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No More Heroes


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Whilst people may still be in doubt as to whether or not to get this then grab a copy of Edge and read their review. Whilst the likes of the CVG review concerntrated on the look of the game and the retro references. The Edge review also talks about its satirical themes etc... and other references.

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Apparently theres a hell of alot of sexual references, Killer7 was dodgy (the clothed rape scene, guy pretending to orgasm and blowing a building up, talking about guys jacking off 5 times a day over this hot girl, child slavery and rape) but it never had nudity.

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An 8.2 on Gametrailers, and their reviews are more often than not fairly spot on I feel.




One thing I did see in the review that I don't remember seeing before is...


your pet cat!



Which has made me want this game.


Grr the comment about the use of colour "especially blood red" made me want the european version less :(. It just seems to me that the NA version is the original creators vision. In something less stylised it probably wouldn't matter to me, but in a game where it's style is pushed throughout the game I think it does.


I was starting to come around and was seriously thinking about getting the PAL version, but that comment has put me back to square one.

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ARGH we need a miracle I´f we want blood in the UK game.


Let´s kidnap the Suda 51 guy and tickle him until the blood is back in the game.

If people find this comment not funny or then Zorry I'm trying to be funny and I´m not good at it as you can see

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ARGH we need a miracle I´f we want blood in the UK game.


Let´s kidnap the Suda 51 guy and tickle him until the blood is back in the game.

If people find this comment not funny or then Zorry I'm trying to be funny and I´m not good at it as you can see


I reckon if we got a gun and shoved it in his face we could get a little further?




Too cruel? OK...We'll go for the tickle. :D

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The thing that upsets me is that all other European countries are missing out because of the UK. They treat Europe as a country and not a continent. Which is stupid. Manhunt 2 was rated 18 by PEGI and wasn't released. Why? No More Heroes was censored because of that controversy. Why? All Sandinavia, Portugal, Spain, France, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, etc, etc, all those could get the games in original form without problems. The UK is like Pvt. Pyle in Full Metal Jacket, the retarded colleague that is dragging the whole platoon down. Excuse me, Brits, but it's the truth. ;) There is no reason whatsoever that the rest of Europe should suffer because of the retarded BBFC. It shouldn't be our problem.

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Manhunt 2 was rated 18 by PEGI and wasn't released. Why?


Because it was banned by most European countries.


No More Heroes was censored because of that controversy. Why?


Because it wasn't. It was censored for totally different reasons. I doubt adding the colourful red fountain will alter it's rating much. Except for in Germany.

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Guest Stefkov
"If I become number one, will you do it with me?" Fucking awesome game. It's worth getting just for that single line.

Seconded. I just watched the Gametrailers review and I will be getting this game.

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Because it was banned by most European countries.


"Most" European countries? Define "most".

No country except the UK and Ireland really banned the game. There was some fuss in Italy, but no ban was made. Same goes for Germany. And even if Germany did ban the game (I'm not sure about that one, hence why I did not list it in my previous post) 3 countries is certainly not "most" of Europe.




Because it wasn't. It was censored for totally different reasons.


Says you... All that stuff about different cultures doesn't make much sense. Japanese cinema is one of the bloodiest in the world (which makes me not understand why the jap version lacks the blood) and Europe has always been more "controverse" (?) in all art forms than the US.


In a game so stylised as this one, the blood fountains are part of the style. Removing them is somewhat similar to removing slow motion from a John Woo film just to make it shorter. I am a film lover (more than game lover) and I understand how a single element or scene added or removed can drastically change a film (though it may seem trivial or irrelevant to a casual film goer), and it is my opinion that the absence of blood in No More Heroes has a similar effect and makes it a vastly different experience, not just because "I wantz teh violence" but because it strips the game of one of its more stylistic features. It's far from being superficial, in my opinion.


Turok, in the N64, had 3 blood options: red blood, green blood and no blood. Same could have been made here: blood+coins or just coins, you choose.

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Turok, in the N64, had 3 blood options: red blood, green blood and no blood. Same could have been made here: blood+coins or just coins, you choose.


Freaking awesome idea, why can they just make it that simple.


and another question is the game censored in ALL of Europe or just in UK and Germany?


Yes I´m stretching my miracle as much as I can

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"Most" European countries? Define "most".


Everywhere apart from France (who were considering banning it), France (who were also considering banning it), The Netherlands and Norway.



Says you... All that stuff about different cultures doesn't make much sense.


No it doesn't Neither does the Manhunt 2 argument. No More Heroes is totally unrealistic large spurts of blood - like a cartoon version of RE4. RE4 (All editions including the Wii one) was a 17/18 everywhere (and censored in Japan and Germany) but a 15 in the UK.


Same could have been made here: blood+coins or just coins, you choose.



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Everywhere apart from France (who were considering banning it), France (who were also considering banning it), The Netherlands and Norway.


I'm sorry, but unless you provide proof of that, I don't believe it. ANd I can assure Portugal didn't censor or ban it. Same for Spain.

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