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1 day to go!


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Hmm, that's never happened to me before. In that case, it means I must be due a lightning strike to the face sometime soon!


*runs for cover*


Hmm, I'm going to be a nervous wreck before launch. I really get nervous about really silly things. It'll probably be fine, but I still feel nervous.

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Ok, my plan:

Now just relax for the rest of the evening, try and complete Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance possibly.

Get up at about 8.30am tommorow and walk/bike into the city for 9 to get my copy of Zelda.

Get back, hope for my Gameplay delivery to arrive before I have to leave.

Leave house at 11(for 11 20 lesson), although don't actually go to the lesson, but stop somewhere on the way, wait till 11 30 (when my mum leaves) and go back home. Wait for delivery.

...and then that just leaves happiness.

I'd rather not skip the lesson and I won't if my Wii comes before I leave at 11 of course, but it's too much of a risk, as I REALLY don't want to be unlucky and get one of those slips meaning I have to pick it up on Saturday/Monday.

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Yes! Finished work for a long weekend so now I just have to get tonight over with and I'll have a Wii!!! I think I'll try and finish Yoshi's Island DS tonight (should pass sometime), watch some TV and try and get to sleep (it's gonna be like xmas eve when I was a kid!).

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Don't forget:


- Struck by lightning

- Struck by lightning


and the ever popular


- Stuck by lightning.



And... splashed by a passing car, then hit by a bus, mugged, and pissed on by a tramp.


But don't worry, the wii will be fecked after the first bolt of lightening, let alone the third!

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I've been playing Sim City 3K Unlimated to pass the time, my town of Halifax is coming along well. Only 9 years in and already 190K people live there ;)

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Being that I have the day off work tomorrow, I plan to have a lie in, casually saunter into town for about 2pm and pick up my Wii and a few games...I have waited this long for it, cant see the issue with waiting a few more hours.


Gamestation will hold my pre-order for 48 hours so I figure I can strategically work out my time of purchase to piss someone off who is really desperate to get their hands on one.


[evil laugh] muahahah [/evil laugh]

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Haven't posted here in a while. I'll be getting a Wii as well, I've preordered one in a store in the neighbourhood. I'm no 23 so I will get one but I'm not sure if it will be tomorrow or next week. As I am not home this week I don't know if they called yet.


But at least Zelda has been delivered from where I ordered it. I just hope I can get a console to accompany it soon.

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Guest Stefkov

ARG. I'll be going early to bed tonight, to get up at half 6 tommorow morning.

I had the idea, going home from the Ukrainian club, that I could have stayed at Manchester Fort overnight, but its raining and its not really too late, but i cant be bothered.


If I am first in line tommorow morning I will wet myself.

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Getting up early tomorrow, skiving off school, going to gamestation, taking Wii to school, and playing all day with Ben :D.


If I took my wii to school it would bring some much attention that it would either get confiscated or stolen. You allowed to play games consoles at school then bardy?

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If I took my wii to school it would bring some much attention that it would either get confiscated or stolen. You allowed to play games consoles at school then bardy?


Course, did you not see my thread on the topic??


Life of a pro nerd...


That's all I really do in school anymore, If a teacher tried to confiscate anything off me, I'd tell them to fuck right off.

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