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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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Regarding Dragon Quest IX, I'm loving it so far. One thing that surprised me was that the villages and overworld feel very much like IV and V.

Too me the world map is the best it could be on a portable like DQIX, I mean everything ain't small and you don't look like a giant. I am very happy about that.


Although no FULL 3D camera is a shame. But I can cope.


I know they're all DS games, but they feel the same, even down to controlling the camera with L and R, and how much you can do so.

DQIV,V and VI all have 3D camera's, while this one doesn't have the full rotation of the camera.


The pacing is very fast, also feeling like IV and V. I beat the first boss at Level 6, and yet I hadn't done any grinding. I got to that level much faster than in DQ VIII. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, it's just an observation.

Get 10 hours in and you will truly understand why you lvl up a lot quicker :awesome:



Thats an hour long. Is it all with Horii?

It only goes for like 15 min, I am just happy it's right there from the start, the rest is with the other guys talking about stuff I don't care about lol.




I'm so proud. :heh: Welcome to the DQ fold!


Tis growing a lot :D


Thankyou Nintendo xD


<3 the banner xD

Edited by killer kirby
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Just to clarify, is everything customisable down to the names?


Well my creatable team consists of a hero called Trevor, female thief named Wench, Kuririn from DBZ crossed with a Chinese sweat shop kid for a priest named Labourer and a female mage named Bernard.


Although your question was answered, I figured I'd share upon the POSSIBILITIES!

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Regarding Dragon Quest IX, I'm loving it so far. One thing that surprised me was that the villages and overworld feel very much like IV and V.


I read the interview with Horii and co. in this months ONM and they said that with each DQ game they like to have that sense of familiarity. When you turn on the game and hear the DQ theme, the sound of levelling up or even when you save at a church, they wanted to make you have the feeling that you know your playing DQ.


I managed to level up to level 10 while I was at work yesterday. My mate was watching me play demanded I take the bandana off my character so I look more like Vegeta. :D


I put another hour or so into it once I got home, just did some more grinding and advanced the story a little. Oh and I don't see what the Japanese Amazon people had against Stella, I quite like her perky attitude. :)

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I beat the first boss at Level 6, and yet I hadn't done any grinding. I got to that level much faster than in DQ VIII. Not sure if that's a good thing or not, it's just an observation.


I think DQIX is the only RPG that gives you more experience the higher level you are. My level 11 characters gets more experience than my level 9 characters.

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I just connected to DQVC.. And Alena from DQIV has visited the inn and gave me a dress!


I'm guessing this was supposed to be reward for the slime thingy they didn't bother with?


I think so, dragon quest communities went on about how the japanese version allowed you to transfer your save file onto the S-E database and gave the whole community an award and such.


Either way...WE GOT A DRESS!!!! xD


cosplaying in a game...who would have thought :P

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I put another hour or so into it once I got home, just did some more grinding and advanced the story a little. Oh and I don't see what the Japanese Amazon people had against Stella, I quite like her perky attitude. :)


You're flapping right.


I also got 3 'extra' quests, so it's nice to know the DLC quests get back dated. It's also further evidence NOE doesn't bother with Wifi extra's, much like Pokemon indicated.


Wait, why would we have backdated DLC when the game only came out today? Have we been synced up with the USA DLC?

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I also got 3 'extra' quests, so it's nice to know the DLC quests get back dated. It's also further evidence NOE doesn't bother with Wifi extra's, much like Pokemon indicated.


Wait, why would we have backdated DLC when the game only came out today? Have we been synced up with the USA DLC?


Yup, what I meant by that line is much like Pokemon, European carts will be handled by a US server.

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Great read there, with more people hoping onto the Dragon Quest boat, I look forward to seeing more hype in the Dragon Quest X thread when news starts to arise on that game xD



I am still playing around just getting different classes when I can, I am looooovng this game, seriously the next boss will most likely be a cake walk.

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Although no FULL 3D camera is a shame. But I can cope.


DQIV,V and VI all have 3D camera's, while this one doesn't have the full rotation of the camera.


That rings a bell. I have memories of full 3D rotation as well as "fixed" areas.


I put another hour or so into it once I got home, just did some more grinding and advanced the story a little. Oh and I don't see what the Japanese Amazon people had against Stella, I quite like her perky attitude. :)


I love Stella too, she fits in perfectly with previous Dragon Quests and her name is a good pun! I'm not going to criticise the Japanese fans on the other things though, as they may be right. We'll see...


Argos didn't have it, Comet didn't have it, Morrisons didn't have it.


Those are pretty odd shops to try (retail park?)! Try GAME, Gamestation or Tesco! ;)


Just to let you all know that N-Europe's review of Dragon Quest IX is now live on the main site...


A glowing review, very well written! I don't agree with the line "...the removal of potentially weak main characters..." because Dragon Quest characters have never been weak. From what I've played so far, it is better to have set characters rather than ones you make yourself, but that's a small point. I enjoyed reading it.

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Yup, what I meant by that line is much like Pokemon, European carts will be handled by a US server.


I didn't do the latest Pokémon so I'm a bit out of the loop there. :)


I've just got up to the point where I can make party members having had to redo from just before the Hexagon to reaching Stornway. I set my DS down and whatever way I picked it up, I popped the cart out... ::shrug:


I was hoping for more customisation (more faces and hair, etc) but what we have on offer is good.

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I went out for a small shopping trip into Manchester today, so I took my DS along with this in Canvassing mode. Didn't pick anything up, which is a shame. I imagine the more time passes since its release, the less likely it'll be to come into contact with anyone else.


It's a really tantalising feature, it's just a shame so few people will be able to take advantage of it.

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I went out for a small shopping trip into Manchester today, so I took my DS along with this in Canvassing mode. Didn't pick anything up, which is a shame. I imagine the more time passes since its release, the less likely it'll be to come into contact with anyone else.


It's a really tantalising feature, it's just a shame so few people will be able to take advantage of it.


This AND lack of wifi multiplayer. We all know die hard RPG fans have no friends.

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Majorly jealous of you all enjoying this right now. Having had to replace 360, Wii and DS lately and then spend even more money elsewhere, I can't afford to buy it right now and it's rather annoying.


*Sigh* Oh well, hopefully I'll be able to get it soon enough. I'll just go back to playing Another Code R again. Guess there is an up side to not getting this :D

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You're flapping right.


You spying on me? :D


I haven't been able to advance the story any further as I went to the flicks to see Toy Story 3 this morning then I had to go to work this afternoon. I did once again take my DS and play it on break though. I just did some grinding again and went up a few levels. All the skill points I have recieved i've just been putting into the sword attacks, hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt...


I still haven't got to the part where I can get more characters, at least not to my knowledge. I look forward to making my team of 4 and moving the story further tomorrow.

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All the skill points I have recieved i've just been putting into the sword attacks, hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt...


I'm following this "max out or nothing" strategy too. I did put a few points into Swords (I've got Dragon Slash and Attack +10), but I'm now trying to max out Deftness instead since I learnt exactly what it means. In fact, if I was being super efficient I'd probably make all four members Minstrels and max out their Deftness before I changed them into something else, but that's possibly going a bit too far, isn't it?


I love the fact that when you reach 100 points in anything you become an "Omnivocational (Whatever)". Assuming that's exactly what it sounds like, Level 5 may have set up the best skill system yet with this game.


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