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Everything posted by Iun

  1. Flinky: I had exactly the same issue with my ex. I knew something was wrong, she wasn't cheating on me, but when I couldn't get the truth from her own lips I read her diary... what I found cost me all the love I ever had for her. People who lie just are not worth it, that's the bottom line. If they do it once, they may do it a hundred times, forgiving them just gives them licence to do it again. I'm so sorry, buddy.
  2. Your avatar looks like Hitler and that makes me smile in a fiendishly off-kilter way
  3. Is my MoogleViper *hearts* And Harribo has a name like my second favourite sweets, so he always makes me hungry
  4. Ashley hired me. For what, we cannot say. Why, we will not answer... but it is safest not to ask too many questions. Remember forum member "Sexmaster-K" ? No. No one does. And no one remembers what happened to him. As for the avatar, it's from "The Raccoons" a cartoon with one of the best soundtracks to a TV show of all time. I have almost all of the music on Mp3.
  5. I met someone who actually said "LOL" in ordinary conversation. I hate that phrase when I see it, but to actually HEAR it makes me... furious.
  6. I like his spangly avatar, also is Norwegian.
  7. I had EXACTLY the same problem when I bought it. So I got a classic controller the next day, still felt a bit cheated though.
  8. In the first year at University I basically did not get any sleep because of this one guy down the corridor who played his music from 2am to 5am. Then when I complained he would bang on my door early morning and run away. I broke his jaw for him. He didn't do it again.
  9. Possibly. Very possibly. One way or the other, I'm going to put them in my mouth, oh yes. I'm going to run around town on a market day, everyone will look at me and say "That's more powerful than Haggis' PC".
  10. I've got a big bag of crabs here, and it is more powerful than that PC.
  11. Basically it's asking if I can put a DVD on the hard disk, then make a DVD using the DVD image on the HDD on my Macbook.
  12. That's basically what I need to do so I can then create a DVD from the file, is that possible? Any programme that allows that would do.
  13. Thanks for the tip, any advice, Moria?
  14. So I would use MacTheRipper to make a DVD from an existing DVD of my latest "Home Movie" ?
  15. Best of luck getting through to the Service Centre. They have stopped answering the phone or replying to emails.
  16. Check the batteries in the remote is all I can say. Has anyone else tried to get to NoE customer services recently? The line is always engaged and I still need a replacement sensor bar.
  17. Does that seriously work? How does it improve the response of the Wiimote?
  18. Happy birthday, enjoy yourself whatever you are doing.
  19. Thank god I am not the only one! I am SO ANNOYED by this challenge! I don't even get hit! The remote stops responding after the second lot are cleared away! GRRRAAAARRRGGHHHH! *BITE*
  20. I wonder what Panda tastes like?
  21. Guh? I don't understand at all. But I like the way you talk.
  22. Hugs all round. My christmas miracle is that dad and I are speaking again.
  23. Wii Play for the extra remote and multiplayer minigames, and Zelda because it's Zelda, and I'd buy it if the disc was made of hardened camel faeces.
  24. I sold a plastic bag on eBay for a mighty £5 + £2.50 postage. Stupidest money I ever made.
  25. Looking forawrd to Wario Ware, it's out on my birthday! Buy-me-do!
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