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  Shino said:
Well, I agree with him in one point only (I think), and the point is that no one gives a crap that you're saving the world. Other than that, he really likes to bitch.



I agree, he does.


Solitenze, mate, yo need professional help.


O temple of time, pity music didn't stay the same for it all.

But as soon as I walked in there, I took my time, listened to the glorious chants of a fantastic place, and explored, looking for similarities with ocarina: it rocks!

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  Dante said:
IGN's Lucas M. Thomas bash the 3D zelda games.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is the only Zelda game ever made. It firmly established a formula of adventure game design that balanced out overworld exploration, item acquisition and storyline progression, a formula still followed today. Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, even Ocarina of Time – all just copies of the structure seen here. A Link to the Past is the only true Zelda, and Miyamoto and team simply keep remaking it, over and over.


The Cube Controller is better left alone, reserved for those later Zelda games made specifically for it. Those later Zelda games that were really all just knock-offs of this title, A Link to the Past, the first and only true game ever developed in the series. It's been said that most of our world's storytellers really only have one story to tell. If they find success with it, if they find an audience, then they're finished. Any sequels, any follow-ups will all be unoriginal, as the storyteller can do little more than repeat what they've already said, retelling the tale already told, in new, slightly different ways. You should play The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past – the series has had little new to say since.


Silly comment...


All games are based on recycled ideas. Its a part of gaming. Later MGS games knock offs of previous game, later Final Fantasy games knock off of previous games, later Resident Evil games knock off of previous games. Its probably due to the fact, theres been very little change in the past 3 or so 3D zelda games...

  solitanze said:
Silly comment...


All games are based on recycled ideas. Its a part of gaming. Later MGS games knock offs of previous game, later Final Fantasy games knock off of previous games, later Resident Evil games knock off of previous games. Its probably due to the fact, theres been very little change in the past 3 or so 3D zelda games...


I actually agree with you.




i kinda like seeing things from previous games effect new ones


like how arbiters grounds had that one element from the forest temple (poes and torches) from oot


or how we have the sinking with the iron boots or the bombuchu type of bombs



each 3d zelda has brought some new element to the series


oot was the first 3d zelda

in mm the characters were well developed with personalitys and such

ww had sea travel

and tp had many new things


The Gerudo were probably killed off by the Hylian Royal Guard. Their homeland is basically a hideout for bandits now and since Ganondorf was evil and backed by many Gerudo most were probably killed when his intentions were exposed.


Those that were not killed probably fled Hyrule or they gradually died out.


The Kokiri probably don't appear because well, they have no importance to the story. Probably still in the Lost Woods, they are a hidden group afterall.


From his IGN Blog.


LucasThomas: Blinded by Nostalgia!

Hey guys!


I see that lots of people have taken the review for A Link to the Past pretty negatively, and I figured that would be the case. So, want to know why I wrote it in such a wild and different ways, peppered with ridiculously outlandish statements? Conversation.


I'm tired of the same old discussions every Monday, about "Nintendo sucks! When are they going to release GAME X?" and "The Virtual Console blows, because of blah blah blah." So here's a great, classic game that's really worth talking about and worth getting excited about. I could have written a really standard, by-the-numbers review of it, given it a great score and moved along. But why not take the opportunity to really examine the title in a different light, 15 years later?


Honestly, A Link to the Past isn't my favorite Zelda game. I think the 3D Zeldas have totally rocked overall, and I think they've done a ton to add to the series. But Twilight Princess, Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time do all copy the structure of A Link to the Past – you have a short intro period that takes you to and through your first dungeon area, then the game opens up to wider exploration, then you complete a handful of dungeons to collect some trinkets that will take you to a sequence of collecting the Master Sword, then something happens and you find that you've got a bunch more dungeons to trek through...we could keep going and going.


Honestly, you could see that even Nintendo is getting a bit used to the standard formula in Twilight Princess – when you get to grabbing the Master Sword, it's not even really handled with reverence any more. Oh yeah, go grab that blade in the pedestal in old forest area. I'm sure it'll be useful for something.


I never said that the Zelda games other than A Link to the Past have sucked. My point was that each one since has been basically a retelling of the same story, following closely to the same structure established in 1992. That point is even supported by some fans who argue against a cohesive timeline for the series – maybe there's no good way for these games to fit together chronologically because they really were never meant to. All just existing as their own tales, except for the few that directly flow into one another (Wind Waker -> Phantom Hourglass).


So, take the review how you will. There are plenty of you that think I suck, and I appreciate that. You guys are the ones who keep the conversations interesting, and I value it when you take the time to point out specifically what you disagree with about statements I've made, rather than just typing "Lucas blows" and clicking Post Reply. The bottom line is that A Link to the Past rocks, it should be respected for laying down the foundation followed by the series ever since, and you should download it.


I think it was quite obvious that he wasn't bashing the 3D games in the spirit of the review... All in all, he's right that the concept of Zelda is only to change slightly in Phantom Hourglass.

  DCK said:
I think it was quite obvious that he wasn't bashing the 3D games in the spirit of the review... All in all, he's right that the concept of Zelda is only to change slightly in Phantom Hourglass.


If it aint broke dont fix it i say :heh:


Yeah its gonna be slightly different but hopefully for the better as it normaly always is with Zelda games.


I wonder if the next Zelda will break the concept now they can fully focus the game around the Wiimote. I would be surprised if they just settled with Twilight Princess' mechanics.


ALTTP does indeed rock. And he's right in the sense that it did set a structural template for the series. But, you'd have to have no 'soul' whatsoever to overlook what OOT brought to the table. Namely, a sense of 'wonder', of space, of visual exploration. It sounds ridiculous but it's true! With Ocarina the series went from being an excellently designed and characterised, but fairly schematic top-down adventure, to an 'experience' - the sunsets, the feeling of riding Epona across vast expanses, the immense battles - this was perhaps the most significant change of all! OOT was truly pioneering in this respect, and it's all to easy now to take this for granted.


Incidently, isn't it fairly obvious that MM is a very different and inventive Zelda title?? (especially in its stucture)


TP was perhaps a little stale (or a refinement of an already excellent formula, depending on how you look at it). Hopefully the new Zelda will be very different.. 1st person, more interactivity, different story, orchestral score?


Bring it on!!


I do agree with that IGN guy to be honest. Though he did overlook MM which does not stick to the Zelda formula (coincidently, it's my favourite one) But definitely ALTTP, OoT, WW and TP have all stuck to the same way of doing things. However much I loved Twilight Princess and seeing what bits they've added into Zelda, nothing much really surprised me about the game in terms of structure or pacing. I also totally agree about his comments about a possible timeline to the series - there isn't one really, there was never meant to be and they just exist as single tales.


Anyway I'm sure I rememember either Miyamoto or Aonuma saying TP was the last Zelda as we know it and I sure hope he was talking about this. I really hope the Wii Zelda diverts from the formula as we know it and they bring out another Zelda that rocks the boat a bit, like MM.


And solizante, totally agree with you about Twilight Princess being utterly inconsistant.

  BGS said:
I do agree with that IGN guy to be honest. Though he did overlook MM which does not stick to the Zelda formula (coincidently, it's my favourite one) But definitely ALTTP, OoT, WW and TP have all stuck to the same way of doing things. However much I loved Twilight Princess and seeing what bits they've added into Zelda, nothing much really surprised me about the game in terms of structure or pacing. I also totally agree about his comments about a possible timeline to the series - there isn't one really, there was never meant to be and they just exist as single tales.


Anyway I'm sure I rememember either Miyamoto or Aonuma saying TP was the last Zelda as we know it and I sure hope he was talking about this. I really hope the Wii Zelda diverts from the formula as we know it and they bring out another Zelda that rocks the boat a bit, like MM.


And solizante, totally agree with you about Twilight Princess being utterly inconsistant.


There was never meant to be a timeline with the first 3 zeldas and the 4th goes pretty much anywhere, but it's pretty clear that they started forming one with OoT onwards.

  solitanze said:
One word that summaries Twilight Princess perfectly is "inconsistency".


No one word would be lackingindepthandmagicbutotherwiseprettycool.


  BGS said:


And solizante, totally agree with you about Twilight Princess being utterly inconsistant.


You can say a lot of things about TP, but inconsistent? As in?

  motion2000 said:
No one word would be lackingindepthandmagicbutotherwiseprettycool.


You can say a lot of things about TP, but inconsistent? As in?

in·con·sist·ent –adjective

1. lacking in harmony between the different parts or elements.


So pretty much "lackingindepthandmagicbutotherwiseprettycool"


Sounds to me you guys are picking random words from a dictionary to throw at the game now. It's getting quite sad actually.


Never underestimate the powers of Solitaze.


I wouldn't call TP inconsistent or lacking depth. I would call the plot, whilst cool, quite poorly explained and told in a confusing manner. Don't even start tying your inconsistency claims in with the fucking Gamerankings score though, because I swear it is driving people insane.


It's because of you and your crying that I actually began to desire the game attaining a low ranking. Each place drop was like dealing an epic blow to an epic pain in the arse.

  BGS said:

Anyway I'm sure I rememember either Miyamoto or Aonuma saying TP was the last Zelda as we know it and I sure hope he was talking about this. I really hope the Wii Zelda diverts from the formula as we know it and they bring out another Zelda that rocks the boat a bit, like MM.


I definately read that somewhere and I'm pretty sure they'll do something completely off the wall and ahead of it's time with the real Zelda Wii. Twilight Princess only really exists to please the majority of Zelda fans. It covers a lot of the same land as OOT and has the "realistic graphics" that many people were disappointed weren't in Wind Waker.


I agree with you that Majora's Mask is the best one. There hasn't been a game before or since that took advantage of the medium so perfectly. Possibly a controversial point, but I think Eiji Anouma is actually more well suited to making Zelda games than Miyamoto. I look forward to what he does with the series in the future.


I'm not sure whether I'd prefer WW style visuals for Zelda Wii or 'realistic' ones...


I LOVE the former, but then the world seemed more real with the latter obviously.

  killthenet said:
I definately read that somewhere and I'm pretty sure they'll do something completely off the wall and ahead of it's time with the real Zelda Wii. Twilight Princess only really exists to please the majority of Zelda fans. It covers a lot of the same land as OOT and has the "realistic graphics" that many people were disappointed weren't in Wind Waker.


I agree with you that Majora's Mask is the best one. There hasn't been a game before or since that took advantage of the medium so perfectly. Possibly a controversial point, but I think Eiji Anouma is actually more well suited to making Zelda games than Miyamoto. I look forward to what he does with the series in the future.


Couldn't agree more with the bit about Majora's Mask. I've completed TP twice now, and alhtough the second run was better than the first play, it doesn't come close to the depth of Majora's Mask.




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