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It's a real film. It was confirmed ages ago, IIRC.


They also wanted to make Thanksgiving 2, a "sequel" to the fictional Thanksgiving, the fake trailer for which was featured in Grindhouse. The whole joke being that there wasn't even going to be an original film made, just teh sequel. :D


Though I think that never came to fruition.

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I dunno about this. One part of me is saying "It don't look as bad as the others" but another part of me is saying "Pissing hell it looks awful"...I think it could be better than the horrible Extinction (anything is!)

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I know it's going to be shit-awful, but I'll go see it anyway because the games gave me so many jokes. One of my best memories with my best friend is of us playing ReMake on the GC, and I heard the running of a zombie, couldn't see where it was because of the ridiculous camera, so ran to one side of the room, straight into said zombie, screamed like a whore and threw the controller in the air. I've never lived it down.

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I know it's going to be shit-awful, but I'll go see it anyway because the games gave me so many jokes. One of my best memories with my best friend is of us playing ReMake on the GC, and I heard the running of a zombie, couldn't see where it was because of the ridiculous camera, so ran to one side of the room, straight into said zombie, screamed like a whore and threw the controller in the air. I've never lived it down.


Hahaha. Reminds me of when I first played Resident Evil. I was about seven years old and I remember screaming at the cutscene shown in the video when his head drops...



I had nightmares for two nights thinking that a zombie would do that to me in my sleep and then I got over it :p

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I'm looking at the RE4 film trailer and I'm torn, the 1st film I liked since it didn't screw much with the games mythology, the 2nd while frakking with the mythology was still passable as an enjoyable film but the 3rd was so far past frakked it was unbelievably bad. Though I'll probably go see this for the same reason I saw the 3rd, WESKER, and at least this time it looks like he is actually going to do something, that was the ONLY reason I went to see part 3 was cause I thought Wesker would kick some ass and he did FRAK ALL.


Wish they would be Leon in it though.

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Oh god, I think I had a dream ABOUT the Resident Evil trailer. Totally forgot about that. Yeah, zombies. It was a mix of The Walking Dead and bits from that trailer. Only zombies were quite placid and really human in how they acted. More like vampires. Evil and probably will eat you, but capable of reason. [/off-topic]

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New Scott Pilgrim vs the World trailer is out




Seemed a bit too quirky for it's own good at the start but by the end... so much want. Helps that I seem to have the same music taste as Edgar Wright and O'Malley

Triple kill.

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I really hope he does something different eventually. I'm sure he probably gets offered this stuff on a plate and it pays the bills and then some, but it's tired. George Michael Bluth isn't being bettered everytime he plays him again.

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I'm sure he can do other things but I'm not sure if he never gets offered or just never takes up offers. Closest he got was Youth In Revolt and that was awful (looking...never watched it).


I dunno, I'd imagine Jason Bateman would have told him to stop fucking around by now :p

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I'm sure he can do other things but I'm not sure if he never gets offered or just never takes up offers. Closest he got was Youth In Revolt and that was awful (looking...never watched it)


TBF this is probably about as far away he's got. The first trailer sorts of makes out that it's not like every other Cera role. Though it kind of is, just with his doing a bit of action scenes as well, which is at least a vague step away from anything he's done before.


And Youth in Revolt actually got fairly good reviews I think. Though I watched the first half and wasn't impressed. Partly cos the file I downloaded was literally taped inside a cinema, massive fail.


But then again I am secretly a massive fan of Cera indie-teen movies. Nick and Norah's, Superbad, Juno, loveemall. Bit embarassing.

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1) Scott Pilgrim is not a loser in love. By any stretch.


B) Youth In Revolt is fucking sick, and I will not hear a word against it.


iii) Coconut Ice Cream, Wild Blueberry and Cream Pie and FlashForward Finale Time.


Scott Pilgrim fancies someone. Ergo he is both a loser and in love.

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