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Everything posted by Londragon

  1. On the Terms and Conditions, it does say that after you download one of the eight games you need to go into your Club Nintendo account and fill in the stars survey to complete the registration process. So, yes you have to do something, but not much.
  2. Nope, it doesn't matter when you registered the games. It's retro-active.
  3. Just finished reading the Terms and Conditions, and all that. Yeah downloaded games count, as long as they are one of the eight, but you do need to complete its registration for stars in your Club Nintendo account. Then all's good to go. They will also send you the free download code via email. Got Luigi's ATM, but will get Donkey Schlong: Return of the Schlong, and am umming and arring about whether I should pick up MH3 or FE:A??? Animal Crossing will be my freebie.
  4. I know a lot of people hate the idea of mini game collections, but the DS version was so much fun with 2 DS's together. Looking forward to this.
  5. Thanks @Cube I fiddled around a bit on the GAME online store and yes I can 100% confirm that they will send the download code to the email account of your choosing, brilliant, this will save me a few quid. Bring it on other stores please and let's get some pricing competition going!
  6. So, if I buy a download code, do they post me a card with the number on it, or email me the code? This could save me a few quid as I only download for the 3DS now.
  7. No voice chat in luigi's, but I'll be up for online. Depends on when you want it. Keep me in mind.
  8. Who's working on the Yoshi Yarn game for the WiiU? Is that HAL?
  9. This is brilliant news, and a wonderful sing-a-long to finish off, another country making the right choices for equality.
  10. I want both MM and a newbie, 10 minutes to go people. Anybody joining in on the Chat room?
  11. I was on there last night for 10 minutes in anticipation of the upcoming Nintendo Direct. Then , realised that it was Tuesday 16th not the actual ND date of 17th. Dumb ass me.
  12. Next week for the Wii U update then, so many spoilers before this one even starts, anything left to announce apart from dates?
  13. True, but when is it coming? The update to Letterbox is coming...hmmmm.
  14. Ever since I started listening to a podcast from BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service entitled 'More or Less' presented by Tim Harford I ignore all these so called 'statistics'. This particular one was debunked for precisely the reasons that @Cube stated; that crime is labelled and recorded completely differently in different countries, and therefore is impossible to cross reference and compare each other. Enlighten yourself, open your mind and understand statistics, where they come from and how they are manipulated by all of the government parties, private companies, NGO's, etc., download this weekly and listen; http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/moreorless The last episode has a fascinating insight into the fourth anniversary of the earthquake which devastated the city of L’Aquila in Italy and which led to the conviction of six scientists and an official who failed to predict the disaster. Good listening.
  15. Haven't received the Fire Emblem one???
  16. Haven't noticed any changes in games, but my 3DS now boots up noticeably quicker. My 3DS was a bit sluggish off the start, not anymore.
  17. I was prompted for Colours 3D, and the Letterbox update isn't rolling in the EU yet. But, some of the Ambassador stuff isn't for sale in the eShop, so I suppose that's why it doesn't prompt for it. Even though it should, I would have never had known to check if it wasn't for @Dcubed's enlightenment.
  18. Added you, my FC on the left <-------
  19. It really is amazing Phube. From soaring through the city on a timed run to answer a phone, fighting 15 thugs at a time (and when you get the combat) and being in control even though some have weapons, guns, shields, etc., to stealth take-downs in numerous different manners, and 'dungeons' (interiors of buildings) with their boss fights. Plus the sheer amount of side-quests that I just can't say no too. A truly Zelda meets Metroid game, with Batman as the main protagonist. I've settled into this recently and can't put it down, MH3U is on hold for the time being until this is finished.
  20. True, picked this up at launch, and am still playing it to this day, and, also, am very far off of completing the Campaign mode, unlocking all the Tanks, etc. Awesome buy!
  21. The second demo has been dated as coming in Late April; http://wiiublog.com/exclusive-wii-u-rayman-legends-demo-coming-late-april/
  22. Yeah, 20 minutes ago, and this survey does not work still.
  23. Don't forget Zen Pinball 2, free to download 50 points thanks. And all those free ones on the 3DS like Kid Icarus. Up to 8500 points now and don't know what to get?
  24. Expected a bit more from the 2nd episode, but it seems to me to be a bit of the same as the first. Hi remember me from Season 2, here's my character development and story trajectory for this Season. Hey, what about me, remember me, too, I'm going to be doing this during the next 8 shows. Woo Hoo, it's me look what I'm about... Suppose there are a hell of a lot stories/characters to work through though.
  25. Finally, did the first Moga Village request, fixing the Base Camp by earning resources. Killed 10 Jaggi's with a bow, long range and close A swipes. Good fun. Spent about 2 hours collecting mushrooms, honey, Jaggi's, buying herbs, messing around with HUD on the GamePad. I like to see my Health and Stamina bars on the main screen, but everything else on the Gamepad. Then, found out how to combine items to make potions, etc. Got my first BBQ on the go, burnt the meat, after 3 go's I got a Well-done steak!!, but no more since, all rare. Wow, this game is good, but after 2 hours this morning, I have literally done fuck all. This game might well last me until the next generation. Still a bit too scared to go online yet. No armour or weapon upgrades yet, so I'll do a few more of those Village quests first. Next, I'm off to fetch some iron ore, to forge new weapons. Does you pouch get bigger in this game? Already I walk around and have to choose what to swap in and out of it.
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