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Everything posted by Shino

  1. Dude, that thing is unplayable on a GC pad and that applies to most SNES games, get some form of classic controller as soon as you can. And the mine cart level is awesome once you get the hang of it. It just flows really well.
  2. Lol, either the Wii2 comes in 2020 or it wont have 3D.
  3. Just watched the user interface demo and its pretty neat and all, but don't you think they choose that black gentleman in a dark attire just to disprove last years rumours of Natal not working with black people.
  4. Just imagine how confident they were of motion gameplay, to the point they brought the game in an unfinished state and brought Myiamoto to demonstrate it. The interference problems were probably more of let down to them then to all of us. Thank god that iPhone4 fiasco that happened before this, otherwise I can't imagine the torrent of cynicism that would come from the press.
  5. For some reason I often underestimate my love for this series, but this was the game on the entire conference that as soon as I saw it I knew I would buy it. Lol those dudes will never reach the final boss.
  6. Isn't he a fictional character? All he has to do is act.
  7. Its because it tries to be both games but its neither. Cel shading and base colours worked on WW because it made it look like a cartoon and the environment was modeled to be like one. TP looked good because it had a more traditional style that tried to push the console while retaining that Zelda feeling. This one is just basic, looks like a ps2 platformer.
  8. Quite honestly, I don't like the graphical style. Its like WW and TP had an ugly baby.
  9. Its almost the size of a Wii. Probably equally powerful too.
  10. Just to say that anyone with Vista/7 already has a mediacenter with speech recognition.
  11. I didn't remember to watch it. Any place where I can see the highlights? By the looks of this thread there seems there wasn't any.
  12. I'm just glad to finally hear something from Retro. They've been quiet for so long, I'm sure whatever they're doing will be great.
  13. YOU. ARE. DYING.
  14. It's not you, it IS every damn year. I would take up the challenge if someone else did it for me, or I had the libido of an ice cube. Jesus, why haven't even tried it?
  15. Oh right, its summer. And, no.
  16. Welcome to the wonderful world haemorrhoids, it will disappear sooner or later.
  17. Its out on the usual places. I'll probably watch it tonight.
  18. Love the tail deflating at the end.
  19. Just watched Naruto and I'm having goosebumps, trembling and hyperventilating.
  20. We're on the verge of war with a lot of stuff it seems...
  21. Its hilarious, the misinformation, the accent, people holding their heads in panic. Its so incredibly absurd, it belongs in SouthPark or something similar. Hard to believe someone would take them seriously, but unfortunately that seems to be the case.
  22. Lol I don't get why everybody went crazy with Germany. Like her hips though.
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