (and picked out with my bare hands) the following list, of waterlogged foodstuffs clogging the sink, on multiple occasions.


In no particular order:





Curried Prawns



Suspicous Goopy Grey Stuff

Beef Chop-Suey

Beef Curry

A Hunk Of Beef


Mouldy KFC

Flaky Pie Crust

Chicken Skin


What magical wonders will I find next? Only time will tell...


Might find something alive next time? a rat perhaps?

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I found an entire loaf of bread this term. Pronounced KIA on the scene, the offending article had been reduced to the state of a mass of green filth and horror in a bag. And the girl responsible gives me shit about dirty plates that aren't even dirty.



Gaggle- once again you amaze me. I wouldn't be surprised if one day we find you sat amongst the ruins of your flat, your ex housemates' heads on poles around you, whispering about slugs crawling on razor blades and about'the horror...the horror'

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I am the only person who cleans pots... so now I only clean my own. Share my kitchen with James (j7) who's fine but also three other people who just let dishes pile up and pile up and never do anything about it. The kitchen floor is always covered in crap, people throw milk in the bin and make the room stink, plates and cutlery are left for weeks at a time, the oven looks like ten pizzas exploded inside it, even though its brand new.


I hate to think what it looks like after the Christmas break, it's probably got mice and mould.


Also the walls are paper thin so on a night where a few people went out but I have to get a decent night's sleep, I need earplugs. (Orange ones from superdrug work great :heh:)


Oh yeah and someone from downstairs used our Kitchen to make a turkey at Christmas, days later the unit and oven were still coated with grease and fat - and one of my drinking glasses was full of it! They actually used one of my glasses to scoop out fat and gravy!

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Gaggle, I seem to have missed the story about your accomodation... Care to elaborate a bit more please?


To cut a long story short, my flatmates are all evil robots from the future who are trying to kill me with unsanitary conditions. Apparently there's going to be a resistance and I'm my own uncle or something.

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I was pretty lucky at uni really. In the first year one of the girl was allergic to mould so used to go on hyper cleaning sessions in the kitchen every couple of days, which was the only communial area we shared.


2nd year was also pretty good although the washing up got out of hand because nobody could be arsed to do it untill all there was nothing left. But everybody would at least rinse stuff out most of the time so it didnt smell.


In the 3rd year however, the new guy who lived with us was a fucking filthy slob. His room was a tip but nobody went in there. The living room wasnt to bad but the kitchen oh my god, how we didnt all go down with botulism i'll never know. He would go shopping and rather then put stuff away just dump it ont he floor, even frozen food and stuff that needs to go in the fridge. And he would regularly cook either Roast chickens or Currys and basically destroy the kitchen, then not clean anything up, and in the case of the chickens would normally leave the carcasses ont he side rotting. I basically refused to cook at home in the 3rd year and refused to clean the kitchen because it wasnt my mess and on the odd ocassions the kitchen was clean enough for me to cook in I would always wash my stuff up after me.


Actualy reading that back it sounds worse than it probably was. But an unclean kitchen really annoys me.

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I'm pretty luck in my uni accom. The two girls in my house are pretty clean and are a laugh. There's Rob - who never fucking cleans - so we just pile his dirty shit back into this cupboards - teaches him... I'm a bit lazy when it comes to the cleaning but our house is generally in a tidy state :)

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I'm pretty luck in my uni accom. The two girls in my house are pretty clean and are a laugh. There's Rob - who never fucking cleans - so we just pile his dirty shit back into this cupboards - teaches him... I'm a bit lazy when it comes to the cleaning but our house is generally in a tidy state :)


Big Up to the cranbrook massive.

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