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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Yes, the reason the first two Alien movies were great was because of Ripley. The reason Aliens was AWESOME is because of Michael Biehn and Bill Paxton. But mostly Michael Biehn. I enjoyed the trailer, but I'm wary - the best Alien game I played was AVP 2 way back in 2001, andi hate the way the movie series went, so I hope this is not going to be another disappointment. I'm not holding out a lot of hope, but I'm always ready to be pleasantly surprised.
  2. Without even looking the other day, I picked up a soul gem. And suddenly the damn thing started speaking to me! Well, when I say "speaking" more sort of "berating": kept yakking on about the time someone borrowed a few pennies from it but never gave them back, or once when it's underwear wasn't ironed properly by the maid at a hotel and how a while back it got a funny look from a cat and that it thought cats should all be burned alive as a result. So I actually took a look at the thing, and it turns out it was a Petty Soul Gem.
  3. Arguably it all belongs to his dad anyway...
  4. I actually felt the amulet was pretty good: how many other items have a triple bonus right across the board? Besides, there was a shitload of good stuff to collect during those missions. But the Amulet was by far the best.
  5. Enjoying the demo, seems like the creatures might be
  6. The consensus seems to be that piracy is okay because the legal route is (a) annoying and (b) expensive.
  7. Haahaha *bonk!* I laughed so hard my head fell off! That's a lot of cars for one guy though, anyone else feeling a little schadenfreude?
  8. frankly, I'd prefer it if your hands were stroking me... I was thinking of having Mrs Iun's name tattoo'd on me. But then I realised I hate her. I'd say get it coloured Dyson, it looks a bit...swarthy without it.
  9. I'm going to speak the ugly truth: I get the impression most people here aren't anti-piracy.
  10. Yay! Recognition a last! It's only taken me five years, and admittedly I have to share it with someone who is actually better than me and someone who is totally gay for the sound of his own voice...but yay!
  11. I hear you on the graphical update, but even so, the graphics were not all that bad. The water effects still stand up quite well. One thing I feel ruined the series, starting with Oblivion, was the voice acting. Too many characters sound the same, which ruins the immersion, and it actually makes the conversation shorter as I tend to read the subtitles faster than they speak, so I end up skipping all the talking.
  12. There was a ship all the other pirates feared, Even blue, black red and yellowbeards, The cap'n was as rotten as they come, And never once thought to write to his mum!
  13. Wrath of Khan Undiscovered Country Voyage Home First Contact Search for Spock The others almost don't warrant rating. I don't include the reboot, because I think it's an apples and oranges comparison. If I did, it would still be middle of the list. Wrath of Khan was just so...smart. So quotable, so well-shot, so well-acted. It was that near-perfect film that comes around once every few years. If Ricardo Montalban and William Shatner ever needed an epitaph, that film would be it. Both actors at the very peak of their abilities, two characters at such a crossroads in their lives: Kirk and his midlife crisis, Khan and his self-destructive desire for vengeance. However, I still cannot watch the final ten minutes of the film without being brought to tears. That look on Kirk's face as the camera pans out from the engine room...such devastation, you really know his world has just completely shattered.
  14. And, more importantly, that list would mostly include countries with appalling human rights records.
  15. Diplomacy, reciprocity and political expediency. It'd be more than my fingers could take to explain it fully, but it essentially boils down to maintaining good relations with other states, the hope that they will do the same and the ability in a realist sense to gain some leverage in future interests. Edit: something I should add is that international law would apply in a case like this. A lot of international law is "soft law" i.e. states can choose to ignore it because there's no-one able to enforce it, but in this case China is very keen to be seen to be doing something aut copyright theft and piracy. So it is politically expedient for the authorities to apply international law in this case.
  16. It's called international police cooperation. Sovereignty of state doesn't really come in to it when the laws are similar transnationally. .
  17. Good. We shouldn't. That way it will go away sooner.
  18. Why are you so determined to wreck our marriage?
  19. I didn't say my point would make any sense. :narrows eyes:
  20. *sigh* do we have to consider Enterprise as canon? Really? the world would just be a much better place if we pretended Star Trek ended with DS9 in 1999. It would mean we avoided Insurrection and Nemesis, and could plausibly pretend that Voyager mostly never happened. And then we cold be surprised that after a near ten-year absence they resurrected everything with the Reboot in 2009! Wouldn't that be a much nicer world to live in?
  21. I sort of imagine that her final quote would be along the lines of a patronising: "Come to talk to an old woman, do your good deed for the day, hmm?"
  22. How sad are we? I was just coming in to post the same thing...
  23. Dan, Danny, we've conceded that either side has a point to make, now you're just getting hot over nothing. Move on from the debate, or you're going to risk igniting it again.
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