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Everything posted by Shino

  1. France should win. Serbia was a guilty pleasure.
  2. The fuck just happened in mah Naruto?! The shit has hit the fan!
  3. Thanks, prevents me from watching.
  4. I liked the music.
  5. Facebook Off. ... Sorry.
  6. Last week was waaaay to hot for spring, around 30º I pity the fool without AC. Now it seems it will cool down and maybe even a bit of rain. Currently its 22º with a nice breeze.
  7. Agreed on all accounts.
  8. I disagree with the term artificial life.
  9. I can't parallel park either. Maybe I would change into a man. Oh boy. True though.
  10. I guess successful troll is successful.
  11. He's playing Mario ffs, next he'll complain about the lack of fps elements in the game either. He should go read a book instead. Besides this guy clearly has sand in his vagina against Mario, in his rant against NSMB Wii (in which he doesn't complain a single time about the lack of character), he raves about games that clearly don't focus on the story or character development. He's just looking for something to hate.
  12. Wear skirt and a really nice cleavage, go outside and act like a prized pig while thinking how pathetic and perverted every man that looks at my rocking tits is.
  13. Lol, that Ryan Clements is a massive douche.
  14. Mine finally arrived, it only took 2 weeks.
  15. I believe Hulu is an American only service.
  16. Gave it 5€, to replay WoG and to finally play Aquaria. Never felt this guilty since buying the Orange box for 10€. PS. This was in the Pc thread, but it deserves a separate one (another proof that dumpster threads are shit).
  17. Rare couldn't be more in-house, just look how it crumbled after Nintendo had any sort of input. And its quite obvious why they're making more casual than hardcore games, hardcore games take much longer to make.
  18. Looks like a really solid step in the right direction. I just hope this has a good QA before release.
  19. You didn't ruined it, the site just redirects foreign links to the homepage.
  20. With a Mana crystal inside? At this moment the main reason I'm still sceptical of this, is the probable use of JRPG clichés and storyline.
  21. Quick everybody, act surprised! Calmly panic over this and make the stock market crash yet again.
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