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Everything posted by Iun

  1. I will register you later Stu, you'd be more than welcome! Remember your etiquette: drop by any time the gates are open but with native fruits if you are unexpected! My gates are open, all!
  2. About 6pm China time - no probs, I'll open my gates then.
  3. @S\.C\.G. @allthepeopleivegotregisteredasfriends! I'm bored of going solo! How about some group action?!
  4. FFS don't say "Kryptonite" otherwise they'll know that you are actually Superman. ...ah, shit,I just said it...
  5. Goddammit, I NEEDED that replica lightsaber!
  6. GRAH! Parents have just told me that they want to sell their house next year, terrible news! I love that house and I had fully intended to buy it from them when they sold, but this has come too soon. If they could wait until this time next year.... DAMMIT! Beautiful old place... 250 years old cottage with 4 beds, living room dining room, conservatory, 3 bathrooms, kitchen and surrounded by gardens. But apparently the farm about a quarter mile away has just gotten unbearable - glaring headlamps at night, tractors operating at all hours... AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!
  7. On the plus side, you're going to lose a lot of weight. Get some lemonade, stir it with a spoon 'til the bubbles are gone and drink that. It'll help rehydrate you.
  8. Iun

    Retro Toys

    You suck, and that makes me sad
  9. Iun

    Retro Toys

    Without even going on the wiki: Springheeled JAck, Witch, Ghoul, Invisible Man.
  10. Iun

    Retro Toys

    OH YES! And MANTA Force was amazing. I always got the shitty MASK toys though - Dusty Hayes was the pilot of this cool Jeep/Speedboat Combo, but I ended up with the figure concealed in an edvertising board. Then there was a version of Matt Trakker witha hologram of himself in some other vehicle... it was a huge disappointment.
  11. Try an average of 38 degrees every day in Shanghai for the last week, and THEN talk to me about roasting, you soft northern bastard! I mean, we had a tropical storm yesterday evening and it only brought the temperature down to 32 degrees! Very sorry to hear that, we lost a 13 year-old cat just after Christmas, luckily I had gone back to China and had gotten lots of cuddles and grooming (She liked to wash my hair) before I went back. They're not pets, they're family.
  12. The jaw-breaking was six-months of polite requests, letters to the university and empty threats. Theguy would come in and play his stereo 3am to 6am. There's a couple of things you have to realise about China: 1: There are three countries in the world: China, Foreign and Evil Japan. You are a foreigner first. A zoo-animal-like curiosity second. A possible source of income/assistance third. Then finally you might be a human being, but it's pretty shaky. 2: The average person has a need to pigeon-hole you immediately so they know how to place you in their pre-conceptions: They ask you "Where are you from?" If you say England, it's 50/50 they will say "England is nice" or "You (As in "you personally") burned down the Summer Palace 200 years ago". Then they will ask "How much do you earn?" "How much does your house cost every month?" And sometimes "Can you come to my house and teach English to my kid for a pittance?". 3: You will get pointed and stared at everywhere you go "Look a foreigner" becomes a normal part of the background noise. "Look, a foreigner, look at his/her big nose/I wonder what foreigners eat/Look! he's eating steamed bread!" It's like being a zoo animal. And the effect of this is cumulative. So the person you tell to fuck off is probably the fifteenth person that day to point and stare. 4: When the government needs a quick fix to deflect blame away from something they've made a mess of, foreigners ("The Other") in psychology is the go-to method. Japanese cars, businesses and properties were smashed, burned and vandalised last year because the government is claiming islands that do not belong to them but belong to Japan and China is unwilling to start a war, but does not want to look weak so they blamed everything that recently went wrong on the Japanese. Schools and schoolbuses were attacked. When a non-Chinese man allegedly molested a Chinese woman, he was beaten senseless by a gang of men and deported without trial. Conversely, if Chinese people see a 15 Chinese on 1 Chinese fight, they will stand and watch. If a foreigner seems to be at the centre, they will attack in a pack. There are lots of good reasons to live here, but none of them are listed above.
  13. I was referring to the time last weekend when I first went and politely asked the hammer-drill wielding decorator above my bedroom to be quiet at 6am. Then when he continued I went up again, kneed him in the nuts and told him if he didn't shut up I'd bring friends and break all his fingers. You have no idea what it's like to be woken by an industrial drill at 6am after a hard week about 7 feet above your head. It's astounding. I was referring to an entirely different situation. The lack of consideration for basic social contracts or norms here is remarkable.
  14. I am a hypocrite, yes. I advocate peaceful resolution of conflict, but I'll happily batter someone who tries to cheat me out of a good night's sleep.
  15. Why AREN'T you fondling his testicles? At work or otherwise.
  16. I did, I'm afraid. Berries have become overused, so have other hold items. The Gym leader always uses a super/hyper/full heal just as they hit rock bottom HP. There's always something completely illogical blocking a path that can only be cleared by completing a silly task later. The nurses at the counter still go through the same yack every time you approach and press A "Oh, do you want to heal your Pokemon?" "NO, I'M JUST HERE FOR THE AMBIENCE." I mean, they literally do nothing else! You have to physically walk up to the counter, face them on that particular grid square and press A. Three separate operations to activate the singular function. Accidentally walking up to them, ok, that might be a mistake, but specifically walking there, facing and pressing A... it's OBVIOUS what I want! Then there's the PC... "someone's PC" I don't care who made the storage system. It's not an adventure finding out. "Oh wow, liek, you made the storage system? You're a programming god!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, a new Starfox continuing on from Lylat Wars COMPLETELY IGNORING everything that happened afterwards, especially Adventures and Armada. Command was a fine enough game, but Krystal as a character is rubbish, retiring Peppy was a smack in the teeth and all three games were massively under par.
  17. I'm just not going to bother responding to you, as there's no way I can be polite about it. I tried three replies already. So in the interests of not starting an argument: "Says you".
  18. F-Zero and Wave Race 3DS. A pokemon game that ditches a lot of the crap that has accumulated over the years.
  19. I despise benefit cheats. I paid a rididulous amount of tax back when I paid tax on my business in the UK, and the thought of even 50p ending up in the hands of some lazy bastard makes me furious. Before University I had to work at three jobs just to have enough to pay my accomodation costs and books, then when I got there, I did a 20-hour study week and a 24+ hour working week to stay afloat.
  20. NEVER COME TO CHINA. I had two fantastic cases today - One was a pair of noisy kids and the other was this guy sitting next to me on the metro train. He must have been about 50-odd and had a plastic bottle he was constantly crackling...I just turned my head slowly and stared at him until he looked at me. Then I politely put a finger to my lips and said "shush". He put the bottle under his arm and muttered in Chinese "Fucking foreigner, you're a dog." I smiled sweetly and replied in Chinese "Dogs bite, feel like trying me?" His face turned instantly red and he pretended to be asleep. Then there were these two children on the station platform - running around literally screaming as their mother and father encouraged them to fight each other, I stepped behind her and called a friend of mine and started shouting in Chinese down the phone "HEY MAN, I'M STANDING HERE WITH A BUNCH OF FUCKING PEASANTS AND THEIR CHILDREN - WHAT'S THE CORRECT RESPONSE? HIT THE PARENTS OR THE KIDS?" Again, sudden red faces and quiet.
  21. Happy Serebii Day Birthday Boy!
  22. Allow me to express my smugness that mine was submitted over a month ago
  23. I would not trust any Chinese company in another country to do business. Fairly or in a trustworthy manner. I would bet my life savings that at least some of the information gets back to the Party here.
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