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Everything posted by Will

  1. That's down to the TV more than anything though. Its certainly not the case for all HDTV's.
  2. Maybe on other systems they would. Most Wii users are more than happy with mediocre.
  3. As these are part of EA's financial reports they'll want their business to look as healthy as possible. By projecting the Wii to be so far ahead I think its very likely their about to up their output on the system. The quality of EA stuff has really gone up of late so hopefully its going to mean a few decent games in the future. Based on what? Though its not doing as well as the Wii its had a clear weekly sales lead in mainland Europe since launch and this year its moved ahead in the UK too. With the 360 faltering on its lead and PS3 selling well even in January I think it could well hit the 6M mark this year.
  4. True but I'd imagine most graduates don't have a massive amount of outgoings and have more than likely learnt some pretty good money-management skills while at uni. Maybe if I had the money in my bank account and then it went out I'd miss it more but as I never see it I just consider it an extra bit of tax. After ridiculous rent, bills, food, transport and the occasional leasure activity the student loan payment really isn't a great deal of money.
  5. I never bothered with working during uni. The loan was more than enough to cover everything I wanted to do. It's worth having whether you work or not though imo, you'll never get your hands on cheaper money and the payback system means that you don't notice the payments when they do start coming out. I only pay something ridiculous like £80 a month on mine.
  6. I've just left here - You'll have a great time.
  7. This actually does look rather good. I'm quite looking forward to getting it in fact. Here's hoping it sells well, if it does then hopefully we'll get a version of HotD 4 some time soon.
  8. I had Sky put in while I was living with my parents for a few months and had the TV/Phone/Net package. By all accounts it seemed pretty damn good. Its pretty cheap because of having everything with them and the quality was always fine for me. Worked great with Live/PSN/Wii and never capped me while I was downloading a load of TV shows over it. From my personal experience I'd say its well worth it, as with most providers though, for everyone thats had a good experience people will have had a bad one.
  9. Sorry, I didn't mean a bit different because of the Wii-Mote controls, just that its the type of game your not going to get anywhere else. To be fair the game was developed to use the Cube pad rather than the remote, and I agree with you, the wii-mote controls don't do the game justice at all. From that point of view I suppose it has got tacked on controls - I just think it has that little something else that means it doesn't really matter.
  10. I would say go for NiGHTS or Ghost Squad. NiGHTS is something a bit different and not just because its had Wii-Mote controls tacked on like so many other games. Ghost Squad is short but a lot of fun with plenty to go back and do again. With either I don't think you'll go too far wrong and your getting something that you won't see on PS3 or 360.
  11. I got mine along with Ghost Squad a little while ago, they're sitting on my desk with the new Phantasy Star and I'm really looking forward to playing them. NiGHTS is the big one though, I've waited so long for this game and due to being away this weekend I'm going to have to wait even longer now. Definately a good week for the Wii.
  12. I'm really excited about this, been waiting for 11 years! Hopefully work will give me my copy before I leave today but I have a bad feeling I'm going to be waiting until next week to get it.
  13. Is there meant to be some problem with that? Mines been like that since I got it and I've never had any issues.
  14. My current lounge, the TV/Consoles set up is a cable disaster due to having to use two tables rather than a proper AV cabinet. Need to get it sorted at some point. The Computer Area: The Games and DVD's The TV: The Consoles: Was very tempted to upgrade the TV but I'm trying to be strong and keep the money for a new car fund. It'll do for now at least. Oh and sorry about the picture quality - all taken with my phone.
  15. Just hack it off with a saw if you really need to then. Bit of wet and dry paper afterwards and it won't look too bad. Maybe :p Is it too late to send it back?
  16. Probably doesn't come of then. My one at work is the same, just having the stand dangling in mid air is a bit strange but its a good place for a figure of Luigi to go.
  17. There wouldn't really be that much difference at all. Instead of a few crap XBox/360 games there'd be a few crap Cube/Wii games.
  18. Theres one quite fit one and the rest look like men - your sick.
  19. Well I'll get NiGHTS and Ghost Squad from work and have Geometry Wars on order. I do quite fancy Zack and Wiki but doubt I'd play it too much. I'll probably wait a while for that one.
  20. I've been thinking of upgrading my TV lately, currently got a Panasonic 32TX500 but its a couple of years old now. Might upgrade to the latest 50 inch 1080p plasma from them, depends if I can find a good price on it I suppose. Definately a fan of the Panasonic sets, probably the only other brand I'd look at woul be the pioneer. What are you using at the moment? Component cables will give you the best picture from your Wii.
  21. Its useless without pictures. I want a comedy image!
  22. This I would have no problem with, its considerate and you'll get where your going faster - everyone wins. I just can't stand the ones that think that being on a bike permits you to flout the rules of the road.
  23. I'm not questioning the fact that some people do need extra money, I disagree with the way its given out. It shouldn't go to the kids because, as others have said, its too open to abuse. If families need it to feed their kids then it should be going to the family to provide this, not the kid to fritter away as they please.
  24. I'd put something along the lines of enjoying developing younger people skills and the satisfaction of passing on your knowledge to your younger peers.
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