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The Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess


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Guest Stefkov

I got this for Christmas so the last battle was immense.

It is really comfortable and sounds great. With the rain around me etc leading up to the final battle. My mouth was dribbling.

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You can. Press the home button and look down.


Oh...My bad!!!:laughing:


I got this for Christmas so the last battle was immense.

It is really comfortable and sounds great. With the rain around me etc leading up to the final battle. My mouth was dribbling.


That looks awesome!!!

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Dill, I couldn't disagree with you any more, though you articulated yourself very well so I'll give you that.


For starters I think the wii motes ADD's a ton to the game, very simple but great additions - and how can you not like the point and shoot controls? Is it a little too much like real life (relatively)? Don't you like your games more immersive? Can you really say pressing a button to slash is better then slashing?! If so then is the Wii for you? For me Zelda is very subtle with the wii mote, and if you dont like that........

I think if the sword was directly controlled by the Wii-mote, then it'd have been better, but instead you only shake the controller side-to-side. It's not different to pressing A.


As for epic, again that baffles me - the game is bigger, longer and with a much more drammatic storyline than ANY other game; Twilight Princess is a much better game than OoT, trust me play Ocarina; is it better for it's time? Of course not, but then Ocarina didn't have Ocarina to be compared with.

Epic doesn't have anything to do with size or length. This game seemed to lack any sort of cohesive storyline - in past games we had numerous heroes and villains, a storyline set up from the start, and some sort of direction.


In TP, there is no fixed story, it felt like a couple of mini-adventures tagged onto one another. There was also considerably less development of the other characters besides Midna and Link.


There was no drama to the story, no sense of urgency. It never felt like the end of the world.


And the bredth of interaction with minor characters went down. What happened to Hyrulian society? Did they all emmigrate to Termina? There are no sub-quests, like collecting masks or delivering stuff. I miss that.


Also, a lowkey game? This was the only place you didn't articulate, I really really don't understand how this can be a lowkey game, baffling!! Also, I agree for the first quarter it was level based, but as soon as you got rid of all the twilight it was eaily as free roaming as any other Zelda game.


As for the graphics, and voice over, may it should have, but it didn't bother me it didn't; though I think inexcusable is a little drammatic - it's clearly and artistic choice!

Maybe, but the low-key comment sticks. There never seemed to be anything major going on, like a life or death situation. "The water from Lake Hylia's gone, oh dear" - it should be "we FUCKING need WATER!!! OR WE'RE GONNA DE-HYDRATE AND DIE!!!".


I also hate the re-designs. Lake Hylia sucks, and Death Mountain? It wasn't even much of a hike.


Also, WHY do you think Wind Waker is better? It is smaller, a much more limiting mechanic - it gets weaker in the second half, the story isnt as strong; and do you really think the addition of the boat is better than wolf link?! I love Wind Waker, it just baffles me why people don't love TP and see it as the best Zelda game ever, which I clearly do :)

WW had a cohesive storyline, and drama to it. And although the wolf idea is cool, and WW's boating stuff was long and tedious, WW had more interaction and stuff to do, more side-quests, and more fun to it. The graphics were also amazing.


PS And you really let yourself down by saying in the next game Zelda should be the main character ;)

They need to do something, to beef the game up a bit. Where-as Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell continuous develop their storylines, Zelda is essentially the same story with each game.


They need to do a continuation, and develop the storyline further.

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I disagree with that- you can create very interesting atmospheres by using music that appears to have the wrong mood. Watch Mai HiME episode 15 if you don't know what I mean.


In fact, I find it slightly annoying when the background music in Zelda changes when enemies are nearby... it just irritates me if I was enjoying the other music.


I agree, Battlestar Galactica is a great example of using "wrong" music to fantastic effect.


I completed the first Temple and I was watching my brother play it and he got a chest that I missed with a heart piece inside. So I went back to the temple and couldn't pass because there were no monkeys to help me across on the ropes. Help?


You can't get to it just yet - you'll get an item that will let you get it in a later temple, tho, so don't worry about it.

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hmm i played this game for a couple of hours and dint even get to the 1st temple, and it seemed to be starting off great... ordon village is beautiful and even though it was played on a pc monitor so it was quite blurry, i still thought the graphics were pretty amazing, and thats just the first few hours! I played up until you meet princess zelda which confused meas i was meeting her before even the first dungeon, but it was still a great encounter, until i had to go home. i later played on my friends file which involved me finding the last 2 monkeys to cross the huge gap to get to the boss. then i faced the boss and immediately knew what to do even though i had hardly played the game that much, which i think shows that TP is more accessable than other zeldas, at least at this early stage. im not sure if this is a good thing or not. then when the baboon guy came and midna was like "maybe this guy is a good guy after all" i was like "WTF i havnt seen this guy before" (i now know that hes the mini-boss that you get the boomerang from) but the whole battle was pretty cool. after beating him i got out of the forest and went into the twilight realm after seeing the rather comical postman/runner (i dont know what he is in TP) but then i had to go. i really want my Wii now just to experiance the rest of the game and i just thought id share these first few experiances i had of the game .

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I have never played a Zelda game with a satisfactory ending.


This was no exception.


Once again an ambiguous ending that will never be fully concluded, no "complete" save file and always a sense of never having finished it. What on Earth are they thinking when they do that?? It's just downright laziness, they can't be bothered to go through the world and move a few people around, change some of the stuff people say, so that you can be in a completed game.


Of course, the game was still awesome and the ending itself was beautiful, if a little



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I just found it to easy, i died twice in the beginning fighting shadow beasts and trying to figure out the controls for wolf-link. Later I had to use two potions when fighting the sub-boss in the snow-dungeon. But overall, too easy, the bosses where cool and varied but still easy. Ganondorfs final phase was just like fighting a darknut. Or maybe i´m just too experienced as a Zelda-player I find it easy. Well, even Nintendo can´t please everyone to 100%...

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I just found it to easy, i died twice in the beginning fighting shadow beasts and trying to figure out the controls for wolf-link. Later I had to use two potions when fighting the sub-boss in the snow-dungeon. But overall, too easy, the bosses where cool and varied but still easy. Ganondorfs final phase was just like fighting a darknut. Or maybe i´m just too experienced as a Zelda-player I find it easy. Well, even Nintendo can´t please everyone to 100%...


Basically the same as me. Used potions in Snow dungeon cos I couldn't be arsed to look for hearts. I didn't die once. A bigger problem was that the dungeons were too easy. I loved the Water temple boss!

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I found it harder than Wind Waker, but still not particularly difficult. Then, how many games are that difficult these days? I get through a lot of games without dying.


Good point! At least it held my intreset, cos I have to admit the triforce quest in WW made me give up out of shear boredom!

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I found it harder than Wind Waker, but still not particularly difficult. Then, how many games are that difficult these days? I get through a lot of games without dying.


I think games in general have gotten a lot easier over this last generation. Maybe it's because of gaming's slow transition into mainstream.


I've just finished the 7th dungeon, and what a dungeon it is, great final boss.

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Guest Stefkov

I just went on to check how long I took to finish it.......38 hours 29 minutes.

Damn it didnt feel that short. This was the save I made just before opening the big boss door. I didnt save afterwards. Did anyone do it this quick?!?!

Do you consider this quick?


ps, for people who finished it, at the end screen, where it has the triforce and those things around it and it says the end. Did it stay there for ages? Mine did, so i turned it off. I couldnt save after the boss battle.

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I just went on to check how long I took to finish it.......38 hours 29 minutes.

Damn it didnt feel that short. This was the save I made just before opening the big boss door. I didnt save afterwards. Did anyone do it this quick?!?!

Do you consider this quick?


I did it in around 31/32 hours, and wasn't "rushing" the game as such (just didn't explore that much).

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I just went on to check how long I took to finish it.......38 hours 29 minutes.

Damn it didnt feel that short. This was the save I made just before opening the big boss door. I didnt save afterwards. Did anyone do it this quick?!?!

Do you consider this quick?


ps, for people who finished it, at the end screen, where it has the triforce and those things around it and it says the end. Did it stay there for ages? Mine did, so i turned it off. I couldnt save after the boss battle.


Yeah I did it in about that time, it felt too quick and I don't think I was rushing it.


I turned mine off at that screen too, I think it does just stay there.

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Zell brought me this game for xmas, but i don't have a Wii yet (my Wi money got spent on a new laptop cos my old one died), so now it's just sitting in my room...taunting me..*sigh*


I could have gotten you the gamecube version, but who wants that?

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Guest Stefkov
I did it in around 31/32 hours, and wasn't "rushing" the game as such (just didn't explore that much).

I did a bit of exploring. Like taking time out of going to the next place to kil a poe.

Yeah I did it in about that time, it felt too quick and I don't think I was rushing it.


I turned mine off at that screen too, I think it does just stay there.

Oh good someone else. Shame about that. Still It leaves me at the entrance to the castle so i can go out and explore some.

Glad to also hear that it took some poeple the same amount of time.

I've had the game nearly 3 weeks and its taken me more than a day to finish it. Somehow that doesnt sound right. Maybeit was excessive playing. I didnt feel like I played it that much though.

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I did it in 31/32 hours too, but I didn't rush through it (since I was waiting for component cables for about a week and tried to waste time!)! I though the main quest was said to last 70 hours...even doing all the side quests its nowhere near that!!

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