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Everything posted by Dcubed

  1. It's so weird that we got Pinball R/S on the Wii U VC, but we didn't get the original Pokemon Pinball on 3DS! I could really do with it and all. My current GB cart is buggered and it keeps crapping out Guess I'm gonna have to hit up eBay...
  2. There's a mini GDQ happening right now for Twitchcon! https://gamesdonequick.com/schedule/24 https://www.twitch.tv/gamesdonequick Takes place over the weekend!
  3. I will never understand why they chose not to continue the TCG RPG series. It was hugely popular, the TCG itself has continued uninhibited ever since it started (meaning that cross promotion would still have been a big deal) and there's nothing else like it in Nintendo's library. There's also plenty of scope to expand the gameplay (hell, just the inclusion of the new cards alone would justify a new game!) Absolutely baffling that they chose to let it rot. It's not even like Hudson weren't available to work on these games! (Or indeed, their spiritual successor, NDCUBE). And while we did get e-Reader support with the physical TCG, the lack of an e-Reader or AR Card/Amiibo Card powered rendition of the TCG RPG series on GBA and 3DS is such a huge missed opportunity! Such a terrible shame that the only digital representation of the TCG we've seen since is that awful TCG Online garbage.
  4. Yeah, it's very much like the Ghouls N' Ghosts series in that regard. It has a very deliberate pace and flow to it that makes it immensely satisfying. Not a lot of action games really get that right and not many seem to understand that limitations in the player's moveset can be woven into making a game more satisfying to play. A game like Castlevania simply wouldn't be fun if you had the same fluidity of movement as in, say, Super Mario World.
  5. Scratch that, I’m not gonna make it guys...
  6. Oh yeah! Forgot to declare myself IN! for this week!
  7. Zen's new pinball physics system for the Williams/Bally tables looks pretty promising! That's the kind of dedication that I'm hoping to see here! I've never liked Zen Pinball's physics, much preferring something realistic; so I'm glad to see that they seem to be taking a different approach with these simulation tables!
  8. No worries, I’ll host! Friend code = 0401-9926-5412
  9. Hey guys! Jeremy Parish is doing a new subseries of videos on these SEGA AGES releases! And he’s getting new interview notes from staff at SEGA and M2! For fans of his Video Works and the SEGA 3D Classics interviews, this is a must watch!
  10. In keeping with the theme... https://gonintendo.com/stories/318885-recent-comments-by-stormy-daniels-mentioning-toad-caused-a-2-296 Right guys, come on, fess up. Which ones of you caused this...
  11. Switch is so awesome that it's gonna get TWO versions of Urban Champion, thanks to NES Online! (Three if you also download Famicom Online!)
  12. https://nintendoeverything.com/hamster-announces-next-set-of-neogeo-games-for-switch/ https://nintendoeverything.com/hamster-bringing-arcade-archives-donkey-kong-jr-urban-champion-and-more-to-switch/ 16 upcoming ACA games were announced! Pretty nice list of games really! (Except for Urban Champion, eff Urban Champion)
  13. So I finally unlocked Wario Kard and... Nintendo clearly read our forums here ... congrats @RedShell! Your name for Baby Face is now officially canon!
  14. Great choice! I remember them saying that they wanted to do Virtua Racing on 3DS, but weren't able to do it. I hope they go nuts and include the Virtua Formula version too, with 8 player multiplayer over local wireless/LAN and support for insane multi-screen single player setups using multiple Switches, Super Mario Party style! You know you want to M2!
  15. http://www.japanesenintendo.com/post/178337209654 The original Puzzle Bobble and Puzzle Bobble 2 are getting NeoGeo ACA releases on Switch!
  16. I’m shocked they closed it so quickly! It’s not often that they actually appease the Nintendo zealots on there Whatever, I’m sure there will be enough people on there complaining, especially after the SEGA AGES games get it right! Hopefully enough people from NOA/NOE get the message (I know they both read that forum!)
  17. https://www.sonicstadium.org/2018/09/sega-ages-sonic-the-hedgehog-coming-out-in-the-west-on-september-20th/ Looks like we’re getting Sonic and Thunderforce tomorrow!
  18. Can I just vent for a moment? Why THE FUCK can’t you just have a plain black background on the NES Online games!? How could they screw up such a basic thing!? Also, no suspend saves either! Restore Points only! This is the first time Nintendo have ever screwed up with these things!! How could they mess up so bad!? No button remapping sucks balls as well; yes I know that the NES Classic didn’t support it, but come on!! As things stand, this thing will not be my primary way of playing NES games. These things need to be fixed pronto!
  19. I can’t believe that the NES Online games don’t allow you to have a plain black background, that’s just horrific! Bless you M2 for having a bit of sense about you!
  20. Yup! Can confirm this works perfectly! Just download it with a JPN account and play it with your subscribed English account. Works perfectly!
  21. This is such a weird release. Why bother releasing this when they’ve got the SEGA AGES line just around the corner? I bet it’s a matter of the EU branch (who made the Steam/PS4/Xbone collection along with D3) not properly communicating with the Japanese side. Talk about cannibalising your own sales! At least we have a choice of quality or quantity now I suppose! Might be worth getting for the games that don’t get the SEGA AGES treatment.
  22. Bayonetta 3 is more likely to make it for 2019 than Metroid Prime 4 I reckon. (Truth be told, I don't think either of them are hitting until 2020 though). There will be plenty more still to come though (Pikmin 3 & 4 anyone?)
  23. More important than that @Sméagol... Downwell is coming to Switch this year!!!
  24. Dahym! That Switch Tax is expensive!
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