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what's the most profound thing to ever happen to you?

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Mine would be realising that my life is never really going to be what i dreamed it would be when i was younger... but that that's actually alright

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Finding a conjoined-twin gummy bear. Deep.



Did you seperate them in a highly skilled operation? Or just let them be?

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Did you seperate them in a highly skilled operation? Or just let them be?


If you do that then one of them is highly likely to do. That's if any of them survive.


I'm too young to have had/decide what the most profound moment was for me.

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Finding Atheism , Alcohol and Heavy Metal.




Actually, I'm gonna go with sex. Yeah.

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Watching Devendra Banhart play live at Reading a few years ago. Shit festival, shit stage, fucking incredible performance. Back when Devendra played gigs with just him and a guitar, with another guy playing steel guitar on a few songs. After about 20 minutes I went into a trance and didn't click out of it until at least the next day.

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Being struck by lightning when I was 6, made me appreciate life a lot more and the people in it.

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Non-serious answer: Meeting Jesus coming out of a toilet at Glastonbury.

Serious answer: Ummmm, I guess it would be kissing someone for the first time and realising sometimes things really do turn out alright in the end.

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Being struck by lightning when I was 6, made me appreciate life a lot more and the people in it.


you serious? how did that happen/what did you feel like.

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Well the original title was "profund" so that may have confused people :heh: I had to make a slight adjustment :laughing:


Personally I would have to go with Leeds 2003, I just had such an amazing time, the whole experience was happy, there was no downside (maybe the toilets...) it was just an amazing Summer altogether.

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For me, it might have to be being drunk properly for the first time. I know it sounds really chavvy or jakey but it was such a good experience and its something I do regularly(ish) now because I always have a really good time.

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Totally unrelated but loving your avatar Weeyellowbloke! Curious Orange rocks, With Richard Not Judy was so under rated!


Anyways, the most profound thing to happen to me was being with some of my best mates watching Faithless at Creamfields, was the best feeling ever, being with people you love surrounded by thousands of people, all happy, all dancing, was awesome :yay:

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This Morning With Richard Not Judy wasn't underrated, it was just under watched. The BBC never advertised it and put it on in bollocks timeslots.

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Realising that from the moment we are born, were actually dying already.

It might sound a little morbid, but it just is the truth.

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Realising that from the moment we are born, were actually dying already.

It might sound a little morbid, but it just is the truth.


My gf said that when I turn 21 I will begin to die. I was like in extras chris martin style. "Are you having a laugh!"

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My gf said that when I turn 21 I will begin to die. I was like in extras chris martin style. "Are you having a laugh!"


I heard that one too, but I thought it reffered to the fact that untill like your early twenties your becoming stronger, smarter, etc. But after your early twenties it goes downhill. After that you start becoming middle-aged.

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Realising that from the moment we are born, were actually dying already.

It might sound a little morbid, but it just is the truth.


To be honest, you do it while you're in the womb. Your cells dying are a natural process in your body for it do develop properly. If this was not the case, you wouldnt have seperate fingers and your limbs would probably be fused to your sides. As I remember your spinal cord wouldnt form properly either.


But for me the most profound thing that has happened (recently because I find life quite profound generally) was realising that I was actually ready to marry someone. Not just thinking about marrying them or what it would be like but being totally emotionally and spiritually prepared to go the distance with a person. I realised this about 3 weeks ago and we broke up about a month and a half ago. Wasn't a happy day.... still isn't.

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Realising that lying to myself doesn't cover up anything..


Unfortunately, it hasn't changed a thing, as I still lie to myself that everything'll turn out fine.

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