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Where would you live.....


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I was talking about the stuff in england... and hospitals being full of disease meant that the standard of care and cleanliness is rather below what it should be.


The standards are improving, as is the NHS. This is what pisses me tonnes about people, the good things that happen in hospitals are totally over-looked. You never hear how radical treatment saved a child's life, or how people with heart attacks are more likly to live due to new treatments, do you?


Standard of medical education is increasing, and its now harder to pass, you have to also do two foundation years instead of the one year previously.


Also, NHS is free. Therefore you will never be turned away when you cant pay... very few countries have this. So if this countries hospital's are so bad, move to a different country and then love the extornionate insurance they whack on you, or let them bankrupt you with drug's bills. :)


And everyone is miserable. I stand by that :indeed:



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You do hear about good stuff, it's just that the bad stuff is real bad.


Although I think the NHS is a good idea, you have to pay a dam sight more tax over here than you do in other countries, which doesn't go to much use, as well as the NHS being millions in debt, with nurses losing their jobs left, right and center. There is certainly enough nurses, and there are tonnes getting made redundant because of cuts.

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I like it how nobody really gives a shit when people choose to move out of England to somewhere like New Zealand or america etc.


When its Japan, its like youre comitting a crime laugh.gif


It's not just an occasional preference, its the entire internet!

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I might have to cancel my planned excursion to Canada at the end of the month, looks like I might need urgery on my back, Doc is advising against travel incase anything might go wrong.



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I might have to cancel my planned excursion to Canada at the end of the month, looks like I might need urgery on my back, Doc is advising against travel incase anything might go wrong.




Unlucky, dude.


Well, your health is more important. You could always go later, right?

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Yes, but I don't want to move.


So that means 90% of the Internet feel the same way.


Thats how it goes, i want to do this and this, i want to move here and there, but their lack of motivation never enables them to do so.


But that's life. You would think Japan would of been infested by gaijins already, but that is not the case.

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So that means 90% of the Internet feel the same way.


Thats how it goes, i want to do this and this, i want to move here and there, but their lack of motivation never enables them to do so.


But that's life. You would think Japan would of been infested by gaijins already, but that is not the case.

The majority of people who want to move to Japan want to do so for stupid reasons, and think Japan can do no wrong, etc. So they get disappointed if/when they get there and go home. A few people actually realise what the country is like, and try and learn the language first and so on.

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The majority of people who want to move to Japan want to do so for stupid reasons, and think Japan can do no wrong, etc. So they get disappointed if/when they get there and go home. A few people actually realise what the country is like, and try and learn the language first and so on.


So desu, another reason.

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I'm not speaking of you two, you actually seem to have a plan, but most people are sheeple, and want to go to Japan with experiences based on cartoons and what they're online "friends" say.


Well, they won't last, so there's no need to worry.


It will be like that chinese boy, he was seeing some girl on the internet who described herself as a 19 year old beauty, when they finally met up, he discovered she was 29, and very very ugly.


He soon after that hanged himself

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I'm not speaking of you two, you actually seem to have a plan, but most people are sheeple, and want to go to Japan with experiences based on cartoons and what they're online "friends" say.

This is true. In fact, the popularity of Japan annoys me, because it gives people like us a bad image, in both Japan and England.

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This is true. In fact, the popularity of Japan annoys me, because it gives people like us a bad image, in both Japan and England.


Yeah exactly, infact


L'arc en ciel had their 15th anniversary concert, which is apparently gonna be aired in 27 different countries. I naturally got excited that i peed myself, so i downloaded the one they aired in Japan (they aint airing the ones elsewhere for some time) and they had an english voiceover for the interviews and so forth.


The last thing they said in the introduction was, After Cartoon Animation, the next big thing in Japanese exports will be L'arc en ciel and their music.


I was like FUCK YEAHHH, for a bit


But then, i realised, this can't be good. They wont feel sacred to me anymore :(


But people rarely listen to things they dont understand, so it will work out well. As long as they continue making quality music, who cares.


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The majority of people who want to move to Japan want to do so for stupid reasons, and think Japan can do no wrong, etc. So they get disappointed if/when they get there and go home. A few people actually realise what the country is like, and try and learn the language first and so on.


Yes... I'm learning that language, and have been doing so for about a year. Kanji is so evil, but I'm sticking to it.


I want to go there for like... 6 months or something to see what it's like, before I decide to move though.



I checked some larc stuff on youtube a while ago, they're dam good, although I still prefer ajikan.

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I checked some larc stuff on youtube a while ago, they're dam good, although I still prefer ajikan.



Lets face it, they both fucking rock.

Where as i love Ajikans music, L'arc i love their music, their fashion, their style, everything.


My things to do before i die, is to go to both of their concerts at some point.


Ah, kanji... I'll learn more of them next month onwards.


I know like 10 kanji XD

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Nithsdale Road (a few streets away). I would remain in glasgow mainly because of my friends and because all my family live in England so Scotlands the best place to be haha. I would move to Nithsdale Road, houses there cost millions of pounds.


But erm...lets see with everything a side, I would movie to India. Either Goa or Bombay. I love it over there, the weather is beautiful (even sometimes too hot to go out), there is a lot of diversity so if I was rich I would make regular visits to different places, even probably trying out the bhuddist life. Just stuff there makes everythign feel a bit more peaceful.


Other than those 2 places, the other one would probably be America but then I've been put off that country, just somethign about it :heh:


Scotland FTW

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