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Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies


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HoT, have you put your Mage in the back row? He'll be attacked less (although still often) in the back row.


DOH! I feel like such an RPG noob! :D


Tempted to swap my Warrior for a Priest now that I've got the vocation changing up and running. Before doing so I went to Port Llaffan, played through the stuff there and ended up getting smacked about by the boss. I normally rely on magic to heal rather than items and by the time I got up the boss I had barely any MP left and was only carrying a handful of herbs, so it was a race to kill him quickly that I was never gonna win. :( Methinks my offensive tactics may have run their course and I need someone to buff and learn some proper healing spells. Running with a minstrel, mage, priest and martial artist seems a tad weak though. Decisions decisions.


I managed to beat that boss but yeah I had to use healing items as I ran out of MP. Im in the same boat as you now on whether to change one of my team but again like you I think it seems a little weak to have Minstrel, Martial Artist, Preist, Mage.


I finished the Port Llaffan quest and headed to the next area but I forogt all about sorting out the Abbey quest as I couldn't change vocations when I was there. Guess I will have to go back and sort that mess out so I can sort my team out. :D

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Thought I'd do that before heading back to the Starflight. I checked my quest list and I haven't found quest 001 which is weird as I'm sure I've spoken to everyone (and most of them more than once).


It's in Angel Falls from a girl. Think she was outside the Church



Tempted to swap my Warrior for a Priest now that I've got the vocation changing up and running. Before doing so I went to Port Llaffan, played through the stuff there and ended up getting smacked about by the boss. I normally rely on magic to heal rather than items and by the time I got up the boss I had barely any MP left and was only carrying a handful of herbs, so it was a race to kill him quickly that I was never gonna win. :( Methinks my offensive tactics may have run their course and I need someone to buff and learn some proper healing spells. Running with a minstrel, mage, priest and martial artist seems a tad weak though. Decisions decisions.


Use a priest for healing and equip him with a wand which will restore his MP when you use a physical attack.


My main team is Minstrel, Warrior (give him the Whipping Boy skill, really useful when one of your team is really low as your warrior will take the damage instead, plus the warrior have huge defense), Mage and Priest. Although at the minute I've swapped my Mage for a Thief so I can steal items off enemies.

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Ah ok, Ike. I'll zoom back over there and see what I can find. My current mage uses a staff which restores 1MP each time she lands a physical attack, so I'm good for that tactic.


Grazza, your advice is solid. I don't know what was going through my mind when I was picking my original classes, because thinking about it, I usually go for the by the books set up of two combat offensive types, offensive magic user and defensive magic user. Think I've just gone a bit gung-ho as this is my first DQ with class changing and the priest sounded like a rubbish excuse for a class, lol. I managed to beat the Lleviathan (all the while practising my Welsh accent. Fireman Sam would be proud) with my set up of minstrel, mage, warrior and martial artist. To be fair, Lleviathan barely attacked me at all this time round- only used the tidal wave move once whereas before he used it a few times consecutively which I just couldn't cope with.


Started to get a view limit breaks... er I mean coup de graces. How is it they are triggered?




As for ReZ. Have you looked at how much dross you own for the DS lately? How come its so easy to buy that stuff but you've had to deliberate over DQ IX! :heh:

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Started to get a view limit breaks... er I mean coup de graces. How is it they are triggered?


I could be wrong but I think its random, which is a pain really. In other RPGs I liked to build up the meter and keep it for troubling times. It's a bitch that you can't keep it for another battle once it activates aswell. I read in ONM that if all 4 characters get a limit break in the same battle and you use it at the same time something special happens...


During my lunch break I zoomed back over to the Abbey and went about find Jack. There was a bit of confusion in regards to what I had to do but bringing up the journal sorted that problem out and I was soon on my way.


I got to the boss of this section and once again he killed my mage after a few attacks. I even hid him at the back of the group but the poor fella keeps getting targeted. Everyone else made it out in one piece but it was a close call. Once again here was a boss that got 2 turns each round, hope this isn't a continuing trend.

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Think I've just gone a bit gung-ho as this is my first DQ with class changing and the priest sounded like a rubbish excuse for a class, lol.


Personally, I was more turned-off by Minstrel, Thief and Martial Artist, although I'm thinking of training up a Thief just for item aquisition. Priests are great because not only do they heal and buff, they can use spears. Why do I love spears so much? Because spears and axes are the best weapons in Dragon Quest for critical hits (they have special, 50% chance moves).


Metal Slash with the sword is OK for Metal Slimes, but anything with higher HP won't stay around long enough for you to keep using that. And what if there is a boss with metal skin? Magic won't work, Metal Slash won't be enough. The tried and tested method is a critical hit, because they ignore defence.


Once again here was a boss that got 2 turns each round, hope this isn't a continuing trend.


Yeah, that is a bit inappropriate before you've got Kabuff. Also, the version of Insulate I've got at the moment only insulates one person at a time.

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I've got a Priest over level 40 and he still doesn't have Kabuff...However, the Paladin learns Kabuff relatively quickly. I don't remember when exactly, but I think around low 20s. Paladin has I think the highest defense, and can use spears as well. Fairly easy to unlock class.

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I could be wrong but I think its random, which is a pain really. In other RPGs I liked to build up the meter and keep it for troubling times. It's a bitch that you can't keep it for another battle once it activates aswell. I read in ONM that if all 4 characters get a limit break in the same battle and you use it at the same time something special happens...


Pretty rubbish if its random. :hmm: Have you tested trying to carry them from battle to battle? This could have been a complete fluke but in one battle my mages coup de grace became available, I didn't use it, thinking I'd keep it for when I got into a tight spot. Then in the next battle it was no longer selectable but when she got attacked during the first turn, she got her coup de grace again.


Personally, I was more turned-off by Minstrel, Thief and Martial Artist, although I'm thinking of training up a Thief just for item aquisition. Priests are great because not only do they heal and buff, they can use spears. Why do I love spears so much? Because spears and axes are the best weapons in Dragon Quest for critical hits (they have special, 50% chance moves).


Yeah minstrel does seem like a wishy-washy all rounder class but I'm sticking with it for now seeing as thats what the hero starts off as. Aside from Rikku I'm not a big fan of thieves either but I'm always willing to experiment.


This is probably my DQ VIII inexperience talking here but I must admit I'm not a fan of spears. Already my minstrel and warrior are getting their skill points poured into sword abilities. The only time I can think of having taken spears seriously is in the Fire Emblem games. :heh: However, I love a critical hit as much as anyone so I'll keep this info in mind. My martial artist equipped with claws seems to be good at landing critical hits, which I enjoy immensely. :bouncy:


I've got a Priest over level 40 and he still doesn't have Kabuff...However, the Paladin learns Kabuff relatively quickly. I don't remember when exactly, but I think around low 20s. Paladin has I think the highest defense, and can use spears as well. Fairly easy to unlock class.


Confirms that priests are rubbish. :p

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This is probably my DQ VIII inexperience talking here but I must admit I'm not a fan of spears. Already my minstrel and warrior are getting their skill points poured into sword abilities. The only time I can think of having taken spears seriously is in the Fire Emblem games. :heh: However, I love a critical hit as much as anyone so I'll keep this info in mind. My martial artist equipped with claws seems to be good at landing critical hits, which I enjoy immensely. :bouncy:


The most important thing in Dragon Quest is probably critical hits and the 2nd-most important thing is agility. If you've got any characters that can get a permanent agility boost (ie. by maxing out a skill - does this apply to the Thief or Martial Artist?), it might be worth doing that before you change classes.


This is what I'm aiming for:


Battle Master - I did want my Hero to be a Paladin, but I might make him a Battle Master for the axe skills.


Paladin - My Warrior already has spear skills, so it makes sense to keep that going.


Mage - Can't see myself wanting to replace my Mage...


Priest - ...And it's the same for the Priest.



Personally, I'm not going to change any vocations until I've got a couple of people who can perform Lightning Thrust and found a good area I can level-up in. I want to max-out as many skills as possible.

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Meteorite Bracelet. +100 Agility


I have 1 and I'm working towards making a second one, it's not an easy task.



The Thief gets bonuses to Deftness, so I think the Martial Artist gets Agility bonuses. Both are good.

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Week 29, 2010 - Individual Formats (Units)


01 (02) WII Dance On Broadway (Ubisoft)

02 (03) WII Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo)

03 (05) WII Just Dance (Ubisoft)

04 (__) NDS Dragon Quest Ix: Sentinels Starry Skies (Nintendo)

05 (04) 360 Red Dead Redemption (Take 2)



Respective launch week positions:


Dragon Quest VIII (PS2): #19 All Formats

Dragon Quest IV (NDS): didn't chart at all

Dragon Quest V (NDS): didn't chart at all

Dragon Quest IX (NDS): #4 Individual Formats

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Meteorite Bracelet. +100 Agility

I have 1 and I'm working towards making a second one, it's not an easy task.


I made a couple of those in Dragon Quest VIII. From your note it sounds like it's a bit more complicated in this game? In DQVIII, I put them on Hero and Yangus when I wanted them to do Lightning Thrust and Executioner (ie. when Metal King Slimes appeared) and gave them to Jessica and Yangus when they held each Timbrel of Tension. I would have given one to Angelo, but I always needed him for something else.


By the way, is anyone else connecting to the internet every day and buying everything? I save up my money just so I can afford it!


At the moment, I'm toying with the Alchemy, but am finding Royal Soil and Manky Mud hard to find.

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Ah ok, Ike. I'll zoom back over there and see what I can find. My current mage uses a staff which restores 1MP each time she lands a physical attack, so I'm good for that tactic.


Yeah, not a great amount, but every little helps. Different wands get different absorption rates, and you can get skills to boost the amount as well. Should be a lot more useful later in the game hopefully.


Pretty rubbish if its random. :hmm: Have you tested trying to carry them from battle to battle?


They don't carry over. Also, they only last a few turns so you can lose it if you don't use it.


By the way, is anyone else connecting to the internet every day and buying everything? I save up my money just so I can afford it!


I do! Today I bought a


Birthday Cake!


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I made a couple of those in Dragon Quest VIII. From your note it sounds like it's a bit more complicated in this game? In DQVIII, I put them on Hero and Yangus when I wanted them to do Lightning Thrust and Executioner (ie. when Metal King Slimes appeared) and gave them to Jessica and Yangus when they held each Timbrel of Tension. I would have given one to Angelo, but I always needed him for something else.


By the way, is anyone else connecting to the internet every day and buying everything? I save up my money just so I can afford it!


At the moment, I'm toying with the Alchemy, but am finding Royal Soil and Manky Mud hard to find.


I wrote down all the ingredients required to make some alchemy. It's like making science but harder


On the left sheet is just a list of ingredients and the required amount. In the box are the components to make a Meteorite Bracelet. Everything is is what would be needed (for me) to make a single Gold Bar to make the Meteorite Bracelet. On the right are just the alchemical formulas for each component.




And yes I to connect and buy everything. It's how I got a Miracle Sword waaay early in the game and it was better than anything I knew how to make or buy.

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I do! Today I bought a


Birthday Cake!


That's funny, that wasn't available to me (not sure what I could use it for anyway!)


I was playing it just now and had a really close shave.


I went into the cave north of Bloomingfield and the enemies in there have very powerful magic. We're generally about level 19, which feels a bit puny at this point. Anyway, the enemies KO'd me, my mage and my priest, leaving only Dave, my trusty warrior! He doesn't know Evac or Zoom, so it was a good thing I had a few Evac-u-bells and Chimaera Wings. Don't underestimate items as a back-up for magic!


I'm kitting myself out with as many "Silver" and "Platinum" pieces of equipment as I can before I go back in there. They are some of my favourite mid-game armour sets in the DQ series.



Oh, by the way, are the Seeds of Skill in this game rather puny? I used one and only got two skill points!

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Haha, hows about the priest in Dourbridge! Love him. :laughing:


I gotta do some grinding for gold to upgrade some stuff in Dourbridge and get some stuff from the DQVC this evening. Just checked todays offerings and theres also a birthday cake! Its 2,000 gold and I've only a few hundred... I just can't stop spending in this game.


Speaking of seeds, I've been hoarding mine so far. Dunno who to give them to but I'll probably just dump them all on the hero.

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I can't get enough. I think I've officially crossed over into the boundaries of 'addicted' now.


It's the alchemy I'm sinking most hours into. I hardly buy any new expensive weapons or armour when I come across new shops - I much prefer to kit out my party with some kickass home-made equipment.


My party is currently:


Lvl 40 Thief

Lvl 40 Mage

Lvl 42 Warrior

Lvl 34 Paladin


Taking on new vocations is very tempting, but knowing that I'll have to grind from level 1 puts me off for now. I'd love to try out an Armamentalist, and my Warrior looks suited to the Gladiator class.


I've also focussed fully on the same weapons for the same characters since the start, perhaps I should set aside some time to balance my skill levels out with other weapons at some point. My main hero (Thief) and Warrior have swords, my Mage has a wand and my Paladin (formerly Priest) wields a spear.

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I haven't got into the alchemy yet. Seems daunting for now. Did you get into it when the alchemy pot became available or did you start dabbling later in the game, d_Prod?


I also meant to ask, yesterday when I went on the DQVC and updated everything, I got some quests. Do I access these from someone in the Questers Rest or are they assigned to NPCs throughout the land?

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I haven't got into the alchemy yet. Seems daunting for now. Did you get into it when the alchemy pot became available or did you start dabbling later in the game, d_Prod?


Definitely quite a bit later on. At first, pretty much all I could use it for was the stronger medicinal items.


I also meant to ask, yesterday when I went on the DQVC and updated everything, I got some quests. Do I access these from someone in the Questers Rest or are they assigned to NPCs throughout the land?


They'll be assigned to NPCs later on. Keep checking the list, because when you do progress to the point they become available, it'll tell you where you need to go to accept them. Though the first one of those three doesn't become available til pretty late in the game.


Do the different class/jobs have descriptions?


Yes, they do. Once you get to the bit where can change them, you'll get a little description of each one; their strengths and what weapons they can equip.

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Respective launch week positions:


Dragon Quest VIII (PS2): #19 All Formats

Dragon Quest IV (NDS): didn't chart at all

Dragon Quest V (NDS): didn't chart at all

Dragon Quest IX (NDS): #4 Individual Formats


Oh wow. I remember saying the line to my friends "Lol, this advertisement campaign they're doing is shit, only the DQ fans will buy it"


I stand fucking corrected.

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I changed my Minstrel into a Priest yesterday and at the moment it seems to be a waste of time. Having to level him up from level 1 again is a bit of a pain, especially as I haven't found any good grinding spots. Also, I haven't learnt any other healing spells yet, so im still stuck with using the normal heal spell which I learnt when I was still a minstrel.


I managed to beat another boss which was situated in Zere Rocks and once again the thing had 2 attacks per round. Its such a cheap thing to do, especially at this stage of the game when no one knows any multi buffing spells apart from accelerate. Still, I managed to take him down without anyone dying.


I managed to find my first treasure map yesterday. got for doing a sidequest off some fella lying down. I found the grotto but I haven't ventured in yet as I want to find a decent grinding area to level up some of my characters and get some more skills.

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