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Everything posted by Shino

  1. The gay frog ... he's the reason why I played Starfox assault.
  2. Tks! that was very enlightening, now if I understood it right, in that same operation that you gave as an example the xbox360's cpu would have the same performance as dual core?
  3. Can you apply does formulas to the 360 or ps3? I didnt understand. Ps. I'm obviously retarded.
  4. I can try , dont know if would like it, its hard to meet the other person expectation, or the pre-defined image it already has about the sig. If u want I could try, just give me want u want in it, the style and maybe the pic you want to be included. Ps. I'm not that experienced but I know something.
  5. Shino

    Civ 4

    Civ 4 is a great game they really did this time, great gfx, great soundtrack and great gameplay. The religion is nice improvement and another reason to conquer other civs, another improvement its the costumisable civics. To bad the game goes to fast compared to civ3, even in epic mod it just changes the production needed for each building, but the tech tree still goes quite fast, and it doesn't give you much time to build stuff. Overall it's very fun to play (like any other civ), and earing Mr. Spock voice with every tech makes me laugh :p
  6. This is not a debatable issue, much like you dont ask if killing people is right or wrong, it's just wrong. So you think that japanese people have the right to do it, just because they're culturaly diferente from us?
  7. This is a great article! It's incredible how almost everything he says is covered by nintendo philosophy of the next generation of consoles, and it also makes me think that the revolution will have a single core CPU (wanting it to be a simpler system to develop for, and the fact that the gamecube devkit can be used for revolution games). If his theory proves to be true, nintendo will have a bright future.
  8. very nice idea with batman and the color contrast but the font doesn't seem right for it. 6.5/10
  9. It will never be enough... never.
  10. Internet its the same every where, if thats the only problem them import it. But whats the point really, you just have to wait some weeks...
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