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Everything posted by Will

  1. Ugh can't believe I didn't think of that, I've even been in there myself more than a few times. Thanks for reminding me, I'll definitely go and check it out at the weekend.
  2. Yeah me too, surely they've already taken it? They can't come and steal the car you've bought from them back. I'd tell them to get lost personally.
  3. You're a complete and utter prat then. No need to make a situation massively more dangerous than it is already.
  4. I noticed that, I'm surprised it's not even a part of what brought him back. Does anyone know anywhere good for F1 merchandise? I need to buy a Red Bull top for a friend at work but can't find it on the F1 site and the Red Bull site only has L and XL sizes (she's tiny). If anyone knows somewhere I can try that would be much appreciated.
  5. My ex. God I can't wait for our flat lease to be up and get the hell away from her.
  6. I'm hoping to, I'm not 100% sure now due to things going on at work. I'm hoping to do at least one of them and then the other will be a nice treat if I'm able to get it sorted. I'd love to go to Spa, next year if I can I'd love to drive to one of the European races.
  7. I guess he was still within the defined limit of the mark? God they sound amazing, I don't think I've ever heard an F1 car in the flesh, I really really need to sort that out. Looks like it was an enjoyable race, sad I missed it, but also sad that Alonso is now a fair way back. I really really hope he can make up the gap, if not I'm definitely backing Webber for the title now.
  8. So I found a suit and wore it to the wedding I was invited to. I thought I managed to make myself look rather dapper. Only cost me £350 with a good few alterations done to it. I'm glad I finally have a good suit, I will certainly try to wear it a few more times. No jacket: With jacket on: Ignore the stupid/grumpy faces I'm pulling in the pics.
  9. I'm not a huge fan of Corsas anyway, but yes the automatic transmission totally ruins any car for me regardless of what it is. I've never had one that has operated things in any form of a sensible way, all of them sluggish, boring and rubbish. I've been looking through a few of my old pictures and I'm getting very excited about picking up my car now. It's the one thing that still gets me excited like a a kid waiting for a birthday/christmas morning. I really hope it's this week. On a slight change of topic, has anyone ever been to the Paris motorshow? I'm thinking of driving across via the tunnel for it, would be good if anyone has any advice on the trip or general French driving experience.
  10. I'm driving around in a corsa at the moment, a 1.4 automatic. I don't think I've ever come so close to being in a coma as when I have the thing on the motorway. God I hate it.
  11. Seriously excited about this race, changeable conditions + Spa = almost certainly the best race of the year. Unfortunately I'm going to miss absolutely all of it due to various commitments. I'm hoping I can steer clear of any results until Monday afternoon then watch through the whole thing uninterrupted.
  12. Some pictures of the current state of my car, all painted now, just needs to be put back together... The front clam: Another angle: Rear clam: The car: From the front: Low angle of the now matte black wheels: I'm hoping I'll have it back by next weekend in order to drive back to my parents, it's been far far too long since I last drove it.
  13. Just got back from the baseball, now I'm watching Miss Universe as it happens (slightely delayed). Pretty good times actually.
  14. Sounds like a really good idea to me, if sainsburys did it I'd use it for sure.
  15. I really hope nothing happens to them, as far as I'm concerned they did absolutely nothing wrong. I really think they should just scrap the team orders rule, every team does it in one way or another and imo team orders should be part of the sport.
  16. I really enjoy the very early mornings, when its just getting light and there's noone else around. Possibly my favourite part of the day actually.
  17. It's crazy just how much coverage this is getting over here. Personally I can understand why those who had people killed might get upset about it. But at the end of the day the vast majority of people are actually pretty decent, and the sooner everyone gets over these kind of hangups the better off we'll all be.
  18. I haven't... yet. I'm just here for a few week's helping the guys out with a few reporting bits and pieces. Plan is I'll move out fill time at some point in the next few months.
  19. These are amazing, cool use of new tech always gets a thumbs up from me.
  20. I'm at work in San Francisco, it's only 5:20 here.
  21. Totally agree with that, I think I've met 3 or 4 girls from online dating sites and every one of them has been pretty damn cool. It's a very easy way to meet lots of people very quickly, who all are actually looking to date someone - which can be an issue when your just randomly meeting people when out. Personally I think online dating is great, as I said in the other thread.
  22. I would say I'm pretty good with the ladies. Met another random girl in a bar last night and ended up walking round a few of the good places with her. Turns out she's staying pretty much over the road from me so I'm sure I'll see her again. Confidence is definitely the only thing you need, as long as you have that you can turn anything to your advantage with a girl.
  23. I enjoy the auditions stage, probably up to the live shows, but then I enjoy those too. In fact I love it all, as rubbish tv to watch while eating/preparing for a night out it's pretty damn good actually. I can't watch it this week but after that I'll try to keep up with most of it.
  24. Love the pictures, bet you had a great time. I do like the matte cars, I imagine they are a total pain to keep clean though. There is one thing I don't understand... How did the Cube qualify as a super car?
  25. I used to love OCRemix, not downloaded anything from there for a good few years now though. I loved some of the slower Mario remixes, I might take a look and see what I find.
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