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The VC review thread


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Hi i am aware there are a few Virtual Console threads but no one seems to give a review sooo i decided to create ths thread that people can used to give a more detalied review of a VC game they have downloaded. The give it a final score out of ten. Much similar to IGN but it will be on our own forum.


so the game can be split into different catagories which will each get its own score then an overall score, your rating out of ten and any comments


the categories are








This thread is to give a more definative review of VC games which n-europe readers can easily access.


Plus give us an insight into what VC games we should all have!


Post a review of ure favorite game now!


p.s i wanna create a template but i can figure out how to create a table on the forum sorry. If someone could either post one or tell me how it would be great

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(I assume we will be rating graphics compared to the original console)


Sttot = Stood the test of time.


Donkey Kong Country


Gameplay 9

graphics 9

Presentation 8

sound 10

Sttot 10


DKC is an absolutely classic game. The levels are unique and well designed, the characters are pretty much flawless, the controls feel fantastic, and there is a big enough difference between characters and aspects to make the game feel fresh throughout and never too repetitive.


Good save system, and the sound is awesome. I have got DKC scores set as my Message Alert Tone on my Mobile...anything that goods gotta geta perfect ten huh?


Sttot = IMO this game is a total classic. One of the best SNES games, ground breaking for the time and genre and timeless.


Overall Score ; 9.1




Gameplay 7.8

graphics 7

Presentation 8

sound 8

Sttot 9


I had not played much of the original Sonic game ever, but had dabbled. I am enjoying the game as the overall gameplay, graphics, music and such is pretty good. Theres a small lack of characters though and the enemies seem a bit boring. Also some of the aspects of the levels are annoying - Certain areas are traps that will totally catch you off guard so you cant avoid them...this is slightly irritating.

Also the lack of a save or level select feature hurts the game. It must of been hurrendous on the Mega Drive, but with the VC "Pause" feature it kind of gives it a sort of save.

I will admit though I do enjoy the game, am still working through it and will definitely be getting the sequels when they release.


Sttot = A classic game, starring the first appearance of one of gamings most recognised characters/franchises.


Overall Score ; 8.1

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Yea graphics conpared to original console. (i don't think it would be fair to compare them to the Wii!)


But maybe also add how the games have stood the test of time. To see if these vintage games have aged well.


Yea im srry about the spelling. I'll try and correct it soon. My spell check isnt working and i have really bad speeling anyway. Sorry for been a typical noob.

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What about challenge rating?

I mean, a major problem with most current games are they are just too easy. Directed at a wider market I suppose than just hardcore 12yr old gamers with thumbs of lightning.

In that case donkey kong would get a 8. Those damn mine carts.




Gameplay 8 (With 2 players 10)

Graphics 7

Presentation 7

Sound 5

Sttot 7

Challenge 6


What could be interpreted as a LOTR version of streets of rage or more accurately, a poor man's SOR.

Back in the day golden axe was a classic and facing yourself against an army of surreal creatures and legions of scantily clad woman was fun.

And for the most part it still is.

The graphics are a shame, showing its age quite substantially and a poor level design to a game that only takes a couple of goes to realize how to complete.

The challenge comes from its arcade style system where game over really is back to the start.


Which leads me to its major plus points.

It plays like an arcade game. So treat it like an arcade game.

It may not have fancy graphics and great level design.

But it does have fun.

And a dwarf. A dwarf named fun.


Firing through these levels especially on two player for some reason, gives you a reason to love it. There's not much to it. Its simple and entertaining and afterwards you want another go. Like riding on the back of a donkey for all of you without animal fetishies and for those who do. It's like riding a donkey.



6.7 or 7 players x2

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yea i know what you mean the challenge factor is defs an issue with older games. I suppose a lower challenge factor is more suitable for younger gamers?


I will post a VC review as soon as i get my console!! not allowed it til christmas annoying!


Edit: Sorry just saw the STTOT add great idea

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Surely the test of time is reflected in the marks for the others? Anyways...


Donkey Kong Country


Gameplay 8

Graphics 7

Presentation 6

Sound 7

Longevity 8

Sttot 9


Loved it back in the day and still love it today and not just for nostalgia (see FZero) - great example of a platformer and am loving goingvthrough it again and I will get 101% (if people remember the original ;) )




Gameplay 8

Graphics 7

Presentation 6

Sound 8

Longevity 4

Sttot 6

This is a big disappointment to be honest, it was the VC game I was really looking forward to and its not gonna get much playing to be honest. With it being only single player only there's no realy reason to play through it after the initial nostalgic buzz. It plays really well but the lack of 2 player really shows today!!



Gunstar Heroes


Gameplay 8

Graphics 7

Presentation 5

Sound 7

Longevity 8

Sttot 8


Great little game and even better with 2 players. Mindless fun and well worth the money, though not the treasure game I personally wanted ;)

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Donkey Kong


Gameplay 9

graphics 7

Presentation 6

Sound 5

Overall 6


Well what can you say about the game that brought Jumpman to the world who of course later became Mario the worlds most favourite plumber.


As for the game it is sublime when it comes to gameplay, whilst the premise is so simple it has an element of strategy that some modern games can only hope to scale. Weaving and dodging up and down ladders in the first level as you try and avoid getting struck by a barrel, do you take the hammer and get some points? or rush through the level for that all important balance.


graphically it's pretty cool whilst the enviroments are fairly simple, the animation on Mario was revolutionary for the time and he has surely the most detailed looking face for the time, helped by the added mustache to show his face clearer. the enemies are all very well characterised, you can't help but love the flame guys in the first level!


Presentation is pretty simplistic not alot to comment on really in that front. The sound leaves alot to be desired whilst it has the iconic theme tune, the annoying sound of Mario walking just grates so much it hurts....


People bemoan the fact that one of the levels is missing, but really who cares? I've only ever played properly this version. I've played the missing level and it's nothing special, Nintendo are giving us the chance to download their past console greats, not arcade so meh get over it.


Just one word of warning never ever acidentally click on reset when calling up the wii menu otherwise it will erase your best score, dammit my 100,000 and odd high score is now gone...


I tell ya this will be some of the best 500 points you ever spend....


next reviews to come from me Wario Woods and Sonic...

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Super Mario 64


Gameplay 10

graphics 7

Presentation 8

sound 9

Sttot 10



I have to admit, I've never actually owned this game before. I've got all 120 stars myself (borrowing the game from my cousin), and actually defeated the final bowser for a few people. So, I thought I may as well get round to actually owning the game.


Jumping over low-poly, low-res objects is still a lot of fun, and puts Super Mario Sunshine to shame, for a game made basically to show off 3D, this has surely passed the test of time, possibly because the genre hasn't really progressed much anyway (SMG may change that, tho).


As I have no classic controller, I play it with the GameCube controller. It feels as if the GameCube controller was built for this game, and makes the game play even better than it was on the N64, graphics have been marginally improved, too.


Was a fantastic game when it as released, and is still a fantastic game now.

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Castlevania IV


No swords, magic spells or card combos here. Just pure block jumping, candle whipping Castlevania the way god intended


+Simons can crack his whip in any direction, twirl it, swing from it and use it as a shield from fireballs and errant bats


+background music is addictive, then and now


+a missed jump will kill you old school, giving the game a difficulty level not found in newer versions


+Good graphics and art that holds up pretty well even today


- bosses are slightly easy until late in the game


- no storyline whatsoever


- password symbol system is dumb. Use the Wii's suspend game feature instead.


Rating: :yay: Buy it

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I finally got some Vc points and I thought I'd try out some games that I'd never played before so I chose ecco the dolphin since it seemed so different to everything else and IGN gave it a fairly decent review...




The game has a distinct homebrew feeling as soon as you start it up, listening to that generic noise Sega call music, and then it hits you. The collision detection is completly broken, although you wouldn`t want to play it even if the collision detection was good thanks to crap gameplay and level design.


One of the worst games I`ve ever played, I feel completly gypped.


Oh well, SM64, SMB, GH, SCV4 and Wario`s Woods washed out that bad VC taste in my mouth!

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Whats Warios Woods folks?


great little puzzler where you control toad and have to go through various levels where animals drop down columns style and you have to move them around and line up bombs in rows of 3 or more with them to destory them. was also the last NES game ever released, the description on the shop channel is pretty good place, got some ok screens aswell.


check out here to:




don't know why they didn't release the better SNES version though.


I downloaded it, its worth a go.

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Hehe, lets give this a go.


Golden Axe


Console: Sega Megadrive

Number of Players:1-2





Classic stuff. This is basically Conan the Barbarian/Destroyer in videogame form. Works a lot like streets of rage, as it has been said earlier. Enemies appear on screen, and you have to beat them in order to progress.


There's some bigger enemies towards the end. You also have the ability to use mythical animals, such as fire breathing animals to use against your foe.


It does get a bit repetitive at times, but thankfully its an arcade game, so it isn't really that long in length.


There is also a duel mode, where you progress to different levels by fighting enemies. Level 1 is easy, but something like Level 11 will be harder. Plus, enemies get more health bars as the levels progress, making it harder.







A megadrive game, so it may look very dated now. However, there is still some fun to be had looking at the enemies, who laugh with their arms folded when you don't attack them.

Seeing the funny-faced elves always gets a laugh out of me and my friends!


It's not a game to be judged on graphically. However, a 7/10 is fair.





Classic sounds! The music, especially during the dwarf levels, is insanely addictive. However, the star point has to be the sounds of the enemies that they make when you defeat them. Classic "dying sounds" make this a firm favourite.






Decent level design, basic menus in which you select your mode and character. Not much to be said here. It's basic, but it gets the job done. 6/10





There's the main quest, plus a duel mode. This game is quite fun in two player mode, and the duel mode where you have to progress to higher levels gives you that added bit of extra length.





Stood The Test Of Time


As said earlier, the graphics are dated, but the gameplay and sounds are what you keep coming back for. I have some fond memories of this game, and it's great to be able to play through games like these again.





Overall, 8/10.


My Verdict: This is a classic Megadrive game that should be played at least once in your lifetime.

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I finally got some Vc points and I thought I'd try out some games that I'd never played before so I chose ecco the dolphin since it seemed so different to everything else and IGN gave it a fairly decent review...




The game has a distinct homebrew feeling as soon as you start it up, listening to that generic noise Sega call music, and then it hits you. The collision detection is completly broken, although you wouldn`t want to play it even if the collision detection was good thanks to crap gameplay and level design.


One of the worst games I`ve ever played, I feel completly gypped.


Oh well, SM64, SMB, GH, SCV4 and Wario`s Woods washed out that bad VC taste in my mouth!


isn't it though.Even at the time it was fucking terrible.Honestly i have been trying to work it out for years.What is good about this game?


We need alien storm.i can't believe there is so many people that haven't heard of this game.I always found it better than streets of rage and golden axe and it came first

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isn't it though.Even at the time it was fucking terrible.Honestly i have been trying to work it out for years.What is good about this game?


We need alien storm.i can't believe there is so many people that haven't heard of this game.I always found it better than streets of rage and golden axe and it came first


I LOVED Alien Storm. Grew up with that game, too.


If that ever comes on the VC, I'll definitely snap it up. Truely awesome game.


I've always held a dislikening to Echo. It's a bit...crap, imo.

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