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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'm tempted to get one today, bit worried about the non-retina screen so wanted to try one out first. I want a new personal laptop too so was going to go with the 11 inch air. Seems like a decent set up.
  2. The Gilwing paraloop is ridiculously easy in this version though... It definitely plays very differently to the Saturn version, I played loads of the XBLA version before launch and never found it too bad, the PS3 version on the other hand I'm having a really hard time with. It would have been nice if they could have got the full 360 direction controls back in. That said, it really does look amazing, from a visual point of view I think they did a great job.
  3. Looks like they have stock at my local - I've been waiting to be able to get one a little cheaper. I'll report back if I manage to get one.
  4. Next trip to Japan is sorted, I'll be flying out the week of the 5th of November for a months stay - cannot wait to get back there.
  5. Yeah those wifi ones on kickstarter looked great - I ordered a couple when it first went up, looking forward to getting them. I've also recently bought one of these, so I can lock/unlock the door through my phone too.
  6. Nice work Danny. Either way with these things I think it's much better to get it out there in the open. There are a few girls I wish I'd told I'd liked when I was younger, but never had the nerve to. Years later it turns out they felt the same way at the time but were just as crappy at saying it. The 'just do it' advice, while seeming a little obvious but too hard, is actually the best thing I ever started doing. It will never be as bad as you imagine it could be, and more often than not it works out much better in the end. Anyway, my Japan trip has been going amazingly, I've been out with girls pretty much every day of my holiday, and a few while I was on the work portion of my trip. The girls here are unbelievably attractive, super cute, very very nice people. I'm definitely going to be pushing for a transfer over here, best city I've ever been in.
  7. A picture from my seat, I'm no photographer, so it's not amazing, but the seat is good and it's lots of fun. Didn't bother booking a hotel, I'm staying at a Capsule Inn, which is also a lot of fun. Quite the adventure. Hopefully Fernando can pull it back from his grid, don't want him to drop too many points. It would be nice if Kamui can do well too, the crowd absolutely love him.
  8. I tried it once and never would again. Was with a great girl who went off to Uni (She was from the town I went to university in). Things were great, but it was great two days a week when we saw each other. Not that it was bad the rest of the time, far from it, but it's just kind of nothing the rest of the time. To me you actually need to be with the person to really find out if they're the one for you. We broke up after 4 years, having lived together for the final year. I'm pretty sure had we of had a normal relationship we'd have found out we weren't right for each other sooner and wouldn't have wasted so much time being committed to someone who isn't there. I'm sure it works for some, but the issues I had with it mean I'm super skeptical on them. I just don't see it as the same, and as such wouldn't go for it.
  9. After two weeks working in Tokyo I've managed to arrange the first steps of moving out here permanently In November I'll swap roles with someone in this office for a month, apartments and all, then hopefully if that goes well work towards making it a full time switch sometime next year. Need to work super hard on my Japanese from now on, though it has been much easier to pick up quickly when using it every day. Fingers crossed it all works out - very excited about this one.
  10. Weather in Tokyo is all over the place at the moment, one minute it's the most epic of storms the next it's blazing sunshine. I think the worst is passed though. Not sure what it will be like down at Suzuka, it's a fair old distance from here.
  11. I'm pretty amazed it's actually happened but I can see the logic behind it. Big gamble but could pay off for him. In other news:
  12. I'm very glad someone at SEGA decided to include that for free.
  13. I'm going to get my work to swap my Lumia 900 for one, haven't used the thing in months and I hate it so went back to my old 4. Probably won't be able to get one for a few months though which sucks.
  14. Finally! Missed the stream and hadn't been able to find anything all morning.
  15. Glad this is going to get a release. I loved the first game and I'm sure this will be great too. I'm going to be at TGS so fingers crossed it's playable there.
  16. Work trip and holiday in Japan is booked. I'll be working for 2.5 weeks in Tokyo, then a weekend at the Japanese Grand Prix followed by a week in Tokyo on holiday. Cannot wait.
  17. 1 ticket for Grandstand G Zone 4 has been purchased. So excited. I've never managed to go to a race before so it should be quite the adventure.
  18. I think you're right, as soon as my travel is confirmed I'm going to buy a ticket for Grandstand G zone 4, I really hope this all works out.
  19. I'd be amazed if it didn't too. I don't think I've actually used one to confirm though.
  20. Definitely an interesting situation, I can see it happening but it just seems unlikely to me. I really wish he would sort himself out though, there's no way Jenson should be beating him. In other news, I'm going to be in Japan the weekend of the Japanese Grand Prix and am very very tempted to take a trip down to the race. There aren't many tickets left and the cheapest available is $260 for the weekend. I wish they did just a race day ticket but it seems to be unavailable. Need to investigate further as I'd love to go. Hmmm, has anyone ever used http://www.gpticketshop.com? It has tickets available and if it's reputable I'm going to buy some! http://www.japan-grand-prix.com/en/2160-japan/ from this I'm thinking either Grandstand G or O - any advice as to which I should go for?
  21. For me I think of a career as being long term with goals and objectives along the way, jobs are the steps to getting there. I think it's true that many people just have jobs with no real career guiding them. I spend the vast majority of my waking hours working so I figure I'd rather enjoy it and try to have some wider goals than just aimlessly working. Even if it's a job you don't hugely enjoy it's still worthwhile if it can lead somewhere. So far I'd say that I've had 6 jobs at 4 companies which all fit into the same career.
  22. Serebii, what are you pointing at? To be honest I think you look a little bit crazy in that photo, like others have said it's way too intense. Toned down a little I think you would have more luck. I like Cube's though, true it may look a little businessy but it's casual enough. I'd go on a date with him.
  23. I'm not sure what that means but... I signed the lease today, yay! Can start moving stuff there straight away which is good, should be fully in by Monday
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