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Everything posted by Will

  1. Unfortunately they’re not offering All Access here so I’m not going to bother with one, with the games lineup I don’t see much point in getting one. Quite surprising they’re not pushing it here as people LOVE credit deals and it would seem to fit the market well.
  2. Will


    There’s definitely something of a shortage at the moment as tons of companies are trying to buy laptops for their newly working from home employees. We’re having huge issues trying to buy them. I’m sure it’s having huge knock-on impacts on consumer devices too. Personally I’m always of the opinion to go for the best thing you possibly can and it will last you longer than equivalent lower cost options, pay half as much and you won’t get half the use from it. My previous MacBook Air lasted me about 8 years and I upgraded to a maxed out MacBook Pro which I expect will last longer than that. My Dad on the other hand seems to be always buying some crappy laptop that never solves the problems he has, but refuses to buy anything of higher quality.
  3. I definitely agree it works better for some games but I think when your a fan of a particular game type it still adds some nice longevity to a game when done the right way. I’d also love to have the option in the F1 games, if I could do a season where it would randomize the tracks and driver/teams I’d absolutely love it!
  4. Noticed a few other forums I visit have upgraded the software to the latest version and it seems like a big improvement (more so than other updates) - any plans to upgrade us soon?
  5. A full 2GB smaller than the PS4 version! After all their talk on asset duplication savings talk I thought they would get a bit more of an improvement than that.
  6. These things are really cool, though I don’t keep up to date with what’s going on with them. I wish companies would include things like this in retro collections and remasters to add something new to the experience for those of us that have played them before. It would really add something to things like Mario 3D All Stars if you ask me.
  7. Yeah I don’t really know enough to comment on it. Generally I would say highlighting an issue should be allowed and encouraged, using race/religion/others as fuel to attack someone should be stamped out as fast and as harshly as possible.
  8. UFC is not something I follow at all but good on him I say. Bring attention to the cause without any of the negative stuff that is all too often picked up on this kind of thing and is making people talk about it. I hope more sports people continue to push these things where they can, the more people that are aware this is an ongoing battle the better.
  9. Amazon orders were open for about 30 seconds here... I GOT ONE! Time to start getting excited.
  10. I’d totally forgotten about these guys. Got my GameCube from them back in the day.
  11. That’s the big problem really. I guess I’ll have to decide between now and launch on whether to become a world famous streamer or not, can’t risk leaving it to chance like that.
  12. I think I’ll get an extra controller and the charger but none of the other stuff. Will only use it for games so the remote seems pointless and I never game with headphones or have any use for the camera other than VR. Not even sure about the extra controller to be honest.
  13. To me it just means that the games that are on both PS4 and PS5 are not truly “next-gen” and so it makes sense for them to be on both machines. I’m sure Sony titles will move away from this pretty much straight away, and third parties will follow suit as soon as it financially makes sense to do so as they always are. I get it if people are disappointed that the games are not at the standard we were expecting, it does take the shine off the new console a little and suggests it not as essential to upgrade so quickly if one of these games was what you were specifically waiting for. I don’t think there’s any reason to see Sony as the worst company ever and feel like they’ve lied to you and stolen all your money. The games are still going to be better on PS5, and you don’t have to upgrade if you don’t want to.
  14. No idea on specifics but I know some of the people that do this for Sony, I'd expect there will be a decent amount of smaller titles available at launch in addition to the PS+ Collection. Anything that launched or was updated on PS4 after July 13th will definitely work as PS5 compatibility became a requirement for approval from then. I'd be pretty confident on anything worth buying will also work, but wouldn't be assured.
  15. There is a lot of very cool things you can do, especially when you’re putting good money into it and own the originals. Modern systems are so much more powerful the emulators can read what is happening as it happens and inject different things at the right time or pull in new code for a while then go back to the emulator. You could pretty much do anything you could think of given enough time to code it. My copy shipped! Had to order it from the UK so quite expensive, but I’m really looking forward to playing all three of these.
  16. I've never been a huge fan of the Final Fantasy games, just not really my thing. I really liked the look of this though, they're doing some great work on the title. Will keep up with what they're able to achieve as these titles usually give a good indication of what the hardware is capable of. Looking forward to seeing more.
  17. Games looking very good, looking forward to getting my hands on pretty much everything they showed. Pre-orders not up here but hoping I manage to get one once they are available.
  18. VG Chartz is probably the best you’re going to get, not super accurate but should give you a general idea on things.
  19. I’m ignoring the trailer because I’d rather go in having seen nothing. I’m super excited for this though, cannot wait to see the next part of this story. It’s pretty much the only thing I find worth activating the Disney+ subscription for.
  20. Yeah, sorry I should have been clearer. It’s number one in terms of dollar amount of any August ever. It’s double the nearest August competitor in units for this generation.
  21. That’s only this generation isn’t it? Not all time. Still, crazy numbers regardless.
  22. Looks really nice, from a design perspective I think they’ve done a great job. I’m a huge fan of how the X looks.
  23. I tried to join last time but the site didn’t seem to play nicely with my iPad and I gave up. I think this time round the show is something like 4am here so I’m just going to watch it when I wake up in the morning.
  24. I totally agree for the most part, but if you’ve got one console that is $600 before you’ve added anything to it and another that is $30 a month with a full on library it becomes a much more compelling switch, you can only push customer loyalty so far. There are also Christmas/Birthday presents, kids getting their first console and a whole host of other people that you can’t rely on having huge brand loyalty. I haven’t had an Xbox since the 360, hadn’t even worked out Microsoft’s naming system until a few days ago, and have absolutely no interest in the Xbox but those offers tempted me to give is a look. I’m not price restricted like many others are and we’re heading into really unknown times - pricing will be important. But yeah, I definitely agree with the loyalty thing. It will take some major fuck up from Sony for me not to get a PS5 on day one.
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